Thursday, July 21, 2011

Prof. Fred Singer on Climate Change - CFACT (3 of 5)

 this is a great presentation by one of the founding members of the US satellite program, Dr. Fred Singer and he is also a professor at the University of Virginia.. enjoy

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

think Sierra club is innocent?? think again

They are nothing more than a bunch of rogue criminals, one was arrested for assaulting a cop(misread that part sorry) and even a former member was caught torching a Michigan state University LAB!!!! in the name of saving animals!!, con artists and  eco-terrorists  here is an article I found thanks to great site, exposes the fraud of AGW and the demonization of CO2 for the hidden agenda of the eco-facists left wing marxists)  it is quite something how anti-technology and anti-industry they are and the article also mentions how in 2000 and 2003 ranchers in the Mojave Preserve were kicked out because they sued even though the ranchers in the area OWNED THE GRAZING RIGHTS OF THE PRESERVE!!!!!! they used the endangered species act as excuse to protect a certain species of TURTLES!!!!!!!!!

To David Phillips and the rest of you hysterics

Blaming the storms in Ottawa(which my heart goes out to all who were affected) to due to "man made climate change"when in fact Extreme weather is not increasing and has decreased by 35% in the US alone so really.. last time I checked you need 2 things: cold air colliding with warm air and thus you get thunderstorms and these types of events in the SUMMER!!!! 

Stop terrorizing the public, we know it is A SCAM!!!! so for god's sake, I have had enough with your hysterical religion and terror...

Climate Change is natural and is DUE TO THE SUN AND THE ECCENTRICITIES OF THE EARTH's ORBIT and NOT CO2!!!!

CO2 LAGS BEHIND TEMPERATURE  usually after 800 years (due to the oceans mainly) not the other way around like you oligarch's claim. 

I will continue to expose you con artists as long as you continue your hysterics over a life giving gas CO2 which you all claim is devil poison that will wipe all life out unless we bow down to your Gaia worship so you can exercise your control freak regulations  and eugenics program through Agenda 21 so you can put us under a control grid and take our homes away from us and put us in prison camps or "human settlements" and enslave us all

If all environmentalism was about cleaning the air from REAL pollution like smog, cleaning the waters from REAL TOXINS and recycling I could live with that but what I will not be had on is the DEMONIZATION of a life giving natural element CO2 that has been around since the birth of Earth  being sold as a toxic gas... 


Friday, July 15, 2011

Rant: Al Gore and the rest of the hypocrites

AL Gore has to be one of the greatest con artists ever. HE claimed in testimony to congress that he was not in Bed with Enron's CEO Ken Lay and he and his cronies like James Hansen from NASA  have railed against coal and oil industry.. 

Guess what: THEY WERE BOTH IN BED WITH ENRON!!!! Hansen was hired by Enron to continue this Ponzi Scheme by creating the excuse to "go green and support solar and wind power" meanwhile they were gonna cash in on it all with the "cap and trade system" really disguised as a tax.. 

I laugh now when I hear them in speeches railing against the "evil" oil and coal companies because they are so in bed with them and it is funny(ironic) when they bitched at people who spoke out calling it a fraud and said they were in bed with the "evil" oil companies.

.. AL Gore and James Hansen and the rest of the bleeding heart eco-facists left marxists have to be the greatest bunch of bullshit con artists I have ever seen and the biggest bunch of god damn hypocrites ever

for them to  say that a life giving natural gas CO2 is a pollutant is a slap in the face to science and all reality... all this so they can tax and control all of us... 

AL Gore, James Cameron, Robert Redford, James Hansen, Leonardo DiCaprio all supporters of this hoax: YOU ARE ALL  HYPOCRITES, CON ARTISTS AND MOST OF ALL CHEATS!!!! Shame on you for blackmailing, cheating, terrorizing the public including children with your pseudo-science and using animals like polar bears and penguins as EXCUSES to do this.

This has to be one of the greatest fake crisis scams I have ever bore witness too... 


Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura: "9/11" (FULL LENGTH)

 this the first episode he did on 9/11, this deals with the towers mainly.. how they claimed there were no black boxes recovered yet according to an eye witness that saw them with his own two eyes. Also talks about how they found super thermite in the dust samples... did the towers come down via controlled explosion and they used planes to cover it up??? why were the jet liners not brought down??? interesting eh?? enjoy both episodes that I posted... you might rethink what really happened that day after you see this.. and read 63 documents 9/11 section where there were warnings from the FBI and other agencies , proof the government knew about it and either had a hand in it or let it happen...  

Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura "9-11 PENTAGON" EPISODE Full lengt...

 something a little different, the 9/11 attack on the penatgon.. you might find this interesting.. given everything I have read in the 63 documents book... I think we need a new independent investigation because there are so many holes in the official story... and the fact that they said they could not account for 2.3 trillion dollars??? I think 9/11 was an excuse to hide the insider trading that was going(like I have talked about) and was an excuse to go to Iraq for oil

Part 5: one of the reasons I am doing this and Agenda 21

The reason I started covering this issue as in depth as I have is because of the continued chicken little hysteria I keep encountering and I am damn tired of it. I get so annoyed when I hear of CO2 being a pollutant, we breathe CO2, it is what living things need to survive, it helps the crops we grow for food so we can feed the hungry. 

This is really about Agenda 21 from the Rio Summit in 1992, which is the UN document as part of their "Environment" program that was Started by Maurice Strong.. This document is really about control.. They want to put us into human settlements by packing and stacking us into condo like buildings.. if you seen the map(you can find it on google just type in agenda 21 map) you will see a whole bunch of red areas, those areas are where humans are NOT allowed to go even if you live there.. the yellow areas indicate where we are allowed to go(mind you it is a map of the US but it will be implemented all over the World including here in canada) because they want to return the land back to Nature and we would be assigned jobs of their choosing (you don't get a say in it).. 

This really is a prison green state, where we will be controlled on:what we can eat, what we can drive, where we can live, what we can drink etc.. all over a scam on CO2 being a devil gas so they can have the excuse to carry this out by blackmailing the entire world.. 

Unless we stop them, this will happen and it will not be pretty. I don't want to terrify you at all I am just letting you know their plans and that there is hope.. the fact more people are waking up to this hoax is just the beginning and the fact many scientists are speaking out against this hoax and unfair vilification of CO2 is a positive sign that this whole sham will collapse eventually. I didn't say stopping them would be easy, it will take a lot of effort and time but it will be well worth it in the grand scheme of things. 

Take care, if you want to take that vacation you have been dreaming of, do it, if you want to enjoy a beer or a glass of wine on your deck(if you drink booze), do it, if you have kids, enjoy them and watching them grow up and don't be afraid of these crooks, I am not even though I am aware of their sick agenda. Their time will come when they have to pay for their crimes against humanity and trust me I wouldn't mind seeing that at all.. 


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

part 4: Population control part 2 and the religion of these people

According them and their dangerous religion, They think Nature is the lord and saviour and that humanity is a blight that must be exterminated. If you read the club of rome documents that I found on They claim that GAIA is an actually breathing organism(I know, crazy right but again these are elite rich people who believe in this crap) 

I will quote James Lovelock(a gaia worshipper and can't believe he worked for NASA): "just the human body uses a fever to fight infection, Gaia is raising her temperature to expel a harmful parasite-human beings" They think Christianity as a faith is deplorable(mind you I am a catholic but I don't practice mainly because of ideological differences and I don't agree with the church on a lot of things) because "it sets humans apart from nature and stripped of its sacred qualities" meaning they want us to not have our own religious beliefs rooted in Christianity and that we must bow down to their Religion of worshipping Nature as God and the  Earth known to them as GAIA  as  our saviour. This is an example of what a cult is except rooted in Enivronmental Movement.

So they basically came up with the plot that Carbon Dioxide was killing their Mother Gaia so they could exercise their control over humanity with their bogus carbon taxes. According to them, if you have sinned because you use carbon based products to drive and eat, you have to buy credits(see cap and trade and the carbon tax section)

And came up with bogus population fear tactics which are not true(great videos on youtube that explain all this called Overpopulation Myth) but again they had to create the bogus fear of the Enivronment going to hell and using a life giving gas Carbon Dioxide as a weapon and calling it a pollutant was the greatest hoax ever. Again this was a front so they could have full marxist control over you and me.. 


Part 3: cap and trade and carbon tax.. all the same

"The Cap and Trade system": 

under this from what I understand, companie like say an oil company could use "carbon" credits and trade them with other companies and pay as they "pollute" so these credits are almost like having "permission" slips to "pollute" "CO2"

and say they are "carbon neutral"

Carbon Tax:

well this would tax gas, natural gas and sources of energy that produce "carbon dioxide" pollution
and basically you would have to by "carbon" offsets if you use anything that requires CO2 energy

but this is ALL A SCAM:

Carbon Dioxide as I have said many time is NOT A TOXIC POLLUTANT, these 2 systems are basically tax systems designed to control every aspect of our lives. CO2 is what the plants breathe and helps crops grow and transports these things like medicine and thus we have had the benefits of having better qualities of life than our ancestors. But due to the anti-capitalist, marxist regimes of the Eco-Evangelical high priests, this is designed to ship our cheap sources of energy over seas and thus job losses would be not good for the economy. They will have control over the foods we can eat like I have mentioned, they will have control over the lightbulbs we can use, control over the cars we can drive and etc...

and they want to shove unreliable Solar and Wind down our throats(which they are already doing here in Ontario) and it is expensive and our bills will double

instead of allowing things like natural gas and using coal and oil which we have the technological innovation to burn it clean but they think it is evil,

They are about to pass this type of horrendous legislation not only In Australia but in the province of Quebec over a mythical crisis...

The demonization of life giving  CO2 has gone to far and it must stop before the elite and other shadow groups are giving free reign over humanity and all life and that is not right at all.. It is against our charter of rights and freedoms section 2 of Canada and the first amendment of the US constitution bill of Rights. 

This has to be one of the greatest conspiracies/hoaxes/scams ever brought on to a public. As long as their fraud continues, I will write this blog.


Monday, July 11, 2011

Part 2: Green Brainwashing

 To guilt you, they had to brainwash you into thinking driving your car was killing Mother Gaia and to trick your children into thinking the polar bears and penguins  were gonna die, they had to trick you into believing the coasts were gonna flood from rapidly melting ice caps. Their goal was for their plan not to be exposed so anyone who spoke out against it were told to shut up and made all kinds of threats against them. They cooked the IPCC reports to further push their agenda.. They created the hockey stick graph which we found out later was a fraud again to use that as a weapon to terrify the public.. They claimed that the 20th century was the warmest but thanks to Steve McIntyre and Dr. Ross McKittrick we found out they got rid of the Medieval Warm Period and the Little Ice Age. Thanks to Climategate, we found out just how they manipulated their data so they could get more of our tax dollars to continue the fraud and to terrorize the public. Still they try and hold on to their religion because they know we know the real truth and are trying to cover their arses when they should be in jail for their criminal acts.

They used mainstream media to promote their chicken little hysteria to also brainwash the public and use deplorable claims to do it like blaming CO2 for extreme weather and anything else they could think of.. again to keep people clueless so they could sneak their agenda under the radar without question and have control over every aspect of our lives..

Quite sickening eh???


Part 1: Population Control

The elites had to come up with a plan to disguise their real eugenics program after all their failed attempts and the exposure they got after WW2 with the genocide that happened under Nazi Rule so they simply changed the name under planned parenthood in the US, the Galton Institute in the UK as a couple of examples and Holdren and Erlich's population control books that promoted this but relied on myths that the population was overcrowded(which it is not, it is just fine). So they came up with the preposterous claim that CO2, one of the 4 elements of life that you need, was a devil poison that was gonna bake the earth, melt the ice caps and so forth. 

IT is no coincidence that Earth Day falls on Lenin's birthday. They started this so they could Exert their anti-capitalist, marxist agenda but again had to create the plot first. All the groups I have mentioned like Club of Rome are really a religious cult of elitists who think Nature is god and that humanity is a CANCER upon Mother Gaia hence the genocide they so openly promote. 

They hate science with a passion. When anyone like I have has tried to tell people that climate change is natural and that CO2 is not a pollutant.. we get raked over the coals nine ways to sunday. I blame mainstream media for this as they are controlled by the elite so they can brainwash people with their religion so it will be easier for them to exercise their control grid that they want to impose on us all.

They promote one child policies. They will do this like how Communist China did it by taxing the number of children people had and if they were not compliant they got sent to jail and then have forced abortions(regardless of where you stand on that, you have to admit that is disgusting and against human rights). I remember watching a clip of Ted Turner on Charlie Rose stating one child policies. They think children are "carbon" monsters so hence the implementation of this horrific piece of nonsense.

I will end this here.This is the 1st of a 5 part series... so stay tuned... 


Saturday, July 9, 2011

Open Letter to the Eco-Facists left marxists

You thought you had it made, you convinced the public that the Earth due to devil poison CO2 was gonna bake the planet into an oven by causing droughts, sea levels to rise, polar bears dying, ice caps were gonna melt and all of humanity was gonna die unless we took drastic action. but here is the deal:

1. CO2 is NOT A  DEVIL POLLUTANT BUT a life giving trace gas.. it helps the plants grow and thus more food for all life including the animals that depend on plants to eat as well as Mankind. Along with water, sunlight and oxygen.. these 4 natural elements are why life on Earth exists.It comes in at 0.037% and our production of it is at a paltry 0.28%!! 

2. The polar bears are thriving in fact their numbers have increased by 25,000 and even in periods of warmer temperatures in the past, they did just fine and they are the best land swimmers, and they swim because they want TO!

3. The Ice Caps are expanding.. in fact they had record increases over the last couple years. Even Greenland in the last 9,000 of the last 10,000 years was MUCH WARMER than NOW!!! and it is still here because the Ice sheets expand and contract on their own damn accord.

4. You tried to tell us it was not warmer in the past and that the 20th century was the warmest well I got news for ya: IT WAS MUCH warmer in the past ie Medieval Warm Period than now. In fact when it was Warmer, they could grow grapes as far as the Yorkshire in Britain where they would export wine and The Vikings led by Erik The Red could develop farm land on Greenland. But thanks to that bogus hockey stick graph you shoved down our throats to terrify us but thanks to 2 canadians it was EXPOSED AS A HOAX!!! 

5. The Earth Warms up and cools NATURALLY, not from SUVs!!!! in fact other planets do the same thing!! 

6. The Main Driver of this is the that big fireball in the sky known as the SUN!!!! you see when the Sun has more sunspots(which are magnetic fields), the solar winds increase and knock out cosmic rays from deep space thus warmer temperatures BUT when the Sun is not active like it has been since 1998 due to no visible sunspots, the cosmic rays from deep space hit the WATER VAPOR(most common greenhouse gas at 96.5%!!) and it forms clouds which in turn send all the heat from the sun back into space and you get cooler temperatures. In fact the Earth is in a cooling phase due to this process.

7. You tried to say that when CO2 increases it causes the temperatures to go up well the Ice core records tell a different story.. CO2 is CAUSED by TEMPERATURE CHANGES not the other way around.

8. You tell us biofuels are the way to go but this is not good for ANYONE what you are causing is food shortages and causing OUR food prices to go up now those who are poor in our world this is a matter of life and death and is causing food riots in some of the poorer nations like Haiti. This is GENOCIDE at its finest!! 

9. You woefully demonize coal. IN fact we have the innovation to burn it cleanly by taking most of the fly ash and harmful other substances in it like Sulphur into non-harmful Water vapor and it is cheap. You also demonize NATURAL GAS because you want us to use so called "renewable" ineffective SOLAR and WIND POWER which is so damn expensive.. You are all doing it to SCAM US

10. You want to impose CAP AND TRADE/CARBON TAX legislation to reduce "CO2" emissions. This legislation IS A SCAM!!! really disguised to control every aspect of our lives, by putting us under the regulatory control of a world bank. You want to impose mandatory home inspections and if we are not "compliant" we are on the hook for it and if we can't pay you just ship us off to jail and kick us out of our homes.You want to put taxes on FOOD like beef, chicken, pork, fish. You will put taxes on laundry, trash pick up, water, steel production to name a few examples of your SCAM!!!

11. You want to redistribute the wealth and ship our JOBS to CHINA and INDIA, and leave the west sinking to its knees. your so called "green" jobs will cost our real good jobs and cause the loss of millions of jobs not just in the US but in CANADA TOO!!! 

12. You guys are anti-industry, you are anti-humanity, you are anti-life! you hate us for whatever  sick reason you felt the need to go after INNOCENT PEOPLE. WHY??? Were you that bored that you had to look at the middle class and poor like scums of the earth that need to be eradicated?

Lastly, you could GIVE A DAMN LESS that you are VIOLATING HUMAN RIGHTS!!!! you are violating the First Amendment of the US Bill of rights and the 2 article of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of Canada!! because we have the freedom to not have your petty religion government enforced control shoved down our throats but you don't care about that at all. 

All you want is taxation, CONTROL THE POPULATION and POWER!!!!



Thursday, July 7, 2011

The View From Galileo's Window: The Sun, The CO2 Monster, and Earth's Cl...

 great presentation By Dr. Willie Soon who debunks the hoax that CO2 is a pollutant and that CO2 is a product of temperature and how THE SUN plays the main role in climate.. Enjoy

Proof that CO2 Global Warming is a Scam.wmv

 here is the video that explains what I was talking about... what a complete joke.. trying to say Earth would become like venus' atmosphere... good lord

Why man made Global Warming became a hoax

Well it all starts with Earth's sister planet Venus!!! yes according to the alarmists if we kept increasing CO2 here on Earth it would bake like Venus does but that is simply NOT TRUE! here is why:

Lets Start with Venus:
Venus' atmosphere is 96% CO2 and has other trace gases like nitrogen etc...
Venus has NO magentic field thus that is why it is SO HOT at 461 celsius because it takes the brunt of the SUN's radiation
Venus's surface is full of Volcanoes and full of volcanic explosions
Venus's atmosphere is 92 times more thicker than Earth's
Venus is Closer to the sun(see my second point) about 108 million miles away

Now Earth:
Earth's Main greenhouse gas is Water Vapor at 96% with trace gases like CO2(at o.o37% compare that with VENUS, DAMN MINISCULE) 0.91% of argon
Earth's atmosphere is made up of 78% nitrogen,21% oxygen basically
Earth's Surface is comprised of CONTINENTS,OCEANS and about 200 active volcanoes but the only difference is that Venus does not have tectonic plates where as Earth Does hence why Earth gets earthquakes and Venus does NOT!

Lets' pretend Earth and Venus have the same atmosphere, Earth is still farther away from the Sun hence it only gets 52% of the solar radiation 

But we know that the only similarity to Earth and Venus is They are almost similar in size and that is about it

and even if we tried to make Earth's atmosphere  like Venus, we could not do it as it is scientifically IMPOSSIBLE because THEIR SURFACES ARE NOT THE SAME!!!!!!! 

All this is for the Elite and the Eco-Evangelists was to terrify the public so they could shove bogus taxes down our throats using VENUS ATMOSPHERE  as an EXCUSE  to do it when we know damn well that it is not the case.. 

All so they can control our lives here on Earth under a one world government over a stupid myth that CO2 on earth was gonna bake the planet like Venus when it is simply not true...

Stay Classy

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

my review of climate of corruption by Larry Bell

God what a read... It is well researched and he cuts through all the eco-evangelists who preach the Anthropogenic Global Warming/Climate Change gospel. How they demonized a life giving gas in CO2 into making people believe it was killing the Earth by melting the ice caps and causing more extreme weather events, killing the polar bears and the penguins all over nonsense.

He also talks about the biofuels ethanol scam how this is really hurting the environment because they are using extra land to grow the corn they use for this and is causing erosion due to over tilling of the soil and it wastes so much water that compared to lets say coal or oil production.. we are better off using coal(which can be cleaned of the sulphur and fly ash thanks to innovation and can be broken down to burn cleanly), natural gas or even Nuclear(which despite media and environmental claims given the disasters of Cherynoble and other nuclear disasters which were mainly caused by geopolitical,national and regional nonsense that caused the safety standards to go to hell basically)  and how the biofuels scam is causing food shortages and causing food riots in the poorer parts of the world and CAUSING food prices to go up!!! basically confirmed what I have been saying all along.

HE dispels the myth that polar bears are dying because of CO2 melting the ice.. in fact polar bears are thriving and experiencing decent stable populations and the penguins are doing just fine as well but they had to blackmail children into thinking that CO2 was killing them and making them feel guilty over complete garbage.

He explains the malaria increase myth due to global warming when in the past malaria outbreaks occurred in parts of Europe,Canada,US and even in the 1920's in Russia as far as Siberia but eventually got reduced and is non existent here because of DDT spraying but we all know what happened to parts of Africa when DDT was banned by Rachel Carson and her cronies.. Malaria rates went up and millions of people including children died as result of her bullshit. She left a legacy of genocide despite Al Gore's praise of this woman... 

He also explains how CLIMATE CHANGE IS NATURAL due to Solar Activity/Astronomical influences like the earth's orbit eccentricities, Cosmic Rays from exploding stars, Ocean cycles in the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans and the El Nino and La Nina cycles that happen as well. He explains it beautifully well...

He explains the Carbon/Cap and trade scam how Enron was a player in it and how banks like JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs are a part of this fraud and how it is just about controlling energy not saving the world from life giving CO2.. and explains the fraud that was Kyoto as well as the other treaties being shoved down our throats.. and explains how this movement is a religious and political ideology as well.. 

I don't want to give too much away but if you are as fed up as I am over the unfair demonization of CO2, I highly recommend this book.. it is welcome breath of fresh air.. so the next time your liberal leftists socialist friends call you a "conspiracy theorist", a "denier", slam your intelligence(like they did to me on a forum) just show them this book and that should put them in their place hopefully... and he has a list at the back of the book if you want to check out some of the great information he found as well. Like I said, it is well researched and the book also provides a little humor as I found myself laughing a couple times

Stay Classy


Think Eco-groups are innnocent: here is proof that they are in bed with oil companies such as BP 

what a bunch of hypocrites.. they tell us not to trust the 31,000 scientists that called anthropegenic global warming as a scientific fraud meanwhile these so called Eco-groups like the Nature Conservancy and the Sierra Club are all in bed with the OIL COMPANIES and the article also points out how "Earth Day" last year had a lot of corporate sponsors such as AT&T, Wells Fargo, Procter and Gamble and etc.. supporting the climate change hoax 

Proves all they are are a bunch of eco-left,con artist hypocrites... 

Monday, July 4, 2011

how the "religion" of human caused global warming violates our rights

I did a google search on both the American Constitution and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms of my country Canada. Before I get to that I want to lay down the groundwork and the mindset of these people:

1. These environmental evangelists are anti-capitalist,they hate science and they most of all have an unhealthy obsession with nature and that industry is evil and must be eradicated.

2.They make bogus claims that CO2 is gonna kill us all and we must change our ways to prevent CO2 from taking all life down. 

3.They say we are running out of oil.. and hence the push for wind and solar energy that they shove down our throats

4. They say the climate is "fragile"thus we must employ drastic measures to stop it

5. They claim that the population must be reduced to save Mother Gaia so they resort to communist socialist regimes that call for taxes on children. If you remember when China first adopted these policies, it was a tax and then led to forced abortions and most of the victims were female babies because they have a disdain for women and children.

these are just a few of them (I have more posted on other blogs if you want to more information)

all these things I mentioned are all untrue:

1.Peak Oil is a scam.. they create problem by saying there is not enough so this gives them the excuse to drive OUR GAS prices up and have control over our lives. In fact if I  googled Peak Oil Conspiracy, I found  a great article called the Myth of peak oil thanks to is the sister site to and it explains the whole agenda of these people and they give examples of how oil companies and government said there was no oil in certain areas when in fact according to a memo they acquired  from Chevron that stated and I quote: "a senior energy analyst at the recent API convention warned that if the US petroleum doesn't reduce its refining capacity it will never see any substantial increase in refinery margins" this did not come from environmental organizations but from the oil companies themselves so they can take more of your hard earned money and the Eugene Island in mexico is producing oil and it keeps refilling itself so the whole theory of peak oil is a scam so they have control over our resources so they can shove expensive and infective sources of energy like Wind and Solar 

here is the link:http://

2. CO2 is one of the 4 elements of  life(water,oxygen and sunlight are the other ones), it is what helps plants grow and life to thrive. Without it, life ceases to exist.It makes our planet green and beautiful. For example my mum's plants in her garden would not be growing if not for CO2.

3. 96.5% of all the greenhouse gases come from the oceans, naturally

4. We can produce reliable cheap energy despite their claims and the stuff we are using now we have the technology to burn it clean. For example, coal, before they burn it, coal goes through a process to get rid of REAL pollution and they use steam turbines when they burn so what you see coming out of the stacks is water vapour. But again it is all about controlling these cheap sources of energy.

5. The climate is not fragile. The climate goes through cycles and has throughout history for example the Medieval Warm Period, it was much warmer than it is now and it allowed people in greenland to develop and even wine to be exported because of grapes that were able to be grown as far as Britain. And there are times when it has been much cooler as well like with the little ice age. The point is the planet warms and cools NATURALLY and this is due to SOLAR ACTIVITY and natural variations in the Oceans, and the cycles of LA Nina and EL Nino.

6. Right now the Earth is cooling and again that has to due with the fact the Sun is at a quiet phase meaning it does not have any visible sunspots. but any warming is due to when the Sun is more active and you also have to factor in the Seasonal changes with the Sun as well and the earth's position, the axis of the Earth with those seasonal cycles.

7. The population of Earth is just fine.. they only did it to terrify you so they could have control over your life. But don't worry the fact they are so upfront about it and arrogant about their plans tells me their plans to control population  over the myth of over population(as noted by Erlich and Holdren back in the 1970's in their eugenics genocidal promotion books The population bomb and Eco Science) 
is just a load of nothing just fear tactics at their finest. 
How this violates our rights:

"Amendment 1: Freedom of Religion, press, Expression:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press or the right of the people to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances"

Now our rights and freedoms Of Canada(my home country and proud to be from it)  we have a section called Fundamental Freedoms I will quote all of it:

"2. Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms:
A)freedom of conscience and religion
B)freedom of thought,belief,opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media communication
C) freedom of peaceful assembly and
D)Freedom of Association"

The fact that AGW/CC/GHG is a religion that Governments in both countries thanks to the Leftist socialist bastards(even here in Ontario, the province I was born and currently live in, our liberals have done nothing but makes bleed by shoving stupid taxes down our throats on heat and energy with the HST and the fact that our premier tried to shove an "eco-tax" down our throats as well but that was exposed thankfully and the fact their wind farms are gonna cost us an extra 310 dollars on our hydro bills but they could care less) and NGO's(non-government organizations like Greenpeace, Sierra Club) want to enforce on us is a clear violation of the US constitution first amendment and violates the Canadian Charters article 2 on Fundamental freedoms subsections A-D!!!  the only way we will stop them if we continue to expose the fraud of AGW and the fraud the CO2 is a pollutant. So as long as this scam continues I will continue to expose them for the con artists that they are.
