Wednesday, May 6, 2020

the Left’s war on canadian gun owners David Menzies of the rebel news interviews a guy in toronto who was protesting the liberal left’s ridiculous gun control measures in light of the terrible shootings that took place in Nova Scotia recently and Conservative MP for Calgary Nose Hill Michelle Remple launched a petition against the gun control measures and it crashed the website I heard that over 92,000 signatures are on this petition which is incredible and really shows me that people have had enough with this nonsense and even Premier Ford slammed trudeau over this given that the real problems stem with the gangs and illegal guns that fly across the border but Trudeau and communist Bill Blair would rather ignore those problems and go after the law abiding gun owners in this country instead

I am so tried of politicians using tragic situations like the shooting in order to power grab and further erode our rights and freedoms in Canada and to me this kind of bullshit disrespects the victims and their families

Coronavirus roundup and the green left’s attempt to destroy canada’s Oil industry It appears that our tax dollars went to the wuhan lab where the wuhan Coronavirus may have originated to the tune of 828,000 dollars just more wasteful idiot spending by this corrupt inept government here in Canada also the police nanny state is getting more out of control by the day since they went after a mother for pushing her daughter in a swing in the park even though it was completely empty and you can learn more about this ridiculous fines at

But in lighter news some more businesses in Ontario have been allowed to open including garden centers but with the current guidelines of course I know locally some of the garden places here in Thunder Bay have opened with the guidelines or curb side pick up with online shopping so it is slowly getting somewhat close to normal again on that front

And the green left is continuing their war on oil and gas in this country since they want communist in chief to kill the industry even further because of their anti-human agenda of enslaving everyone under the guise that plant food which is not pollution is going to kill us all nonsense and it should surprise no one at this point proving once again they want everyone to be as miserable as they are