Friday, November 16, 2012

why the states must secede to save America, Secession Proponents Do Not want civil war and no they cannot be stripped of their firearms and more Radio Host Alex Jones called for a second American Revolution today on his show that would secede from the federal government and reconstitute the Republic under the Declaration of Independence, bill of rights and constitution(article provides transcript of his speech)

The call for this to restore the Republic of America and the bill of rights comes on the back of a growing secessionist movement that has swept across the country with residents of all 50 states submitting petitions to withdraw from the Union and form their own independent governments. The petition signatures have reached over a million.

During Mr. Jones' broadcast, he laid out the battle plan for this by emphasizing that the states have to first secede from the federal government who have gone completely out of control and then use the terms of the Declaration of Independence to restore the Republic not form a new country.

He also called for cultural restoration in the spirit of the bill of rights- a newly unified America under the Constitution- and not a violent overthrow noting that it was the States who created the Constitution and the federal government in the first place.

The US federal government as we all know has been highjacked by the mega-corporations, foreign and domestic banks and the families that control them through FRAUD!!! and I am glad the people are starting to rise up in this way.. it is encouraging to see.. Several detractors have claimed that American citizens who have signed petitions in favor of secession are advocating a civil war and can be stripped of their right to bear arms. These people clearly have no concept of what secession is and I think it is appalling and even the London Guardian's Diane Roberts had the nerve to say that secessionists want to re-enact the American Civil war

It is clear this is not what this movement is about: IT IS ABOUT RESTORING THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC using the TERMS of the Declaration of Independence and restore this once great nation before it was highjacked by the globalist banking cartel..

I think here in Canada we should take their example by restoring our Constitution act of 1867 and our Charter of Rights and Freedoms by getting out of the thumb of the same people who have highjacked us as well and taking it our country back from these criminals. Now I am not saying that the provinces should separate from the Confederation of Canada but use Our Constitution act of 1867 and charter of rights and freedoms to restore this country