Wednesday, January 30, 2013

5 year old faces suspension over lego gun, Medical excise tax shows how Americans are being screwed by Obamacare

A 5 year old kid was threatened with suspension by school officials in Massachusetts after he made a small toy gun out of lego bricks and started to play-shoot his classmates. Joesph Cardosa was given a written warning by officials at Hyannis West Elementary School, Cape Cod, when he fashioned the "crude" toy in after school program, the young lad was told that if he does this again he would be suspended for 2 weeks.

Cardosa's parents reacted by accusing the school administrators of over-reacting. His mother Sheila Cruz told Fox 5 news in Boston: "Kids are taught, here's a squirt gun, this is fun" so this is fun to him... he's running around playing" adding that instead of threatening the kid with punishments teachers should have redirected him to another activity. "It's not like he's designing a machine gun,"his mother said,as the kid built another "gun" which looked like a stick, as an example for reporters. The parents have said he was punished before for making a gun gesture with this hand. "We were running around.. we were just pretending"said the young lad. Despite media attention, the school held its position by releasing the following statement to Fox 5:

"While someone might think that making a Lego gun us just an action of a 5 year old, to other 5 year olds, that might be a scary experience"

This is not the first case of this.. The hysteria over Sandy Hook is sweeping across the American education system. Yesterday reported an incident between to kids over a nerf gun that caused a lockdown and armed police response at two elementary schools in the Bronx area of New York, Earlier this month actually a high school in Long Island, NY was placed on lockdown for over 6 hours in response to a student carrying a damn nerf gun.. also there was another incident of a 5 year old girl who was suspended after being grilled for 3 hours and was labelled a "terrorist threat" when she bought a PINK BUBBLE GUN to school!!!  and the article documents many more of these things

Reps from the toy gun industry have reacted to the backlash against the well over 16 billion dollar industry. The CMO of Hasbro John Frascotti, which makes the nerf guns said "Nerf is all about active play and active fun. If you ask kids as young as when they're able to play, up through parents and grandparents, everyone understands these are just toys... They understand this is play and this is fun, and I think to try and confuse it and meld it into a whole bunch of other things in this political discourse that's going on, may be just bad"

In another statement the Toy Industry Association noted the following: "Toys themselves do not promote aggressive behavior. There is no violent or nonviolent toys. Quite often, military and other role-play items may help kids work through or cope with what is happening in the world around them through play rather than through outwardly aggressive behavior"

Even psychologist Michael Thompson agreed noting that "Blaming toy guns for adult make violence or mass shooting defies common sense. "Banning toy guns would be misguided, silly even delusional. It would have no impact on our rate of adult violence. Healthy boys know the difference between pretend play and actually hurting someone. Playing heroic hunt-and-chase game is something boys have done forever. They have done it with sticks and balls and they do it with toy guns. It often represents the best of boys: their desire to be strong, heroic and to stand up for what is right, to protect their homes and kill villains."

My take is this is another example of the elite social engineers want to see gone within our society as a whole while in the video below the article Alex Jones explains how they are all to willing to send women off to military combat zones and another example of the nanny state that is out of control. I agree with Michael Thompson's quotes that banning these toy guns would be incredibly delusional and would have no impact on what an actual criminal does.. (Note: after Infowars posted this story, they discovered the receipt at the sporting goods store known as Cabela's has explained the excise tax addition to receipts was a "glitch" and did not reflect on the retail outlet to highlight business funding Obamacare. However the team at believe it was a good example to demonstrate how Obamacare is nothing more than a tax scheme to further bankrupt the American people) An Infowars reader sent an image of a sales receipt at Cabela's, a really popular sporting goods store. The receipt which is pictured on the left side of the article spells out what Obama and the rest of the federal government wants the American people not to know- the middle class is being taxed the shit out of despite all the rhetoric from the establishment Democrats who are using class warfare  as an excuse to sell their criminal confiscatory tax policies. The email states the following: "The 2.3% Medical Excise Tax that began on January 1st is supposed to be "hidden" from the consumer, by it's been brought to the public's attention by hunting and fishing store Cabela's who have refused to hude it and are showing it is a separate line item on their tax receipts"

Of Course CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times and other establishment types who like to make excuses for government theft naturally would never expose this hidden heavy dose of taxes that are hidden in Obamacare. An example is as of January 1st: "an egregious tax is levied on people who use things like corrective lenses or hearing aids. Democrats need these kinds of taxes to pay for their "free" healthcare scam. If you wear glasses, get ready to pay an additional 2.3%"

Peter Roff wrote that "Obamacare is very, very expensive. More expensive than advertised in fact. To put it simply, Congress needed the money they expected the tax to generate to pay for the program. Which just goes to show there is no such thing as "free healthcare"

in 2013 the rich: read well off people enough to be able to hide their cash offshore or in so called "philanthropic" foundations-will get reamed badly and in addition to capital gains from rising taxes(from 15% to 18.8%) there "will be an additional 0.9% on earned income in excess of $250,000 for families and $200,000 for individuals to help pay for Medicare Part A, which covers hospital stays, nursing facilities and hospice care-reports Alex Rogers a writer at Time

Newsmax  reported back in June that this was  "one of the largest tax increases in American history" and "Obamacare contains 20 new or higher taxes on American families and small business"

Many of the taxes buried in the bill include excise taxes on charitable hospitals, taxes on innovator drug companies, new taxes on Blue Cross/Blue shield and other taxes that will be passed on to you the consumer and many of the taxes have nothing to do with healthcare at all as the article points out for example taxes on biofuel and tanning!!!

It is a very good article and a reminder of how The US continues to be screwed by the corrupt federal government and also Employers that have 50 employees who do not conform to the Obamacare mandate will be forced to pay additional tax of $2,000 DOLLARS FOR EVERY WORKER!!!!

What a scam indeed...

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Why People Think Sandy Hook is A Hoax

 people are becoming more distrusting of the mainstream media and government so when the terrible events of Sandy Hook happened, citizen journalists analyzing the official Sandy Hook narrative are finding inconsistencies with the official story. Many are finding the same red flags like lack of security footage, changing weapons story, the omission of eye witness accounts saying there were multiple shooters and etc.. This report which was well done by Alex Jones of goes over how CNN over the years has faked news reports and worked with the Military, he highlights some of the red flags in this piece as well.

 Either way, There is no doubt in my mind that the US government is using this awful tragedy to further strip Americans of their god given constitutional rights  and for them and the corrupt mainstream media to exploit it in the sick way they have shows a complete callous disregard for the victims and the families who were affected by this terrible crime

Friday, January 25, 2013

Big Ag trying to shut down legal raw milk sales in South Carolina, Airport Terror announcements being played in Hotels (original article appeared at The American Farm Bureau Federation, which is a non-governmental organization that claims they have the best interests at heart for American farmers, is now engaging in a covert attempt to get rid of the freedom of South Carolina Farmers to  sell raw fresh organic milk at the retail level. South Carolina is one of a only a few states that allows the freedom of people to purchase and sell raw fresh organic milk legally, South Carolina is basically being manhandled by this clear Big Agra group which is attempting to get rid of raw milk freedom in the Palmetto State as there is a meeting taking place to be held today.

According to a tip Natural News received, the South Carolina Dairy Advisory Committee will consider the proposal of the AFBF which we know is against the horrific idea of selling milk that has no chemicals or harmful stuff in it and eliminate a state law that allows people to sell this whole raw fresh organic milk by claiming it is harmful to human health

When Science shows the complete opposite, The AFBF back in 2012 tried to oppose sanctions on how much antibiotics could be used on factory farmed animals claiming it would harm our health when it is the total opposite and they are using data from the CDC that says raw milk is linked to illness causing 42 people to get sick every year and none of these- given the government bias towards this product it is no surprise they would get hysterical but even if these 42 cases were linked the risk of you getting sick from raw wholesome organic milk is incredibly low given 10 million Americans consume raw organic fresh milk regularly. Even the US federal government's own data proves this that Americans are 35 thousand times more likely to get sick from other foods that are sold legally at grocery stores than they are from raw milk(and the article links to this)

and the article points out that: Raw milk is safe and has beneficial enzymes that are good for overall health and digestion and people have been consuming this stuff for over a thousand years and many countries in Europe especially allow this to be sold in vending machines

Science can back this up and supports raw milk that is properly regulated

This attempt to move away from regulated raw milk would hurt the health of South Carolina residents who rely on this for their health

and the article makes the point that if this raw milk becomes illegal, it could go down unsafe  retail avenues that would emerge almost similar to when they banned booze

So please share this and to the people in South Carolina: Don't let these bastards win and show them that you will not succumb to their attempts to steal your right to choose where you get your food from..

Airport style announcements are encouraging Americans to "report suspicious activity" in the name of spotting "terrorists" which are now being played in hotels across the United States as the Department of Homeland Security's insane domestic snitch program expands.

The DHS has partnered with media provider LodgeNet Interactive "TV systems in more than 5,500 hotels began showing public service announcements that encourage anyone observing suspicious activity to immediately report to the proper authorities" now this is being shown as a "free promotional and information channel that is part of LodgeNet TV systems and appears when the guest room TV is turned on"

Activities include paying for your room with cash!!! even if you present your ID it is considered "terrorism" almost is like a reminder of the "say something see something" propaganda campaign you see in airports( I have seen it here in Canada at Ottawa's airport where they had a big billboard with that slogan on it on the inside)

This is another example of a huge network of recruiting citizen snoops to spy on the American people despite the fact you are more likely to die from an intestinal infection, allergic reactions, bee stings etc.. than terrorists.

Such programs have never led to safety only to breed distrust and fear amongst the people and the only people who benefit from these programs are the state itself allowing themselves to persecute people who dare question government

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Eugenicist and malthusian scumbag David Attenborough: Humans are plague on earth that need to be reduced by controlling population

Sir David Attenborough says that we are threatening are very existence by using up the world's resources and he says the only way to stop famine and all of the rest is to limit human population

and he says" We are a plague on the Earth. It's coming home to roost over the next 50 years or so, it's not just climate change; it is sheer space, places to grow food for this enormous horde. Either we limit our population growth or the natural world will do it for us"

This piece of malthusian trash who is the patron of the Optimum Population trust has spoken about this insane overpopulation myth and has talked about the need for "sex education"

and blames the famines in Parts of Africa because of too many people...

and these statements this lunatic has made echo similar comments by Prince Phillip back in 1984 when he referred to humanity as a plague. In his article titled HRH Prince Phillip in 1984: "Humanity Reaching Plague Proportions"( ) Jurrian Maessan gives examples of this and has the video of Prince Phillip saying this garbage

Truth is we are not overpopulated folks, in fact birth rates around the world are well below replacement it is so bad in Russia that the government is given women tax incentives to have more kids because their population is in such a decline. Also The current population could live on a land mass the Size of the State of Texas(not saying move there but you get the idea) and that is only a tiny corner of the planet.. You may recall the Eco-Science book from the late 1970s where Holdren and the Erhlichs talked about jacking our food and water with sterliants and people wonder why they are infertile because this is being done by design with the GMOs in our food supply.. You also recall the bio-scientist that sent an email to Anthony Gucciardi of natural society and contributes reports to and prison planet bragging how gmos were causing cancer and infertility and bragging about how awesome that was( ) given the french Study that was conducted showing that GMOs were causing tumors to develop tumors and this lunatic in the email that is shown brags with this: "I am no traitor to humanity. If this **** causes infertility...Awesome!!!. The World is overpopulated, and people need to stop having children. This is one of earth's largest problems. If the earth wasn't overpopulated, things like growth hormone wouldn't EXIST. The reason they do, is that the earth cannot produce enough food on its own to feed us all. This why GMO is actually saving the planet. So **** you and your*******. I am doing humanity a ********* FAVOR Sincerely a Real traitor to humanity- Ed

So as you can see the overpopulation  myth is just another covert cover for eugenics. Hence why the elites came up with the fraud that is man made climate change and the lie that CO2 was evil and you recall people like eco-fascist scum Ted Turner in the mid 90s talking about reducing the world's population by 95% and promoting the horrific human rights abusing Chinese style 1 child policy all based on this lie to be imposed world wide .IF  the globalist get their world tyrannical government, we will see a genocide worse than Nazi Germany, Mao's China, Stalinist Russia could ever pull off this is why we need to expose these myths for what they are. As I have said before, if you want more information watch the video below and read Robert Zubrin's merchants of Despair: Radical Environmentalists, Criminal Pseudo-Scientists and the fatal cult of anti-humanism where he does a great job exposing the genocidal anti-human attitudes of these sick elite bastards..


Monday, January 21, 2013

Rapper has set list cut short after anti-Obama rant, Obama goes "green" Captain Kirk's Predecessor: Star Trek was RAND corporation predictive programming and more

This is another example of how bad the United States is when under globalist puppet Obama and a musician exercises his or her first amendment rights they get surrounded by men in suits and kicked off the stage. Lupe Fiasco, a grammy nominated rapper was performing last night(Sunday) at a pre-inauguration concert when his set was cut short because of "negative lyrics" directed towards globalist puppet Obama.

Fiasco was signing his latest single "Words I never said" the rapper from Chicago launched into the following verse, shortly after being hauled off the stage by security:

"I really think the war on terror is a bunch of bullshit Just a poor excuse for you to use up all your bullets. How much money does it take to really make a full clip? 9/11, Building 7, did they really pull it?

... Rush Limbaugh is racist, Glenn Beck is a racist, Gaza Strip was getting bombed, Obama didn't say s**t. That's why I ain't vote for him, next one either, I'm part of the problem, my problem is I'm peaceful and I believe in the people"

When the rapper extended and continued to play his anti-war song, the microphones were cut and the lights were shut down as well. Then the security guards jumped on stage and asked Fiasco to leave.

The event organizers maintain their decision to kick off Fiasco was not because of politics and said that " We are staunch supporters of free speech, free political speech. This was not about his opinions. Instead, after a bizarrely repetitive, jarring performance that left the crowd vocally dissatisfied, organizers decided to move on to the next act"

What a bunch of hogwash that is, of course they took him off because of his anti-war song and his questioning of Obama.. He did make headlines last year on a Philly radio station openly calling the president a child murderer given the illegal drone strikes in Pakistan and other areas killing innocent children, mothers and etc..  and back in 2011 on a CBS interview he called the president a terrorist: "My fight against terrorism, to me, the biggest terrorist threat is Obama and the United States of America. I'm trying to fight terrorism that's actually causing the other forms of terrorism. You know, the root cause of terrorism is the Stuff that the U.S. government allows to happen. The foreign policies we have in place in different countries that inspire people to become terrorists.

I say to this: Good for Fiasco for telling it like it is and to hell with people who deny that the U.S. government is not corrupt and not highjacked by mega-corporations and foregin private and domestic banks..

the lyrics to his song are posted in the article and the video to his song as well if you want to check them out..

IN a rare interview from 1965 with the actor who preceded Canadian actor and portrayer of Captain Kirk  as the first captain of the Enterprise on the hit series Star Trek William Shatner, stated that the series was based on the RAND corporations "projection of things to come"

another actor Jeffrey Hunter who played Captain Christopher Pike in the Star Trek pilot "The cage" told a Hollywood reporter in January of 1965 that he hoped the series would be picked up because he was intrigued by the fact the show was based on RAND corporations "projection of things to come"here are a few quotes from Hunter:

"We should have known within several weeks whether the show has been sold"-He was quoted almost 48 years ago. It will be an hour-long in color with a regular cast of a half-dozen or so and an important guest star each week"

"The things that intrigue me the most is that it is actually based on the Rand Corporation's projection of thins to come. Except for fictional characters. it will be like getting a look into the future and some of the predictions will surely come"

A website that is the first Star Trek one out there called Trekweb, actually re-published this rare interview with Hunter in the context of celebrations around the historic episode considered by many "Trekkies" to be blueprint for the show and Trekweb notes that Captain Pike "remains a popular character with Trek fans"

Another Star Trek dedicated website states that Rand Corporation being involved with the show was "limited to technical advice" by one of their Rand researchers Harvey P. Lynn Jr. Trekplace points out Lynn had provided "Star Trek's original series creator Gene Roddenberry with scientific and technical advice during the preproduction of the series"

Lynn's son(Harvey P. Lynn jr. died in 1987, the year after I was born) in response to a question from Trekplace's Greg Tyler back in 2002 that his father "worked at RAND as a liaison officer between RAND and Project Airforce"

RAND's own FAQ regardin whether a RAND researcher designed the initial bridge of the Enterprise, is found with a completely contradictory and annoying statement that Lynn was " a consultant but as a private citizen, not as part of a RAND project"

This is at odd with Hunter's statements saying that the series was based on RAND's "projection of things to come" and back in 2002 a MSNBC article titled "Is Star Trek our future" noted that Lynn was not a merely a part of consulting on the show but was involved in "the creation of certain aspects of Star Trek that have become part of our nomenclature" The article talks about the relationship between Roddenbury and "Liaison Officer" Lynn Jr.:

"Lynn, it turns out, was in invaluable resource. He had been referred to Gene by Colonel Donald I. Prickett, and old Air Force buddy from his days as a pilot during World War II. I and going to forward a copy of Star Trek to a physicist at Rand"Prickett wrote to Gene after he had read an early summary of the plot of the show.. "He's a retired AF type and I can count on him to keep it to himself-he is a creative-scientific thinker and will appreciate your concepts"

Despite RAND's own bloody statement that Lynn was consulted as a "private citizen" the article shows that Lynn worked on the show informally and was paid 50 bucks an episode for the use of his expertise and his mind and that he contributed to the insights that helped create the idea for the ship's computer by suggesting it talk in a "woman's voice" and the sickbay: "he suggested that beds be outfitted with "electrical pickups" that monitor the body and teleportation"

Predictive programming is not new and has been used as a tool to highlight "certain" technologies is something that british researcher Alan Watt, who wikipedia calls a "conspiracy theorist"is one of the first to accurately show and communicate how this concept of predictive programming works:

"A subtle form of psychological conditioning provided by the media to acquaint the public with planned societal changes to be implemented by our leaders. If and when these changes are put through, the public will be familiarized with them and will accept them as "natural progressions; thus lessening any possible public resistance and commotion"

Societal changes, as the article points out can range from anything to premonitions of "possible technologies" to desired political and or economic objectives. You could say Star Trek falls into the predictive programming scheme as anyone who ever has studied the show can find numerous examples that. On the tech side of things foreshadowed in the show, there is clip in the article that sums it up quite well(from computers to cell phones even flat screeen TVs)

Lynn's Role as a "technical advisor" is only part of this story. The idea of world government and "federalization of planets" are embedded throughout the series as Roddenbury's vision of a "global society striving for "peace". Of course to launch this project of his off the ground, Roddenbury had to "tolerate certain alterations and adjustments on the insistence of his benefactors. Even intelligence agencies had more than an average interest in the show itself and is understandable why.

What a better way to con the public on the idea of a world tyrannical government as a "natural step" through science fiction. Hey after all, the writers of this genre have an outlet to as Jurrian Maessen, the writer of this interesting article, puts it to create a "imaginative Vallhalla" while the RAND corporation through social engineering could weave the tale for a world dictatorship patterns into it

Daniel Brandt who wrote and article called "Philanthropists at War" talked about how the "interlocking systems of "foundations" and think tanks after World War II were part of a push by the central banks to establish by stealth, a one world government. And this global system of control, as Carroll Quigley brought to light in his "Tragedy and Hope. would not be come idealized "let's all come together in peace" sort of political utopia. Rather this thousand headed creature was forced into being and controlled by the major central banks on the planet acting in concert"

He continues: "Covert Foreign policy became the standard mode of operation after World War II, which was also when the Ford Foundation became a major player for the first time. The institute most involved in classified research was the Rand Corporation, set up by the Air Force in 1948. The interlocks between the trustees at Rand, The Ford, The Rockefeller and Carnegie foundations were so numerous that the Reece Committee listed them in their report(two each for Carnegie and Rockefeller, and three for Ford.) Ford gave one million dollars to Rand in 1952 alone, at the time when the chairman of Rand was simultaneously the president of the Ford Foundation"

Rand being involved in Star Trek is not new, Back in July of 2011 Daniel Taylor of Oldthinkernews, the author  wrote about a trailer for a video game called "Deus Ex: Human Revolution" getting people ready for the idea of transhumanism where man merges with machines. Taylor also talks about a document by Rand for the National Intelligence Council called the "Global Technology Revolution" back in 2001 report these themes as "possibilities" and these so called possibilities then appear in fictional formats like movies and video games.

I used to watch Star Trek as a kid because I thought it was cool but seeing this report and the writer of the article is a "sort of Stark Trek fan" I too like him don't enjoy talking or writing about these matters. But the exactly the familiar lust to escape from the present into some ideal future is just another weapon by the genocidal global elite to further con the public into going along with their bankster-controlled word government...

Having not mentioned "climate change" during his campaign, Obama in the heart of his second term plans is going to make it part of the agenda:

"We will respond to the threat of climate change, knowing the failure to do so would betray our children and future generations. Some still deny the overwhelming judgement of science, but none can avoid the devastating impact of raging fires, and crippling drought and more powerful storms"

Never mind that that the UK met office(reported in various UK papers like the Daily Mail) said that there has been no warming for nearly 2 decades, the fact that thousands of scientists have come out and called man made climate change a scientific fraud, the fact the Sun is the major driver of climate change on Earth and other planets no it is a life giving natural gas, you driving your cars and working in a factory so we have to give up our rights and freedoms to the elites and the United nations through fraud no less... but ignore the  real problems like GMOs, toxic waste dumping in the water, smog, spraying toxic chemicals in the sky but no Carbon Dioxide that plants need to grow is evil and therefore we have to pay fake carbon taxes that are nothing more than transfer of wealth to the very globalist elite like Al Gore and the private criminal banksters
to fund their tyrannical world government...

Friday, January 18, 2013

Lance Armstrong reveals himself for the self-serving piece of trash he always has been,Petiton for Gun Free zones for president and vice president and their families reaches target

Lance Armstrong went public with the reveal he was using illegal substances to win his cycling races in a staged confession to Oprah Winfrey, Armstrong admitting to using EPO, testosterone and blood transfusions during all of his tour de France races. This is the same hypocrite that berated and threatened and even screamed at anyone who dared suggest that he was a cheat. His highly aggressive lawyers sued people and organizations who made accusations that the guy doped.

An ABC news report quoted the following: "Lance Armstrong hasn't denied ever using performance enhancing drugs, he has done so in an indignant, even threatening way"

So now after years of his incredible denial about his own doping, Mr. Armstrong seems hell bent on ratting out his fellow cyclists about their own damn doping habits. Another ABC News quote:"He is also talking with authorities about confessing, naming names, giving up others involved in illegal doping"

How insane is this man?? The guy who said he never took PEDs- basically lied to the entire world for years- and now he is going to point the finger at other cyclists and accuse them of doping!!

Anyone who has fallen for his staged apology which in my opinion was a PR Stunt, you truly have been fooled and deceived by a piece of trash manipulator Lance Armstrong.

One of his famous lines was "What am I on? I'm on my bike" which was part of a Nike ad on TV which of course we all know now it was a complete fraud. Armstrong was on illegal substances that he engaged in a conspiracy to have internationally smuggled these in so he could be injected with them before Tour De France races. IN admitting this, Lance Armstrong as Mike Adams the writer of the article puts it "he is a total prick" who went out of his way to bully whistleblowers and destroyed the credibility of the people were right the whole time about Armstrong's cheating and betrayal where innocent people like James Stewart of Rawesome foods gets arrested for the "crime" of selling fresh organic milk in California while complete sociopathic pieces of shit like Armstrong- who broke all kinds of laws and regulations- gets away with not getting arrested or even tried for their crimes

He even admitted he was bully in his interview with Oprah and when she asked him if he sued one whistleblower who tried to go public with Armstrong's criminal activity his answer was "To be honest, we sued so many people" yeah too many victims to even list here

and now we are expected to forgive this asshole(excuse my french)?? Aaron Swartz, who was the internet activist who passed away a few days ago, was facing 50 years in prison for the "crime" of downloading some academic papers? Is Armstrong supposed to get a free pass for doing much worse than Mr. Stewart and Mr. Swartz and even destroying people's lives in the process??

Lance Armstrong represents what is wrong with our world today. This con artist (who I thought was innocent initially but now know better) lied to get to the top, collected millions of dollars by cheating, bullying and threatening others who were brave enough to stand up to this creep and stages his pathetic public relations "confession" on Oprah that reeks of even more manipulation in the public which is enough to make me sick to my stomach(I did read excerpts of his "interview" in sports media)

No Doubt Armstrong did this to only cover his own ass and image and work to his own benefit. Armstrong did nothing that didn't benefit his self-serving ego. Even his cancer organization seems like nothing more than front to make the guy look like a saint and provide even more cover for his lies..

I will going the chorus of millions and the writer of the article who are sick and tired of Mr. Armstrong's lies by saying: Lance, you are unworthy of being forgiven. You are a disgusting piece of trash who lied to your fans, your sport and your country. You are a pathetic cheat, drug abuser an con artist. You're so called confession was nothing but a PR stunt to create this false apology in hopes that your dwindling career based on fraud and lies would remain intact. With you, the world is a damns stage and you played your part well.

If Armstrong is confessing now, what about all the years where he destroyed the lives of whistle-blowing colleagues,lied to his corporate sponsors, lied to his fans, shot up his veins with illegal substances and parade like some humanitarian when he was another drugged up junkie.

This confession does nothing to undo the hurt and harm and the destruction this piece of shit has caused over the years. How will he make amends before his fans and perhaps the Man upstairs known as God? Where is this man's humanity?

I may not know the guy but certainly know his kind given the globalist I have studied since 2011: He is part of the class of lying, cheating, overpaid bastards who think they can run the entire planet. We see these people in politics. banking and even medicine. The kind of person who thinks cheating can help you win, never minding the people you have to hurt, threaten or lie.

Mr. Adams suggests in the article that Armstrong should give up all his assets like his house, car, millions of dollars to all the cyclists he hurt and lied to and that he should live penniless as maybe this would a lesson in humility and perhaps would be worthy of being forgiven for his crimes but until then he is unworthy..

Lance, you are a true son of a bitch and a complete disgrace  A petition that called for the elimination of armed guards for the "President, Vice-President and their families: has reached the previous threshold set by the White house on their We the People website petition submission site. The Petition was stating that: "Gun Free Zones are supposed to protect our children and some politicians who wish to strip us of our right to keep and bear arms. Those same politicians and their families are currently under the protection of armed Secret Service agents. If Gun Free Zones are sufficient to protect our children, then Gun Free Zones should be good enough for politicians" Though it may receive little response the petition reaches its target just as fervor over a National Rifle Association ad pointed out this insane hypocrisy

The Ad was posted a few days ago, and asked "Are the president's kids more important than yours?then why is he skeptical about putting armed guards in our schools? When his kids are protected by armed guards at their school" recalling NRA president Wayne LaPierre's interview with David Gregory in which he had said "If  it's crazy to call for putting police in and securing our schools to protect our children, then call me crazy"(the ad is featured in the video) and was of course attacked by the establishment corrupt media by asking what was wrong with people and that they were "embarrassed for this country"

and has a list of other petitions like the Try Feinstein for treason also reached the threshold because of her attacks on the 2nd amendment

Thursday, January 17, 2013

The UN Deception (Full)

 Video that exposes the UN for the genocidal world body that it is and their hypocrisy regarding human rights... this documentary was done by the John Birch Society..

Paper finds Sun controls climate and gives no support for the man made climate change theory, More gun news and etc..

There was a paper published in the Journal of Geophysical Research finds that temperatures in the troposphere behave similar to changes in solar activity over short time scales and a "cumulative negative (not positive as claimed by the climate alarmists) feedback in the Earth climate system governing the tropospheric variability during the last 22 years" according to this paper "the result emphasizes dominating solar irradiance variability in variations of the tropospheric temperature and gives no support to the theory of anthropogenic climate change" and "increasing greenhouse gases in Earth atmosphere appeared to weak forcing in order to dominate in the Earth climate system" Only wish the eco-fascist fear mongers would acknowledge these facts but they don't

one commentator put it like this: "Considering the sun is the main source of heat on earth and CO2 only holds a fraction of that back from escaping, then CO2 cannot be a greater factor than the sun contrary to AGW pseudo-scientists and fear-mongers"

now to Gun News:

Mayor Predicts "Waco Style" stand off in response to Obama taking the guns:

Expressing his downright opposition to the New York SAFE Act, Gloversville Mayor Dayton King has warned that any federal gun confiscation program could lead to a "Waco-style standoff" in the rural areas of the United States(video provided)

He told Fox 23 "Most people are law-abiding citizens and may go ahead and sell those or turn those over, but you're going to have a fraction of people that are going to take a stand and I can just predict a Waco-style standoff in some rural areas and it's not going to end well"

The Waco seige of 1993, after failing to get search warrants against the Branch Davidians, federal agents from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms(ATF) burned down Mount Carmel Center, killing 76 men, women and children.

The SAFE act, which passed on Monday night in New York, states that weapons with a "detachable magazine and one military style feature purchased before the law was passed must be registered and that any high capacity magazine holding ten rounds or more must be sold out of state within one year"

You recall New York Governor Andrew Cuomo back in December admitting that "confiscation could be an option" when it came to enforcing this new law. However some provisions of the bill that had confiscation included were removed in order to prevent this piece of legislation from being voted down.

These comments by the Mayor coincide with those made by retiring congressman Ron Paul who was on the Alex Jones Show that the second amendment is the Americans "line in the sand" and any attempt by the feds to take the guns could lead to a revolt

While much of the gun control agenda by the Obama administration is being pursued using legislation and executive orders, a huge portion of this is being achieved through what the article calls "via extortion and blackmail"

The Mayor of Philadelphia Michael Nutter has demanded that gun retailers agree to the incredible laundry list of draconian gun control regulations including the "abolition of sales of semi-auto weapons, threatening them with economic sanctions" if they don't bow down and become "facilitators for gun control"

at the end of this article, there is a picture of the Waco siege showing that the government has no problem using violence against the American people

Speaking of Philadelphia's mayor here is the article detailing his declaration of economic war against gun shops: exposing Nutter threatening these gun retailers like businesses that were under Apartheid in South Africa by taking away investments in companies that refuse to stop selling semi-automatic rifles and even resorting to blackmailing retailers to be fronts for gun control and there is a youtube video of this as well in the article. had reported that Mayor Nutter had introduced the "Sandy Hook principles" which is a list of 20 so called measures to curb gun violence- that companies who sell or make ammunition or guns have to support this to avoid "economic divestment actions"

The 20 prinicples(which are linked in the article) target businesses who sell "assault rifles"(despite this being legal) as well as "the distribution of any materials/information that may be used to assist in such conversion"

Another one of these "principles" would force gun retailers to "promote the use of biometric locks on guns that "allows only the legitimate civilian owner to operate the firearm" meaning fathers taking their sons hunting would be non-existent

Also this list includes "universal background check system, tracking ammunition to each individual owner(an RFID tag for bullets?) , while it demands gun retailers question customers about whether they have taken a gun safety course. Under the principles, gun retailers would also be forced to host, "semi-annual gun-buy back programs to retire weapons from the general public circulation"

This move by Nutter is almost similar to the one globalist shill Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who once called for a "no gun buy list" which is also similar to a "no fly list", who announced Monday that he would "ask all his city's pension funds to investigate whether they have any holdings in assault weapons makers and sellers, a step towards the divesting of those companies"

There already have been gun retailers who under economic pressure with the U.S. Sen. Chuck Schumer who last week demanded that "gun retailers like Walmart and Sports Authority, "Suspend sales of modern assault style weapons until Congress is able to fully consider and vote on legislation to curb gun violence"

However Walmart and Dick's Sporting goods had already stopped sales of some semi-autos after the Sandy Hook Shootings and it was reported last month that top online gun retailer Cheaper than Dirt had  "temporarily suspended all gun sales in response to the Sandy Hook Shooting" which pissed off a lot of second amendment supporters

Just last week another Firearms manufacturer American Spirit Arms "announced the Bank of America had frozen the funds of the licensed gund ealer, with the bank telling the owner Joe Sirochman he "should not be selling guns and parts on the internet. Sircohman was informed his funds generated from Internet sales only be released by the BoA had reviewed and cleared them"

Seeing as this is almost similar to the South African companies that had economic pressure on them thanks to Apartheid, Nutter and his gang of idiots are trying to justify what is really mafia extortion and making assumptions that gun retailers are 'racists" and gun owners as "violent racists" who need to be regulated and controlled and bankrupted out of non-existence. This complete utter nonsense was close to what a CBS reporter Bob Schieffer who said that taking away  the gun lobby was like "defeating the Nazis"

This is outrageous and disgusting. Using blackmail and financial terrorism against the only real American booming industries they have left, against these gun retailers is illegal. It is okay to sell legal firearms but yet the government officials in "gun control" and "gun crime" areas like Philly and Chicago blackmailing and threatening  livelyhoods of businesses that god forbid "exercise their free market right to trade legal goods"

The people who are pushing gun control threatening economic sanctions against gun retailers unless they bow down and kiss their arse to destroy the second amendment- again which is completely illegal- is another example of how out of control all levels of government have become

What we are seeing is the authoritarian pieces of trash raging at the fact that the 2nd amendment has not been destroyed and that the founding fathers(from their graves no less)- who found the once great United States before it got highjacked by mega-corporations, foreign and domestic banks and the families who run them- are still resisting these disgusting goddamn  parasitical gangsters

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Texas Congressman threatens to impeach globalist frontman president Obama if he uses executive orders on guns, New York passes draconian gun bill related: New York Senator: Gun Bill passed in Middle of Night "turns law abiding citizens into criminals, An article about the so-called green policies that have nothing to do with the environment but more about controlling people

A congressman from the Lone Star state known as Texas is threatening globalist puppet U.S. president Obama with impeachment if his administration uses executive orders to claw back the Second Amendment.

In a press release titled: "Obama's gun grab an unconstitutional threat to the nation- Republican representative Steve Stockman stated, "The White House's recent announcement to use executive actions to infringe on our constitutionally-protected right to keep and bear arms is an unconstitutional and unconscionable attack on the very founding principles of this republic"

Rep. Stockman said he will "pursue any means necessary" to stop Obama's use of executive orders to target the 2nd amendment "including but not limited to eliminating funding for implementation, defunding the White House, and even filing articles of impeachment"

"Under no circumstances whatsoever may the government take any action that disarms any peaceable person-much less without due process through an executive declaration without a vote of Congress or a ruling of a court- Stockman also stated

The Congressman when on to say that the president's actions are not only an outright attack on the American Constitution and Bill of Rights but this attack on Americans "places all of us in danger"

The Congressman's strong support of the Second Amendment comes at a critical junction in the gun control debate. Anti-Gun pushers have been spurred on by the recent school shooting in Newtown, CT and are using the emotional vulnerability of the nation as an excuse to pass sweeping gun control reform

However there have been many in law enforcement at local levels that have stated they will not enforce any unconstitutional mandates by the federal government. I posted yesterday the story of the Kentucky Sheriff Denny Peyman of Jackson County, Kentucky during a town hall this past weekend told attendees that he had no intentions of taking anyone's guns away by stating: "I am responsible for the people inside this county. I couldn't justify, if Obama passes this, it doesn't matter what he passes, the sheriff has more power than the federal people. I consider this a moral obligation... My office will not comply any federal actions which violate the United States Constitution or the Kentucky Constitution which I swore to uphold"

Earlier Rep. Stockman and Rep. Paul Brown(Republican from GA) introduce HR. 35 IH or the "Safe Schools act of 2013" a bill that would have banned "Gun Free Zones" around schools. The Bill also rightfully called out the Gun Free Zones act as a "deadly failure" and one part actually quotes: "the reason that the "Gun Free School Zones Act" has made American schools unsafe is that shooters know that they can victimize American school campuses with no fear that victims will be armed"

Could not agree more with that statement.. just think how the outcomes would have changed in Columbine, Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech to name a couple examples if a law abiding citizen was allowed to carry his or her gun into these places where these tragedies occurred.. how many lives would still be with us to this day...  The New York Senate passed a gun bill following governor Andrew Cuomo's insane attacks on the 2nd amendment during his state of the state address earlier this month(video provided in article)

The legislation now moves on to the Assembly for passage. If this passes, owners of firearms classified as "assault weapons" by the state will be forced to register them with the police. A firearm will be classified as an assault weapon if has one or more military features, such as a pistol grip or bayonet mount and owners will be required to "re-certify" their weapons after 5 years

The Bill contains additional regulations on law abiding gun owners including:

Limiting magazines to 7 bullets(down from the so called national standard of 10)
Making unsafe storage of a so called assault rifle a misdeameanor
Outlawing internet sales of "assault" weapons
Requiring retailers to sell ammo to register with the state, run background checks on purchasers and maintain a database of all sales
Mandating mental health therapists to REPORT their patients if they made a credible threat to use a gun illegally(the cops would come and confiscate the firearms)

the sick globalist bastard known as Cuomo had some nerve to declare the 2nd amendment a "scourge on society" as the Democrats claim it does not endanger the constitutional rights of the people and one Bronx Democrat said: "this is not about taking anyone's rights way. It's about a safe society... today we setting the mark for the rest of the country to do what's right"

Yeah right, this is totally an attack on the American constitution and Bill of Rights and need I remind these gun grabbing globalist  dirt bags that anytime through history when the Nazis took the guns, the Communist Chinese and Communist Russians took the guns it all lead to DEATH BY GOVERNMENT!!!

A New York State Senator slammed what is being called the nations toughest gun control bill saying it was introduced in the middle of the night and that members were forced to vote on this legislation without being given a chance to read the damn thing

Senator Greg Ball said the following in a statement: "I simply cannot support a bill that turns law-abiding citizens into criminals by creating an entire new category of illegal firearms out of currently legal rifles and shotguns... the last minute push, in the middle of the night without critical public input from sportsmen and taxpayers was outrageous and forced members to vote on a bill they had not read"

The Senator said that the bill does nothing to address the issues of mental health and gave examples of this within his district and he urged that this legislation would not do a damn thing to improve that

"We haven't saved any lives tonight, except one: the political life of a governor who wants to be president"-the Senator said while on the Senate Floor in reference to Governor Andrew Cuomo. He also added that the New York Senate was willing to transform law abiding citizens into criminals "hoping on the front pages that we will be seen as preventing tragedies" the bill was approved 43-18

Senator John J. Bonacic, who also was opposed to the legislation calling it "nothing more than window dressing to make people feel secure until the next tragedy strikes-all while criminalizing the actions of otherwise law abiding citizens"

Senator Patty Ritchie another of the 18 who voted against this stated"attempts to restrict legal ownership and possession of firearms from responsible sportsmen-rather than focusing on criminals-will not enhance the safety of our communities, and deprives law-abiding citizens of an important right under the Constitution of the United States"

The 2nd amendment as Senator Lee M. Zeldin, who also voted against this, stated:

"In our Constitution are certain rights which provide the foundation of America's greatness. Its Second Amendment in no uncertain terms guarantees the right of law-abiding citizens to keep and bear arms. Its purpose was not so much about hunting as it was for a deeper and much more important consideration of our founding fathers. The inspiration for this protection rose out of a fundamental mistrust of government. Our great nation was founded on the idea that all people have certain inalienable rights. Our founding fathers understood these rights were not granted by the government and therefore, shall not be removed by it either"

the 3 day waiting period for a bill to be adopted is being waived by the Democrat-controlled Assembly, citing a need to rush this through to avoid a rush on gun purchases. The Assembly is expected to approve this disgusting piece of trash draconian bill without hesitation....

You hear the terms "Policy integrity" "Ethical culture." "Enivronmental protection." "Environmental defense" "Friends of the earth" and etc.. Not just the names but their charter, culture and policies-their very being and represent a commitment to these values that are held dear. Or so we have been told.

The eco-fascist activist groups and government talk a damn good game. They certainly have the corrupt mainstream media and a lot of legislator and regulators on their side. While many, like myself, who dare question their polices and agendas lack the Greens money, influence, connections and firepower- or courage. These supposed "white hats" as Paul Driessen writes in this wonderful piece, are "all har and no cattle-or worse"

In reality, their "policies" are built on nothing but sand, worthless computer models or incredible deception. a Movement that began to curtail serious environmental concerns won most of those battles but then became obsessed on eradicating cheap forms of energy like hydrocarbon or nuclear power, gaining more of your hard earned tax dollars and power and using the environment as an excuse to control our lives, hold back modern technology and living standards and use poverty, misery and disease in poor countries under the guise of precaution, biodiversity and my favorite "sustainable development" and to "stabilize the climate"

Organizations and agencies  now share 10s of billions of dollars of your tax paying dollars to dictate decision making. Companies then get created, establish lobbyists and hire them for 50,000 dollars to turn environmental policies and programs into money grabbing cash cows that have more lives than ever..

Climategate, cooked data, new theories regarding solar activity and cosmic rays- the refusal of climate reality to co-operate with computers. carbon dioxide theory and climate catastrophe headlines- have turned to Kyoto protocol into a bloody joke that is nothing more than a transfer of wealth.

By discovering another century of oil and gas and hydraulic fracturing(fracking) have completely debunked claims from eco-fascist malthusian scumbag organizations like the Club of Rome and Sierra club myths that we were running out of petroleum

One would think this shift would perhaps get environmentalists and government to rethink their solar and wind energy  programs designed to replace "disappearing oil and gas" but no any attempt to revise laws, regulations is met with outraged as always

The idea of resource depletion and the fraud that is man made climate change continue to drive public policy. Even when programs that were supposed to advance health and ecological goals are found to do the complete 180. Here are a few examples that the article provides:

"Congress enacted automobile mileage standards as an energy conservation mandate. the Environmental Protection Agency(EPA) unilaterally raised the requirement to 54.5 mpg(miles per gallon) based mainly on "global warming" concerns. The result has been more cars that are smaller, lighter and less crash-worthy-thus thousands of additional fatalities, tens of thousands of serious extra injuries every year. EPA routinely justifies, job killing regulations by claiming they will save thousands of lives, which the agency values at $8.9 million each. But it obstinately ignores the injuries, deaths, and billions of dollars in healthcare and mortality costs that its mileage standards are exacting on American every year"

"In their determination to make more oil and gas off limits, promote renewable energy. and slash emissions of carbon dioxide and air pollution, EPA and Interior Department promote highly exaggerated health and welfare benefits, and statistical lives theoretically saved. They routinely ignore the adverse health and welfare impacts cause by regulations and other actions that increase heating, food, transportation costs, cause numerous layoffs, and hurt poor and minority families most of all. EPA has even employed illegal human experiments to advance its anti-hydrocarbon agenda"

And he also talks about the biofuels scam that produce Corn ethanol and other alternative fuels that have been heavily funded were supposed to be "green" and better for the "climate" and etc.. but in the U.S. oil and gas reserves are increasing despite the Obama administration attempts to shackle these developments. Millions of acres of farmland and algae ponds produce the same BTU output that comes from and oil and gas field and impact far less land and with 40% of the United States corn production going to this biofuels project,the State of Iowa has to plant more corn to keep up quotas

Driessen also states that in drought years, it does take a lot of water to grow corn and process it into ethanol but fracking actually recycles the water it uses but the eco-fascists will never tell you that and this demand has driven corn prices through the roof from $2.80 a bushel to $8.50 per bushel.. good for corn growers but painful for the poultry, egg, beef, pork and catfish producers whos feeding costs have gone through the roof and has raised family food prices, making it hard for agencies to feed those who are starving, increased malnutrition, misery, disease and early deaths for millions of children especially in the 3rd world where this increase in food prices is a death sentence..

Not to mention those wind turbines that have killed millions of bats and birds. Of course the hypocrites at the EPA, Defenders of Wildlife, U.S. Fish and Wildlife go crazy over bird deaths caused by oil and gas but when it comes to wind turbines destructiveness they don't say a damn thing about it

Cheap energy has saved and enriched the lives for countless amounts of lives. They have protected us from nature's unforgiving wrath and nature from humanity to use forests and grasslands for fuel

Sensible policy, ethics, sustainability and environmental protection recognize this but today we have radical environmentalists and their backers who refuse to admit the damage their so called policies actually cause to not only humanity but nature as a whole

Monday, January 14, 2013

News Round Up: Patriot Sherrif stands up for constitution, Internet activist and visonary Aaron Swartz found dead but was he taken out "I would be ashamed if a founding father was in this room now; You are never going to pull a gun from Jackson County"

Amid efforts by the corrupt U.S. Federal government and State lawmakers looking to put in their draconian gun control laws on law abiding american gun owners, One sheriff is standing up and declaring he will not see the U.S. be disarmed. Sheriff Denny Peyman of Jackson County, Kentucky, held a town hall meeting on Saturday to reassure residents that as long as he is in charge, federal gun grabbing laws will not be upheld in his county(and there is a video of his speech in the article)

here are a few highlights from his speech:

"You'll understand me very well when you leave here today, and why we're still going to have our guns here in Jackson

I am responsible for the people inside this county... I couldn't justify, if Obama passes this, it doesn't matter what he passes, the sheriff has more power than the federal people

They need to go back and study that. We are a commonwealth. I can ask the federal people to leave, they have to leave. I can ask state people to leave they have to leave

I am the highest elected official in this county, and this is the only opportunity the people have to speak for themselves and say "this is what we want"

Referring to interviews he did recently with local reporters Peyman said: "They asked "how are you going to pull these guns" and I said "you are never going to pull a gun from Jackson County"

In an interview with the Lexington Herald-Leader this past weekend Peyman also said: " I consider this a moral obligation... My office will not comply with any federal actions which violate the United States Constitution or the Kentucky Constitution which I swore to uphold"

In another separate interview with WKYT News, Peyman spoke about what would happen if the thugs in the federal government dared tried to take the guns from the people of Jackson County:

"We'll see push comes to shove. It's going to have courtrooms. It's not going to be, I mean we don't want a bloodbath in our community when they come in to take the guns. It's going to have to be taken care of in a court room before it gets to that point. The only thing I've ever told people if someone is kicking in or coming in their front door, is I only have to listen to one side of the story" He stated that last part at the Town Hall meeting

He also made this valid point to: " I can't get there quick enough to help those people. My best help to them is to let them keep their firearms.. There is nobody who doesn't really need to have one"

Then Peyman referred to the Second Amendment of the US constitution noting "the Second Amendment makes that pretty clear. Our forefathers made that clear, otherwise it could not have been so high [on the Constitution]. It would have been further down the list somewhere"

"This is the part that is emotional to me" The sheriff said while his voice was cracking

"I would be ashamed if one of them was in this room right now and having to listen to what we're having to talk about. I would be ashamed to have them sit here and listen to them talk about all the people that given their rights for this right for us, and we just give it up so flippantly just because somebody says so, If we did everything that somebody says so, we would be a country today"

"I talk about what  I can do for my county. I can't stand up for other counties, I can't do it for them, but I can stand up for my people"-Peyman vowed

"I was one of the first people to say, I think they need to arm school teachers. Not all of them, but somebody needs to have a weapon"

Then the sheriff spoke how the corrupt corporate whore establishment mainstream  media glamorizes school shootings and makes them appealing for copycat's to carry out the same crime

"What would happen if the first two or three that tried it got shot coming through the front door?Peyman said, "They wouldn't do that anymore, it would be taken from them, there's no glory in that for them"

"In Jackson County, as long as I am Sheriff here, I got children, I got family, I got friends, I got everybody here, and I feel a whole lot better coming into a room if I now everybody's packing, than if I'm the only one, because if they take me out first, then they take everybody else out too" The Sheriff concluded

I applaud Sherif Denny Peyman for upholding the people's constitutional rights. He is an example to all other law enforcement who should take hold of his concerns regarding the pathetic attacks on the 2nd Amendment. Rest assured, Peyman is not the only Sheriff who is ready to stand up and defend the rights of his people!! Adding to the laundry list of mysterious deaths that have occured the past few days, Internet visonary and internet activist Aaron Swartz was found dead yesterday. Swartz was only 26 years of age and the co-founder of also he co-created the RSS blog feeds you see today and was a key part in helping defeat freedom crushing SOPA/PIPA bills in the U.S. Congress..

The story is he committed suicide by Swartz would want us to look deeper and question. After all his own website, Demand Progress, questioned the "Protect-IP act, which was the brain child insanity of George Bush's tyrannical Patriot Act, the censoring of Free speech on Facebook, the horrific financial crimes of the private foreign and domestic banks like Goldman Sachs, the internet kill switch and etc...

He even questioned the TSA body scanners just like Mike Adams of Natural News has(he is the writer of this article)

Adams goes on to say that when he sees a lad like Swartz, he saw him as the next wave of American activists who the United States needs: he was energized, focused, loved freedom and was a critical thinker who spread truth and fought back against tyranny and oppression when opportunity presented it self and he also says that "If Swartz was not assassinated(er I mean "suicided") he would have gone to be a game changer for freedom in our world"

Adams also writes how Swartz was targeted by the system as in a video he had made he had talked about the "decentralization of information on a free internet. Swartz fully understood the power of setting information free, which is the exact opposite of what the corporate-government-industrial complex wants" POWER AND CONTROL  and there is another video where Swartz and his friends helped defeat SOPA and how the proposed copyright legislation was mere tyrannical and of course truth tellers like him were branded enemies by the corrupt system and was even hounded by the FBU and arrested for crimes that could have landed him in prison for 50 years just because he downloaded academic papers from MIT( you read that right academic papers!!)

From this the charges pressed against him were rather mild and ridiculous it makes it clear that someone wanted to destroy Swartz

Adams asks the question later in the article of Who Stands to benefit from the Death of Aaron Swartz and the answer is: "Hollywood and all of its tyrannical, copyright-pushing maniacs who want to criminalize anyone who downloads a movie off the internet"

"The MPAA, in other words. That's the Motion Picture Association of America. Former U.S. Senator Christopher Dodd is the key lobbyist representing the MPAA. He's now the chairperson and CEO of the MPAA, which has a long history of operating much like a mafia organization in it use of threats and mafia-style intimidation tactics"

"In fact, if the MPAA joined with the RIAA(recording industry association) ,  it would create the MAFIAA, jokes one website called

and Who wouldn't pay huge bucks to kill someone like Swartz, I don't think we need to even ask that or even answer that

article goes on to give examples of the mysterious deaths of people who question government like John Noveske, who was a rifle manufacturer who was killed in a car wreck had linked psychiatric drugs to violent mass killings, Ilya Zhitomiriskiy who created Diaspora, the so called killer of "facebook technology", which created a free de-centralized system that was a huge threat to facebook's data mining control freak empire allegedly committed "suicide" about a year ago

Even Radio Host Alex Jones, was stalked by gun toting thugs while he was in New York to appear on CNN and tried to force him in altercation but he managed to get out of that and the next day CNN guests announced live on globalist shill british piece of trash Piers Morgan's show that Morgan should shoot Jones with an AR-15 and even threatened the guy's kids by saying " I hope his children don't die"

Mike Adams even talks about another activist friend of his who is for truth and freedom who was nearly roadkill what seemed to look like a planned car accident. He has not released his name or any other details but he did describe to Adams that he was just "inches" from getting hit

so As these deaths add up, people are starting to ask: is this part of planned assassination campaign to go after top activists who dare question the government?? It is not out of the question given Ron Paul has questioned who is on Obama's kill list

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Law Professor Calls Out Dershowitz for Advocating War Crimes and Torture

  Francis Boyle, who is an international lawyer and a real civil libertarian, exposes Alan Dershowitz for advocating torture(which the clips provides document shots of him making statements regarding that) and how he works for the Zionist controlled Israeli government and even before the NDAA, he had a paper he wrote talking about "preventive detention" as well and a whole lot more and talked about the Piers Morgan/ Dershowitz conversation where Dershowitz wanted to strip Alex Jones of of his guns and torture him because Jones dared stand up for the  American constitution and Bill of Rights when he owned Piers Morgan regarding the 2nd amendment a few nights ago on the CNN... this is a very interesting interview and thought I would share this with you all..

Sandy Hook Shooting: Active-Shooter drill confirmed by law enforcement raises suspicions of false flag attack

Once again the government was funding a mock emergency drill at a nearby school at the same time the supposed real time tragic shootings were taking place at Sandy Hook elementary in Newtown, CT leaving all the fingerprints of a government staged attack in order to strip guns from law-abiding Americans.

Many of the responders to the Newtown shooting have been shown to be participating in this drill in the past or on the very day of the tragic shootings and to top it all off there are many inconsistencies with the official story.

One example is the alleged shooter Adam Lanza's car was identified as a black Honda Civic with a Connecticut plate number 872 YEO which is registered to a man by the name of Christopher A Rodia(born August 1969) totally discrediting the official narrative

So how does a cover-up happen?? well John Blawie, who is a Connecticut State Superior Court judge had been putting search warrant affidavits on hold and there is a news clipping from the CT post that read that the judge said on Thursday that search warrants for the cars and home of Sandy Hook Elementary shooter Adam Lanza and his mother would be sealed for another 90 days and that Judge Blawie had granted motions on the Wednesday that were filed by the Danbury State's Attorney Stephen Sedensky to seal the 5 warrants and etc..

so why would this evidence be withheld from such a tragic event that has been hyped by the mainstream media as the worst school shooting ever?? something is not right here

Then there is Lt. Paul Vance(who has been avoiding important questions like the plague to the press regarding Sandy Hook) had recently got a promotion which he admitted on camera for what he heard was going to be a "sold out shotw" and Vance has also trained on many different occasions for mock school active shooter drills and it is clear he is a well seasoned spokesman and is trained to talk with the press/media and Vance was quoted at the Sandy Hook press conference: "We've been asked by the family members to ask the members of the press to respect their privacy and to please them alone at this time. I'm pleading with you, as you know this is an extremely heartbreaking, difficult thing for these folks to endure. Please abide by their request"

and It gets better: the official government website for the state of Connecticut lists the drill in THEIR CALENDAR!!! that says: "12/14 9AM-4PM FEMA L-366 Planning for the Needs of Children in Disasters" the government drill took place on the same day of the shooting between the same hours and 14 miles at the following location: "2800 Main Street, Bridgeport,CT 9AM-4PM 
                                                       Contact: Christopher Ackley
5 of 40 seats available last day to register: 12/13/2012
Sorry you may not register for this event"

and the article has the FEMA L-366 Planning for the Needs of Children in Disasters document in there which you can read for yourself

Given all of this information(btw have to give credit to the Intel Hub's (where the article originates) writers Shephard Ambellas and Alex Thomas for this exceptional well researched article) shows the act this drill was taking place during the event known as Newtown and Sandy Hook school shootings and given the history of false flags done by the U.S. government(Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11)  this is all the earmarks of a false flag attack and there is a news clipping from the Southeast-Brewster patch from December 18th confirming the drill as well that is posted in this article

Ironically enough CIA operative Anderson Cooper(you can wikipedia this as he did work for them for 2 summers) has been the point man for the corrupt media who has been incredibly complicit with Sandy Hook and attacking the 2nd amendment. In his broadcast, Copper states several times that "if it wasn't for his show no one would even be seeing the crazy conspiracy theories he is exposing yet if that was the case a CNN prime time host would never spend multiple segments to debunk something no one has ever seen in the first place" and Cooper also attacked a Florida professor who has been critical of the numerous anomalies due to the fact  you can't label a professor at a university as some crazy lone nutjob on the internet! and it is also interesting that He spent a huge amount of time attacking claims that management actors were used in conjunction with fake media broadcasts

the Idea Cooper has never heard of this is completely hilarious when you recall the infamous CNN Gulf War broadcast and in the latter part Copper had 2 globalist shills for the new world order in attempt to sound like the New World Order or false flag is completely 100% crazy

The Corrupt media's attempt to attack people who are asking honest questions in regards to Sandy Hook shows that alternative independent media is indeed making huge headways when it comes to looking at the actual facts of the case...

And it only shows how incredibly cowardly they are as well

Myself:  the government and the globalists needed an excuse to go after law-abiding gun owners to complete their enslavement grid and given all the other shootings prior and all the hysterical crap and Bob Costas on NBC as well and given all the reports I have seen myself and have posted here, I had a feeling something might be staged and by the looks of it this awful shooting of school kids and adults may have been staged...

Friday, January 11, 2013

British and CNN globalist piece of trash Piers Morgan calls US constitution "your little book", Report: Rogue nations could steal globalist patented geo-engineering schemes

IN an interview with's editor Ben Shapiro last night on CNN, globalist piece of cow dung Piers Morgan called the U.S. constitution "your little book" as he continued his annoying and tiresome rants for gun control

Shapiro presented Morgan with a pocket version of the U.S. Constitution(and I have 2 copies of a pocket version when I bought stuff from called the Citizens Handbook which contains the American constitution and Bill of Rights) and Shapiro stated: "I would really like to hear your policy prescriptions for what we should do about guns because you say you respect the 2nd amendment. you know, I brought this here for you so you can read it. It's the Constitution"

After a short debate the 2 exchanged in the following as Morgan picked up the Constitution and jabbed at Shapiro's direction with it here is a few excerpts:

"Morgan- On the American constitution and the 2nd amendment. It's exactly what you have tried to do. You come in, you brandish your little book, as if I don't know what's in there-

Shapiro- My little book? That's the constitution of the United States. Its our founding document Piers.

Morgan- I know its your constitution.

Shapiro- Do you really?

Morgan- I have been debating this for a long time.

Shapiro- Then you should read the second amendment again.

Morgan- I know the second amendment. What I haven't heard is one coherent reason why any civilian in America needs an AR-15, military style, assault weapon. Tell me why you need one.

Shapiro- I told you, why the general population of America, law abiding citizens, need AR-15s

Morgan-Why do they ned those weapons?

Shapiro- They need them for the prospective possibility for the resistance of tyranny. Which is not a concern today, it may not be a concern tomorrow.

Morgan-Where do you expect tyranny to come from?

Shapiro-It could come from the United States, because governments have gone tyrannical before, Piers. ( my note: The U.S. government is already tyrannical because it has been highjacked by Mega-Corporations , Foreign and Domestic Banks and the families that control them)

Morgan- Do you know how absurd you sound?"

this moron completely ignorant of history?? Governments have become tyrannical whether it was Russa, Germany, China, Cuba  to name a few and they disarmed their citizens and genocide resulted from that..

Shapiro did accuse Morgan of using bullying tactics on gun control and told him he was using the deaths of the children at Sandy Hook as an excuse to demonize people who differ from Morgan politically and I am afraid he is dead correct. Given the debates he had with Pratt where he called him a stupid man

Here are the videos of both debates

Morgan claims he has respect for the consitution but yet here he is trashing the document and by extension those who respect it. Morgan is not unintelligent, he knew damn well what he was saying and what effect it would have

His words reflect what fascist globalist pig former US president George Bush was reported by Washington insiders to have called the Constitution as "just a goddamned piece of paper"

 IN the 2013 World Economic Forum report, the world is being warned that a so called rogue nation could highjack "global climate change" for sinister purposes. The report mentions X factors that could occur (page 57) which could be a geo-engineering nightmare:

"in which a country or small group of countries precipitates an international crisis by moving ahead with large-scale research independent of the global community. The global climate could, in effect, be highjacked by a rogue country or even a wealthy individual with unpredictable costs to agriculture, infrastructure and global stability"

Of course they don't tell you that the concept of global climate change has already been highjacked by sociopathic control freak elites in the 1960's who have openly bragged how they have used the fraud that is man made climate change to force the world into adopting horrific human rights abusing population control measures

back in 2010, David Keith of the Sustainable Energy, Environment and Economy had proposed to release nano-sized discs into the earth's atmosphere to stop "global warming" and waste 1 billion dollars of american taxpayer money to do it. IT is well known that scientists are dabbling in this by mimicking sulphur dioxide emissions from volcanoes for "cooling purposes"

Even eco-fascist eugenicist John Holdren proposed such measures when he presented his Power-Point  presentationbefore international bankers but outrage back in 2009 forced this scum to back pedal but despite that He continued to maintain this insane idea and even the globalist backed Council On Foreign relations agreed him, Back in 2008 the CFR held similar workshops dedicated to "Planetary Scale Geo-Engineering"

The same Holdren who back in 1977 in his malthusian piece of trash Eco-Science when he warmly advocated for a "planetary regime" to scale back human population and even advocated spiking food and water with chemicals to render humanity infertile... GMOs anyone??

These elite bastards  are truly the definition of sociopathic, bunch of bloody mad people playing god with science for their own disgusting purposes...

Thursday, January 10, 2013

UN war propaganda embedded in upcoming zombie film "World War Z"

 World War Z is nothing but UN garbage so the globalists can carry out their disgusting genocide as portrayed in the movie and by also killing gun owners and teaching us that humanity is trash basically and that the world would be better off without us and in Alex Jones film endgame talked about how these sociopathic pieces of trash to usher in a police state so they can carry our deadly weaponized viruses like mouse pox for example that will 90% of us.. please spread this video around

Is globalist puppet canadian prime minister Stephen Harper negotiating with a terrorist and America do Not give up your guns!!!

over the past decade, the Canadian government has been hell bent on preventing "terrorism" pulling every propaganda trick in the book to con the public into believing we have a terrorist threat(since Canada has never been attack by a terrorist as far as I can remember)

The definition of terrorism is this: "The Use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims"

In a recent online conversation that Terry Wilson of Canadian Awareness saw this very interesting point. is the Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence engaging in terrorism?? by threatening her own life in the pursuit of her own damn political agenda???

I think most people could see it that way which would mean the Harper government and the Monarchy(the Governor General) would be negotiating with a terrorist when they meet this Friday January 11th 2013

But I guess the same could be said for the native chiefs meeting with terrorists. Since many will tell you that the monarchy and by extension our own Canadian government has been in engaged in terrorism against the native people of this country for well over 200 years

Given the Idle No More protests, which was spawned by recent events but is being fueled by absolute outrage that has been passed down through generations for the monarchy to take away land from the native people

But Blaming Stephen Harper for the recent changes is justified however the crown(regardless of who their point man is at the time) seems to be the root cause of what the Idle No More is protesting since it was the Crown who created the Indian act and etc...

so Terry Wilson wrote a post from 2011 about the rebellion of 1837 asking if we should bring that spirit back( in which

William Lyon Mackenzie King lead 5,000 men who wanted Canada to break free from the British Monarchy and the elites to create a Canadian Republic but was not successful clearly

It is very interesting indeed and there is a video showing the differences between a Republic and a Democracy (shown above)

A Republic is rule by law and protecting the rights of the people whereas a democracy is the rule of the majority, Monarchy is rule by one, Oligarchy is rule by the few, Anarchy rule by no one basically

Oligarchy is the most common form of government even today and is what we are facing right now the rule of the few

But you do need some law as there is no freedom without it but some use anarchy to promote revolts to break down society and then beg government to bring in order and this happened in Nazi germany and Communist Russia

Democracy is rule by the majority and the flaw is when a majority is not restrained and takes someone's house or kids even business and half  people who are persuaded to want something in a democracy they rule essentially..

A Republic is rule by law and basically leaves the people alone basically

and the video does a great job explaining

the essence of a republic is lets say for example in the old west a gunman was going around shooting people and the people want to hang him but the sherrif says he has a right to a fair and speedy trial in front of a jury who does not rule by majority and has to be unanimous in whether the gunman is guilty or not or he goes free basically That is a republic bascially and limits government power

and the people could keep the fruits of their labor and where free

Rome was a republic but had no limits on government power and thus they had an economy that was based on slave labor and then were ruled by an oligarchy and the video explains this well

hence why they collapsed

So given all of this, I think we should recreate that rebellion of the 1837 attempt by King and his 5,000 men who tried to break free from the Monarchy and the elites who ran it

Because we are facing the same thing now where  only now it is mega-coporations and private foreign and domestic banks  plus the families who RUN THEM and trade deals that  like NAFTA  have done nothing but ship jobs overseas who have highjacked this once great country... (written by russian journalist of Pravda Stanislav Mishin)

These days there are few things to admire about a bunch of socialist, sociopathic bankrupt and culturally highjacked United States but one thing remains so far: the right to bear arms and defend yourself and one's possessions.

This may shock people here in the West when they read this article because we all know the Russians at point were heavily armed before the Communists took them away and whom Washington supported

Many of the armies who stood up to the Reds, where just regular farmers, peasants and merchants in 1918

To this day Russians do not have the right to bear arms because they are told that everyone would just start shooting other but criminals are still armed to the teeth and the fact everyone would shoot everyone  is insane and completely not true

One example is Switzerland, lowest crime rate in the world because they require their citizens to have firearms and if the government has excess weapons they sell them to the public

My own message to America is the same as the russian: Do not give up your firearms period and do not fall for the propaganda about guns..

Great article for sure

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Piers Morgan and guests discuss killing Alex Jones, Alex Jones challenges Piers Morgan to another Gun Control Debate

Daily Beast writer Buzz Bissinger came out saying that globalist shill Piers Morgan should "pop" Texas radio Host Alex Jones with a semi-automatic weapon the day after Alex Jones absolutely schooled Piers Morgan as CNN and the rest of their globalist minions are calling for Mr. Jones to be shot

The Daily Beast sports writer Bissinger made a stunning and downright sick statement:

"I don't care what the justification is that you're allowed in this country to own a semi-automatic weapon-much less a handgun. But what do you need a semi-automatic weapon for? The only reason I think you need it, Piers, challenge Alex Jones to a boxing match, show up with a semi-automatic that you got to legally pop him" 

Abby Huntsman of the Huffington Post laughed by saying she would love to see this happen in Uniform
Earlier in the episode another lunatic expressed that Jones' kids would not be killed which Jones' says terrorized his kids and family as they watched from home

This appalling call for violence is from those brainwashed zombies who are  demanding gun control is nothing new here. Shortly after the Sandy Hook shootings, advocates for firearms restrictions flooded twitter and other sites to demand murder of the NRA president and the article has examples of this insanity for lack of a better word

Fresh off the CNN confrontation between Jones and Morgan that has gone viral all over the media, Alex Jones has challenged Piers Morgan to another debate on gun control that would be overseen by an independent moderator. Jones responded to the segment last night where Piers Morgan and his guests(see above report) made jokes about shooting Jones with a semi-auto assuring the CNN host there would be no weapons at this debate and he said "Please don't shoot me during the debate"

He emphasized this would be a real debate of the second round of the showdown would be a real debate format- where Morgan could ask his questions and Jones could do the same

The Media coverage following the first one has been not a surprise around Jone's passionate aggressive rant on the second amendment while dismissing the facts brought up by both Jones and Morgan

Fox 19's Ben Swann highlights in the video that Morgan got his facts wrong on more than one account and his arguments that England, where firearms are banned, is somehow a great example to follow never mind that crime has soared over there despite the ban on firearms

It is these kinds of ignorant misconceptions about gun control that could be properly examined in a controlled debate. Morgan did say during his show last night that he would be thrilled to have Jones back on but whether the CNN host accepts remains to be seen....