Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Communists In California ban meat and cheese on school menus to fight the man made global warming/man made climate change fraud The Nanny State strikes again in California this time banning meat and cheese on school menus to battle the man made climate change fraud and instead are offering tofu and other things instead and if you so care this will do nothing to reduce carbon emissions but again CO2 is life not pollution like the Eco-fascists have conned people into believing so they can push their real agenda of eugenics, power and control and even control what we are allowed to eat and not eat  and the fact they are doing this to kids really shows how desperate they are to hold on to their dying fraud that is falling apart by the day and the article also highlights how they are mixing mushrooms into burger mix but here is the kicker using old dairy cows and not to mention the price of this stuff is 9.99 dollars American as if low income schools could afford that but this does not matter to the food eco-fascist nanny state bureaucrats who only benefit from such policies like this and instead the people suffer

Monday, February 20, 2017

Eugenicists Bill and Melinda Gates slam Trump's order to stop taxpayer money from funding International Planned Parenthood

Bill and Melinda Gates slammed Trump for stopping taxpayer money from funding abortions overseas through defunding International Planned Parenthood and etc.. They claim there will be no money to pay for dangerous concraceptives that are used to push on vulnerable poor women in the third world and forced abortions in places like China and the Gates have funded pro-abortion groups despite not saying otherwise including Planned Parenthood and Marie Snopes International and they hold the backwards Malthusian belief that less people will get the third world out of poverty which is complete bullshit it is cheap reliable energy that will uplift the poor not forced sterilizations, sex selective abortions forced abortions which violate human rights so really they are just out of touch elites who are just bitching because the American people will no longer fund the genocide of babies overseas with taxpayer money

Thursday, February 16, 2017

France passes Stalinist fascist law that puts pro-life website operators in prison for 2 years simply for defending the human rights of the unborn

France passed a bill censoring pro-life websites because they want to censor those who know that pre-born babies have rights just like the born and want to defend the right to life. This is fascist on so many levels and an assault on free speech which it seems the Socialist Marxists running France seem hell bent on not protecting. Les Republicans party, the conservatives in France, have rightfully called this government censorship and want it challenged in the courts now this comes off the French government banning videos of humanizing people with Down's syndrome that are unfortunately are aborted 90% of the time and 220,000 babies are killed every year in France which is disgusting. I find it horrifying that a country where I have some my ancestorial ties to (on my mum's side of the family)does this to to the unborn and wants to censor and jail  those who want to defend the human rights of unborn children is just beyond words sickening.

Mass arrests in child sex abuse and human trafficking In this report from press for truth Dan Dicks breaks down the massive arrests of child rapists and human traffickers over the last three weeks including a bust in Quebec and how this could expose also the higher up elitists who are part of this horrendous vicious crimes and even Jerry Sandusky's son, the coach from a couple years ago who was busted raping children, is also being charged for child sex crimes like father like son both pieces of human garbage and I am glad to see these sociopathic monsters being brought down for the satanic evil that they are. I hope these arrests continue and that the higher up elite scum behind these child and human trafficking rings are also brought down too

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

General Flynn forced to resign thanks to deep state actors and neocons over fake Russian election garbage

General Michael Flynn was forced to resign over because he had met with some Russian official back in December and we know how the MSM promoted the fake Russian hacking the election story for the reason war hawk and criminal Hillary lost but in reality it is because the military industrial complex the neocons and new-liberal whack a doos needed an excuse to try and undermine President Trump. Flynn was merely doing his job as a National Security adviser but that didn't matter in the long run and they claim he violated the Logan act which prohibits politicians from meeting with foreign powers in secret but funny how establishment politicians were never criticized for violating it while attending the secretive bilderberg conferences and the corrupt MSM never said a word and the article by Mr Paul Joesph Watson goes on to explain how these same globalist scum who gave the world all the illegal wars, the funding and arming of terrorists and all of this are so desperate to hold on to power that they are willing to do anything including forcing Flynn to resign because they are so backed in to a corner thanks to Trump winning the election and by purging the good people who wanted to push Trump's agenda we basically get the same corrupt people back in thus the swamp is being refilled and the other factor is the deep state lunatics in the CIA and NSA who were pissed that their puppet Hillary didn't get in this article originally from the Conservative tree exposes the black hats like Brennan and the CIA's best friend in the corrupt media the Washington Post in their role in the fake Flynn bullshit going around. So it seems that the establishment on both sides and the MIC and the deep state are really trying to undermine Trump by any means necessary and by using a fake story to do so no wonder no one trusts the corrupt MSM anymore

Monday, February 13, 2017

Nanny State NDP elitist bureaucrats In Alberta go after off highway vehicle owners the nanny state strikes again this time in Alberta. Sheil Gunn Reid of the Rebel Media exposes the latest war on freedom targeting Off Highway Vehicle owners in where they want to ban them from Castle Provicinal Park near Crowsnest Pass in the southern part of Alberta. The previous government the Progessive Conservatives in 2014 wanted to build a new park in that area and one of the things promised is that people could use their off road vehicles on designated trails but fast forward to January 20th and all of sudden they want all of that phased out in 3 years even though most were fine having those vehicles there and the economic benefits were enormous but if it is banned the province would lose money and even in the towns where they benefited from people visiting. Folks this is UN Agenda 21 and the anti-human aspects of it where they want to keep people out of places like parks because again it is all about shackling and controlling humanity so if you are if you are concerned about this latest assault on freedom sign the petition in the link provided

How the globalists use schools to brainwash kids into accepting world government interesting interview from decemeber of 2016 from World Alternative Media who interviews this woman named Holly Swanson who exposes how the government run indoctrination centres known as public schools have used the man made climate change fraud to brainwash kids into accepting world communist Marxist government and to accept being enslaved and exposes the carbon tax scam that is another tool of control in order to get the public into believing they are saving the world from a life giving gas that the establishment has deemed as a toxic pollutant when in reality it is the stuff of life but again the facts don't matter to our provincial government here in Ontario, in Alberta and even the federal government as long as they can use a fake problem in order to raise hydro prices, food prices they are happy and to have more control over us the better meanwhile real problems like water contamination get ingored in favour of witchcraft junks science it truly is disgusting

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

UN Agenda 21 and its goal for enslavement report from reporter Rob Dews exposing the Code Next which is the new buzzword in the city of Austin Texas where it is basically agenda 21 wrapped in its cover where they want to get rid of single family homes and building coffin like apartments and this in turn will raise property taxes on the single family home forcing them to sell their house and then move into the city where again they will make you pay more this is enslavement for sure and destroys private property which is a God given right and one of the corner stones of freedom and liberty and I saw story this week about the bike lanes issue in Toronto,Ontario where Eco-fascists have highjacked the muncipal government and have started a war on the car since the goal of Agenda 21/2030 is to restrict your mobility rights in order to control you  and force you to use their transportation instead this so totalitarian and insane so as you can see these two issues are from the same evil plan UN Agenda 21/2030 which uses the fraud that the earth is going to die from evil plant food that the globalist UN overlords have brainwashed people into believing that lie in order to control every aspect of your life and raise your taxes as well

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Rand Paul warns Trump about not letting the neocons run the state department

Rand Paul warned Mr Trump about not letting neocons run the state department since Rex Tillerson wanted Elliot Abrams who is an absolute neocon but also a criminal as he withheld information from Congress whenever the whole Iran-Contra scandal blew up in the 1980s with covert government operations in El-Salvador and Nicuragua but George HW Bush pardoned him of courseand he was also part of the attempted coup of Hugo Chavez in 2002 in Venezuala since he approved thatand of course Abrams hates Trump as well so I agree with Rand Paul that this piece of trash should not be anywhere near government and to me belongs in a jail cell. Iran Contra was when the US government gave the rebels in Nicuargua money in exchange for giving Iran arms and this article here breaks it in better detail of that whole entire affair and is very interesting and also the CIA played a role in it as well

Monday, February 6, 2017

Interesting article on the real reasons there is hatred for trump and it is worth the read

As you all know there has been all kinds of anti-trump hysteria with the riots post election and during the inaugartion and the fake womens March that was all funded by George Soros and others the real reason as this lifesite news article points out is because the globalist elite were well on their way to getting what they wanted with a potential Hillary win which was a new world order with their eugenics genocidal program ready to roll out, destroy the remnants of the American economy and so forth it breaks down the major players like the UN and their man made climate change myth bloodsuckers whose real goal is to destroy capitalism and bring us back to the Stone Age like what is happening in the province of Ontario with our insanely high energy rates that have forced people to choose between eating or heating their damn houses the radical left Marxist wing of the LGBT movement that is hell bent on getting rid of mum and dad out of our laws in order to destroy the family unit and thus getting rid of religion and the whole using the United Nations to do so another factor is the communist bloodsucking pretend Catholic Pope Francis who has called for world government and even reports suggest that that billionaire jack ass George Soros might have had a hand in that support for all globalist policies including open borders for example to allow radical Islamists in and our own globalist thug PM Trudeau is fast tracking Canada down the road to hell with all of this in order to turn our country into a sharia law paradise which I don't want at all which promotes the enslavement of women and kills and murders LGBT and a whole host of other atrocities so I will leave it at that but know this we will defeat these people in one way or another stay tuned

Whistleblower from NOAA exposes how the agency cooked the books in order to con world into believing the world was going to fry because of that evil (sarcasm)life giving gas CO2

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administartion got caught rigging the temperature data in order to scam the world on to the meaningless power grab that was the Paris agreement which Canada signed on to and is the reason we are being taxed the shit out of based on lies and fraud and they tried to make it look bad as well even though the globe as COOLED for the last TWO DECADES!!!! This feels like all the climate gate scandals before where establishment crooked scientists conspired to hide the fact that temps were declining and rigged them to make it look like the world was frying when in reality it was not and to add on the myth that CO2 is pollution (it is life)which is another part of this scam that is being used to increase our power prices and shut down our economy based on this fake environmental garbage when we have real problems like water contamination but no let's focus on witchcraft junk science in order to enrich the UN bureaucrats instead I cannot wait for the day when these pieces of shit get arrested for defrauding the public based on lies that have caused untold suffering especially in Ontario and the UK for example

Friday, February 3, 2017

Radical Marxist Sierra club promotes eugenics by supporting evil Planned Parenthood in this rebel media report by Sheila Gunn Reid she talks about how radical environmentalism at its heart their ties to the eugenics movement and plays a clip for one of the Sierra Club people openly supporting the genocide of human beings on a Fox News clip because these elitists scum hate humanity so much that they are willing to support the evil racist eugenicists baby selling organ crooks at Planned Parenthood and just this week the fascist NY times snubbed the Gosnell book even though it was selling out on places like Amazon for example showing yet again how in bed the corrupt MSM is with these evil scumbags no wonder no one trusts the MSM anymore

Thursday, February 2, 2017

The spy who exposed the illegal torture of the CIA in interview with's David Knight

 Here is the documentary here it is very interesting and mind blowing and also just jaw dropping
John Kirikaou an ex CIA whistleblower who exposed the bush era CIA torture program but instead of the criminals who were behind this awful practice he instead went to prison for simply exposing the corruption and the illegal activities that the neocons at the CIA were into and he has got numerous awards for standing up for Liberty and freedom and he has a book coming out in May about this so I hope you enjoy this video and I saw the documentary he was in called Silenced as it was on the CBC one night and his story was very chilling and they had other whistleblowers like NSA whistleblower Thomas Drake who was also persecuted for exposing the government's illegal spying

Stupid Neocon Bolton wants Trump to increase hostility with Iran

In this article by newsbud and another day in the empire reporter Kurt Nimmo exposes the globalist neocons insistence on increasing hostilities with Iran with establishment hack John Bolton wanting President Trump to do so since they freaked out over Iran and their missle test recently and General Flynn blamed the country for a suicide attack on a Saudi frigate in Yemen but no one mentions the illegal activity going on in Yemen and there is no stopping the US from given their Saudi pals more arms given they are not on the travel ban that Trump imposed recently and Saudi Arabia is a terrorist hell hole with the Wahhabists and other groups like the Islamic State and etc.. but it seems Trump is slightly ignorant on the history of the Middle East if you look at the tweets embedded in the article. Iran and Iraq were always Shia Islam before Iran was highjacked in 1953 by the CIA and their government was replaced with the Shah and after world war 1 and when the Ottoman Empire fell the British basically created what we know to be Iraq today and Nimmo does a good job of explaining that interesting history but then there wa she whole Iran deal that everyone freaked out over since Obama had given them 150 million dollars but in reality that money is frozen under sanctions over nuclear weapons the country does NOT have in its possession. It is no secret the neocons hate trump but I feel he is playing a dangerous game by delighting them in this Iran obsession and it seems like Iran is on the hit list along with Syria..

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

8 Year old American girl living in Yemen killed by US drone strikes

Over the weekend the seal team 6 carried out an operation that killed 14 alleged members of Al-Qaeda and left dozens injured including men, women and the 8 year old girl who was actually related to to Anwar Al-Awaki who was murdered in 2011 and American solider was also killed in the Arab Penisula which includes the war torn country of Yemen anyway the little girl was hit with a bullet in the neck and suffered for two hours according to her grandfather and asked why the US was doing this and so on. It is really just a continuation of the neocon policy of carpet bombing places to stop so called terrorists when in reality groups like Al-Qaeda, AL Nusra and ISIS were all creations of the western intelligence agencies like the CIA, NATO,Turkey and Saudi Arabia and the solider's death was also senseless since he was carrying out an unconstitional order given there was no constitutional order to do so since if you are going to declare war the President has to get congressional approval and Mr Trump didn't do that unfortunately.

 Update: it appears the AL-CIA-DAmilitants were tipped off ahead of this raid and it also appears that the former Obama administration had planned this for a while in order to perhaps get the raid botched which I posted earlier left a dozen injured and killed an 8 year old girl so now the plot thickens given the former adminstration's other controversial like in Kabul and then the seal team 6 incident a couple years ago which some of the victims's family members believe it was an inside job and there are video clips of that in the article stay stuned folks