Tuesday, May 31, 2011

the biofuels scam part of the global warming hoax

The fear mongering environmental evangelists behind the  promotion of the man made global warming hoax.. they are telling us to use Biofuels from things like corn and soybeans will reduce CO2 ... here is the problem: these are government sponsored scams because what this is doing is creating food shortages in certain parts of the world and thus causing OUR FOOD PRICES TO GO UP!!!  and I just heard on the news that it is because of climate change(really a disguise for global warming) but really that is not the case at all as you know.. I have read there have been food riots in countries like Haiti because of inflation of food prices with this scam but of course mainstream media could give a damn less about telling the REAL TRUTH but  instead focus on the lie that it is man made global warming doing this.. so basically what this is about is CONTROLLING resources and to hell with the people who have the right to food and the farmers who produce food because as I have said before this whole man made global warming /CO2 hoax and this biofuels excuse is about POWER, MONEY and CONTROL and the fact that at least 1/3rd of these crops are going to biofuels projects around the world including the US.. I think this whole thing if we look back lets say 30 years this will be one of the greatest scams ever shoved down the throats of you and I and a complete farce to science.. But WE can stop these CONTROLLING   bastards by educating ourselves by doing the research into this hoax and telling people about it... believe me you will be enraged and disgusted by what these people are doing... 

Stay Classy


found great letter to editor on New Jersey website about the fear and the hysteria that surrounds the man made global warming hoax


hope you enjoy this letter and I know I got a good laugh out of it because the author was able to point out the  things these fear mongers  claim are so out there and untrue you can help but shake your head in amazement at how they can convince people of this lunacy... truly one of the best pieces about this hoax I have read since I started researching this man made global warming hoax/scam

Stay Classy


Sunday, May 29, 2011

breaking news: Kyoto accord loses 4 nations including Canada

Just read this from the Sydney Morning Herald (the article is linked on http://www.climatedepot.com) that 4 nations including Canada backed out of the Kyoto Accord (which was signed in 1997 to curb "greenhouse gases") because China was not included in the deal since they are considered one of the biggest "carbon dioxide" polluters besides the US.. at least that is according to the article.. I will say that I am glad they got out of this bullshit policy because I was never a fan of it and thought it was a complete joke so thank god Our government here in Canada finally came to their damn senses regardless of their reasons for backing out.. it is a small victory to stopping the people behind this damn hoax of man made climate change...

Stay Classy


PS:  here is the link to the article: http//www.smh.com.au 

Monday, May 23, 2011

9/11 part 2: black boxes and why I think it was an excuse

According to official story, the black boxes from the 2 airliners that the twin towers were never recovered.. however according to an eyewitness(interviewed on Jesse Ventura's conpsiracy theory show about 9/11) who was volunteering with the clean up saw black boxes being put into a van by the FBI... ask yourself this question how do you not recover black boxes??? any pilot will tell you that black boxes are virtually indestructable.. so think about that.. Why did they claim they were never recovered?? what is it they were trying to cover-up?? 

I think 9/11 was an excuse so the US government could justify going to Iraq(not for weapons of mass destruction as they claimed, I have learned it was all a lie) but because of OIL... I recommend you read a book by Russ Baker called Family of Secrets which is about the Bush Family.. Not only is well researched it is quite the read.. I could not put it down.. but he covers this topic from the political viewpoint of course but causes one to wonder all the events of the course of US history that involved this corrupt family... 

that is all for now.. have a good day and if you live in Canada, happy Victoria Day

Stay Classy


Sunday, May 22, 2011

9/11: my take

As you know this year is the 10th anniversary of the september 11th attacks that struck the World Trade Centre twin towers, the penatgon and a field in pennsylvania.. the official story says that 2 airliners flew into the twin towers, the penatgon and the field.. but over the years I never really thought about until I did some research that told a different story that the US government either knew about it, had a hand in it or just the adminstration were so stupid that they ignored clear warnings about a potential attack from the FBI and other government agencies.. I have seen these documents first hand in former minnesota governor Jesse Ventura's new book called the 63 documents that the government doesn't want you to read and these documents are in the public domain.. so they were legally obtained(can even find them online).. and they had a bit about building 7 that mysteriously collapsed like freely to the ground they claim it was the fires from the planes that hit the 2 towers but I found out that in the soil around the towers they found traces of explosives known as super thermite(which is a combination of iron oxide and aluminum) and building 7 is another mystery.. why did it come down the way it did.. well I seen a report in the book that based on laws of physics and gravity it looked like a controlled demolition and I have seen video of it coming down like that... I have heard rumours* that bomb sniffing dogs were not allowed on any of the floors.. sounds suspicious to me... 

and the pentagon, the official line says that flight 77 hit it well that is a load of garbage because I saw demonstrated on jesse ventura's conspiracy theory on the pentagon(which you can find on youtube by typing in conspiracy theory 9/11-pentagon) that for a plane to create a hole like that is next to impossible.. you would have seen wing marks, fuel spillage, seats, victims but where was that??? any of the camera footage I have seen... you don't see it... one witness he interviewed said it sounded like a bomb went off.. others have said it was missile... 

I personally believe that the 9/11 commission was LIED TO.. I heard they only got 3-4 million to do the investigation and they only had a certain amount time.. now something like this you would think the Government would have put more money into it to get a proper investigation.. which never happened... 

I don't know if we will ever get the real truth but there is a movement called 9/11 truth (their website is http://www.911truth.org) they include architects, physicists, scholars you name it who want the real truth and question the official line

 and one other thing.. I heard that NORAD was told to STAND DOWN... think about that why the hell would the government order a stand down if the country was under attack??? makes one wonder

Stay Classy


*Update: you know I how I mentioned the bombs and the bomb sniffing dogs??? well I was on http://www.infowars.com and they had a write up from Washington's Blog about how bomb sniffing dogs were not allowed on certain floors of the WTC buildings.. it is a very interesting piece and suggest you go and read it on the link I have provided and you just scroll down and when you see the 9/11 section and you see Washington's Blog.. just click on it.. and the article is right there...

Thursday, May 19, 2011

just found great washington times piece on this whole global warming crap

here it is:


stay classy 


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

how the sun is ignored by the human causes of global warming alarmists

I just read a great article from climatedepot.com that scientists in europe discovered how cosmic rays from the sun contribute to the formation of clouds which we all know is because when the sun hits the surface it brings up water vapour which in turn forms clouds. 

It also mentions how sunspots play a role in whether temperatures on earth are gonna be warm or cool... I saw in the global warming swindle how a scientist and his team used sun spots to forecast the weather based on the sun's spots.. more spots equals warmer temperatures and less sunspots equals cooler temperatures and when they did this they actually were ACCURATE in their forecasts

 so basically the driver of our climate is NOT HUMANS AND CO2 and other life giving greenhouse gases but THE SUN!!!!!!!!! 

but these idiots would rather you believe this fallacy of humans controlling our climate when really we have no control over it whatsoever.. it is the sun and will always be the sun...

Stay Classy


Sunday, May 15, 2011

global warming scam: the climategate scandal

Back in November 2009, emails from this climate research unit in the UK were hacked and it was found out that these scientists deliberately falsified the data as I mentioned in an earlier post that the earth's temperature was ACTUALLY COOLING!!!!!  and they did this because it was an excuse to get more funding... using lies to get money... sound familiar???

I want to give a brief history of this scam:

These emails actually go back to 1996(I have seen the excerpts of these emails) that they could not account for the lack of warming and using tricks to hide the decline of the earth's temperature but of course they played the numbers and said that humans were causing the climate to change thus the excuse to shove taxes down our throats through the cap and trade system that they want to impose on all of us so they can get our money and control our lives... I discovered that in 1995 ,when the IPCC(the Intergovernmental panel on climate change, a branch of the UN) had their second assesement report on climate change, that the report was DOCTORED by a guy named Dr. Ben Santer(who was in cahoots with Maurice Strong, a canadian official who worked at the UN for close to 30 years  but left because of the oil for food corruption scandal and you will see mentioned in the conspiracy theory episode about this subject) deleting the real science that said humans were not the cause of climate change in 5 different places and also the summary at the end was dropped.. his excuse was because they wanted to be "consistent" with the other chapters and the chilling part when I saw that was he didn't even DENY doing it.. so what does that tell you?? and as for the emails, they admitted they were REAL according the associated press at the time(I have read the article myself just from my own research) 

I will leave you with that but I suggest you do your own research like I have to see what these damn crooks have gotten away with in the name of lies... 

Stay Classy


PS: just found a great video on this called Climate Chains and the global warming fraud just type in the name global warming scam and if you see this title above watch it

Friday, May 13, 2011

global warming scam: threat to our planet or a plot to extort,tax and cheat us all??

You may hear on the news how human causes of global warming have dominated the headlines over the years and how saving the planet is a good thing well I am hear to tell you: it is all a scam

If you remember al gore's documentary on this subject, you saw his wonderful little temperature graph that coincided with co2 and that human activity was the cause for this and the arctic ice melting. Well a few years ago, he was taken to court in the UK and the judge found 9 major errors in his film and so that raised the alarm with me as I always was skeptical that humans could have any influence over Earth's climate.. turns out the graph I mentioned was WRONG... you see when Temperatures go up, CO2 lags behind it because of the oceans and the SUN(which is virtually ignored by these climate fear mongers) but the two have nothing to do with each other.. 

For the Arctic ice, I read an interesting article a few days ago that the ice sheet has actually increased not the other way around as you have been told

also the recent tornado outbreaks in the southern US.. not caused by global warming as but because of LA NINA, which brings in COOLER than normal temperatures and thus this was one of the reasons these storms happened and also tornadoes need WIND SHEER, which is when you have lets say you have winds at the surface coming in from the south and lets say you have winds at the upper levels of the atmosphere coming out of the west.. What this does is it creates a "corkscrew effect" which allows storms to feed off this and cause them to rotate or spin and you also need both COLD and WARM AIR because basic science tells us that Cold air is more dense because it sinks where as warm air is more buoyant and rises so with that cold air rides over the warm air and thus they collide and that is how general thunderstorms are born but you also need low-level humidity to generate the supercell thunderstorm scenario as well and a triggering mechanism such as a low pressure system with associated cold and warm fronts to get this all to happen. In fact when global temperatures are warm you get less tornadoes but when they are warmer* you get less tornadoes.. 

Another reason this scam is out there is because the IPCC(intergovernmental panel on climate change, a UN branch) and their scientists were CAUGHT cooking the data to hide the fact the earth's temperature as actually DECLINED(in fact the earth has cooled over the last 10-12 years)... more fear equaled more money for them and also to create a WORLD GOVERNMENT... not a democratic one.. and you probably think I am crazy but I am not I listened to a news clip from the head of the European Union actually state this in a NEWS CONFERENCE because they want to create these global taxes so they can control our lives, what foods we can eat, what technologies we are allowed to have all because of lies and hysteria.. Not to say that we should not clean our water and get rid of smog but this bullshit about us the people having control over the weather is an example of how these people in higher positions can create a lie so that they get everyone in such a hysterical fit that they won't stop and question what they are really doing

I have done research online and watched some really interesting interviews and documentaries that explain this whole thing which I will let you know where you can see them and I still plan to further research this

you can check out:

The Great Global warming swindle on YOUTUBE: http://www.youtube.com
Alex Jones(he is an investigative journalist has written for NY times etc..) interviews Lord Christopher Monckton(who was an advisor to Margaret Thatcher when she was PM of the UK) you can also find this on youtube as well by typing that in

also there is a great site called Climate Depot http://www.climatedepot.com which is a wonderful website with a lot of great information

Stay Classy


*I put cooler instead of warmer.. sorry about the error .. but it is now fixed