IN a speech that was 45 minutes in length, Congressmen Ron Paul said farewell to a 36 year long career in politics including 23 years in office. And he did it with a warning to people who care about liberty. Here are a few highlights:
"If it's not accepted that big government, fiat money, ignoring liberty, central economic planning, welfarism, warfarism caused by our crisis we can expect a continuous and dangerous march toward corporatism and even fascism with even more loss of our liberties"
"All branches of our government have today are controlled by individuals who use their power to undermine liberty and enhance the welfare/warfare state-and frequently their own wealth and power"
He described the federal government as "bloated, corrupt and wasteful" while adding that "Our constitution, which was intended to limit government power and abuse, has failed"
"The Founders warned that a free society depends on a virtuous and moral people. The current crisis reflects that their concerns were justified"
"Legalizing a government monopoly for initiating aggression can only lead to exhausting liberty associated with chaos, anger and the breakdown of civil society. We know have a standing army of armed bureaucrats in the TSA,CIA, Fish and Wildlife, FEMA, IRS, Corp of Engineers, etc.., numbering over 100,000 civil society"
He also pointed out that people have forgotten the value of liberty saying "History has shown that the masses have been quite receptive to the promises of authoritarians which are rarely if ever fulfilled"
He also appeared to be distraught that he could not do more in his career to stop the erosion of civil liberties and freedoms by saying: "In many ways, according to conventional wisdom, my off-and-on career in Congress, from 1976-2012 accomplished very little. No named legislation, no named federal buildings or highways, thank goodness!! in spite of my efforts, the government has grown exponentially, taxes remain excessive, and the prolific increase in incomprehensible regulations continues. Wars are constant and pursued with out congressional declaration"
Though he would be the first to admit he is not the greatest speaker but anytime I have listened to him he has always spoken with passion, class, dignity and a fearless loyalty to his Libertarian principles
Dr. Paul covered some big issues ranging from the Federal Reserve, The PATRIOT ACT, warrant less spying, undeclared wars, the criminal illegalization of marijuana, hemp and raw milk, the failed drug war, TSA searches, federal debt and borrowing, rise of world government and a whole host of other things.
IN his concluding remarks he outlined the main dangers that threaten a free society(which I am paraphrasing):
1. The continuous attack on civil liberties which threaten rule of law and the people's ability to resist tyranny.
2. Violent anti-Americanism that has engulfed the world. Because of the payback concept is not understood or denied, the US foreign policy is destined to keep the US in as many wars that they have no god damn(my language) business being. National bankruptcy and a greater threat to national security will result
3. The ease in which the US has gone to War. Without getting approval from congress, they have just gone to the United Nations or NATO to start these preemptive and illegal wars
4. The financial political crisis as result of excessive debt, unfunded liabilities, spending, bailouts and gross discrepancy in wealth going from the middle class to the rich. The danger of the central economic planning by the criminal private Federal Reserve has to be understood
5. World government taking over local and US sovereignty by getting their dirty little hands in the issues of war, welfare, trade, banking, a world currency, taxes, property ownership and private ownership of guns.
I have to say Ron Paul was one of the few elected officials who refused to compromise his beliefs in liberty and his belief in the constitution. His tireless efforts to stand up for the people against these sick tyrants is admirable and his efforts to stand up for freedom should be an example for all of us in this fight for our liberty and freedom here in the West.
Congressmen Ron Paul reacted to the growing movement across the US reminding the people that the US seceded from the British empire, while slamming those who suggested people be deported for merely talking about this idea.(there is a video of him on CSPAN talking about this linked in this article)
There have been petitions from all 50 states to secede being posted on the White house website and signed by over a million Americans, the secessionist movement is being demonized as "Anti-American" even TREASONOUS
when in reality Ron Paul shows us it is as American as apple pie and George Washington.
In the video report he talked about how the Founders believed in it and there is no where in the Constitution that says it is against secession adding that the Union was voluntary and therefore secession was also voluntary under the 10th amendment
More and More Americans are fed up with the highjacking of their country by the mega-corporations and foreign/domestic banks and given the erosion of civil liberties through things like the NDAA and the TSA here are a few highlights:
"We are not calling for the states to opt out of the union, we are calling on them to opt out and secede from the new world order power monopoly that is destroying everything that was ever good about America"
"the Federal government is supposed to represent the states, but it doesn't, it represents the interests of the political and financial elite who themselves have no allegiance to America"
"Infowars is calling on patriots to start a movement and to draft Ron Paul as the head of a brand new effort to restore the Republic, restore the bill of rights and opt out of the counterfeit America the banking elite has subverted and fashioned to serve their own interests"
Of course the establishment has demonized this and even brainwashed supporters of globalist puppet Obama have called for the people supporting this to be kicked out of the US, strip them of their citizenship and exiled
I say Good on you the Americans who have woken up and are rising up Maybe we should take your example of secession here in Canada since we too have been highjacked by the same criminal gang of globalist elite.. About time we start rising up and taking our respective countries back from these
sociopathic criminal tyrants...