Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Canada wants to ban guns and the end of free speech is coming since elite using Christchurch shooting as an excuse to gut free speech online ever since the horrific Christchurch New Zealand mosque shooting the establishment has on a tear when it comes to going after free speech Leigh Stuart Of Press For Truth breaks down a conference in Paris where all the tech elites and of course our puppet globalist PM Trudeau is going to be there on how to further crush free speech online and of course go after guns meanwhile Our communist government apparently is planning to take our guns since Tony Clement an independent MP brought this up in the house commons and Dan Dicks of Press For truth interviews Rod Gilatica  of The Canadian Coalition for Firearms Rights about this very important topic and what we can do to stop this insanity It is clear that the globalists are desperate and are willing to do anything to hold on to their agenda for world tyrannical government and these are just some of the steps towards it

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

NASA admits CO2 is greening the earth shows just how wrong the left is and why their war on it is so dangerous NASA has admitted that the earth is greening because of CO2 that the radical greens and leftists have demonized as a pollutant which it is clearly not in order to justify their “carbon” taxes and socialist schemes to make everyone in the West including Canada and the US all poor and destitute and to stop canada from sending our ethical oil to the world and not to mention if the establishment left enviros get their way it would be a disaster for all life on earth as the article written by Mr Mike Adams points out and highlights just how important it is to strike back against these people and stand up for REAL science not the cultist junk science that gets shoved down our throats by corrupt politicians like Catherine Mckenna and hollywood establishment types like Leonardo Di Caprio and Harrison Ford