Friday, March 31, 2017

Deep State want to assassinate Turkish President prior to April vote on referendum regarding EU

Looks like the deep state and their criminal pals want to get rid of President Erodgan of Turkey prior to a April 16 vote on the EU on whether they should join them or not in order to destabilize the country and this is accoring to one of NewsBud's sources who they say is legitimate so this is something that we should keep our eyes on but given the CIA's history of overthrowing government's through false flags or murder this is not a surprise to me at all and the video previews a round table they did about this story and part of it is in Turkish but the rest is in English. Stay tuned folks

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Alberta Education "unaware" of sexually crude content from taxpayer funded site

Holly Nichols of the rebel media reports how a woman named Teresa Ng of informed parents came across a website on the recommendation of Alberta Education to help schools with Gay Straight Alliance clubs no to be fair these clubs were only mandated on the basis of students and while there is nothing wrong with these clubs but the website in question was promoting very crude sexual content that was very inappropriate for kids and this was being funded by the taxpayers nevertheless and one of the people behind this once compared Christians to Nazis and all sorts of anti-Christian nonsense as ms Nichols explains in her video

Now for the record I am not against LGBT folks As I had an uncle who was a gay man and he was a great guy and unfortunately he died of AIDS when I was young and I have some followers on Twitter who are LGBT as well  but I do not like how the radical left has decided to use LGBT people to shove inappropriate sexual content onto young kids it is gross and it should not be allowed and I am sure my uncle if alive today would probably not approve of this either and the fact that they were using taxpayer money for this is even worse and something that people should be outraged over

It is high time we kick the state out of education and bring it back to the parents and the local school boards because this is what we get when government controls education

Pro-abortion wingnut California attorney general who charged David Daleiden with 15 bogus felonies got money from genocidal Planned Parenthood

David Daleiden and his partner Sandra Merrit were charged yet again by the California Attorney General office's replacement Xavier Becerra And previously corrupt bitch Kamela Harris  who pulled this same crap but was exposed conspiring with Planned Parenthood to go after Daleiden and company prior these new fake charges for merely exposing planned parenthood's criminal activity which included selling baby parts illegally has gotten thousands of dollars from planned genocide which shows this was merely a witch hunt and other things but this to me shows that they are desperate to cover this up because they know damn well who the real criminals are and that is PLANNED PARENTHOOD!!!!! And others are calling on US attorney general Jeff Sessions to go after these thugs who are mere operatives for the democrats and are just doing this so that Planned Parenthood is not held accountable for their heinous crimes against humanity and the Center for Medical Progress slammed these felonies against Daleiden bogus

But as I always say the truth will win and Planned Parenthood will go down for their criminal acts

Monday, March 27, 2017

Cardinal Burke slams the Vatican for hosting pro-eugenicists abortionists

Cardinal Raymond Burke of Virginia slammed the Vatican rightfully so for hosting Eco-fascist anti-human waste bags lie Paul Erlich to promote genocide of innocent unborn lives and never mind he and the rest of his merry bandwagon have criticized the Catholic Church for being pro-life and also slamming news sites like for exposing their death cult religion of eugenics and abortion and the same Erlich compared humans to garbage amd was a great promoter of forced sterilizations and Chinese style forced abortions and really questioned why the Vatican would do this and frankly I don't get it either but given the Vatican's own history of corruption in a way it does not surprise me but is really disturbing for sure that they would host such lunatics and discredited hacks like Erlich

Friday, March 10, 2017

Ontario wasting money going after farmer who has hurt no one and just wants to sell his farm fresh milk

Ontario just keeps on showing us how desperate they are to keep spending money going after an Eastern Ontario farmer named Michael Schmidt as the government and municipal bureacrats have harassed this man for 23 years for simply wanting to sell his farm fresh raw milk to people who want it and they have raided his farm in the process and the article mentions some of the health benefits of farm fresh milk including reducing asthma and etc and even the though the Canadian health authorities have warned about consuming raw milk the milk from this farm never got anyone sick at all and Ontario outlawed raw milk in the 1930s but thanks to modern technology in food science and etc.. Raw milk is actually safe so really it is just another example of just how corrupt our provincial government is in going after an innocent farmer because they don't want people to make their own food choices

Thursday, March 9, 2017

CIA turned Samsung Tvs into listening devices Wikileaks dump reveals

Hackers in the CIA used Samsung Tvs into listening devices thanks to the Wikileaks dump that were revealed on Tuesday showing just the level of illegal spying by the government that has been going since 9/11 and this weeping angel malware they talk about was created in 2014 that even if the Tvs were off they could still listen to your conversations but in a 2012 wired article they admitted that they could even use your dishwasher to spy on you as well so it just proves that others who were exposing all of this were dead right about illegal government spying and violating the 4th amendment in doing so and even a former congressman Dennis Kucinch talked about how the vault 7 reveals showed just how dangerous America was sliding towards totalitarianism and he also blasted the CIA for their own role in this as well for allowing back doors so that hackers could take advantage of and exploit

I am not surprised by these reveals since it is something I have posted about on here from time to time but again it just shows once again that independent media sources like Infowars and others were right the whole time and to those who dismissed their claims are sure eating crow now

Saturday, March 4, 2017

The Chinese takeover of the food system China is taking over everything including the food system since American politicians sold out to the Chinese lobby and this article from the New American here exposes the communist hell hole's dangerous food scandals but farmers in the US get harassed by out of control FDA bureaucrats by sending in swat teams to go after them for selling raw milk but China gets a free pass talk about hypocrisy at its finest so China is allowed to get away with their scandals but farmers marketers and manufacturers get kicked in the teeth instead I sure hope the new Trump administration does something to address this very important issue and problem and something we all should keep our eyes on or sure