More erosion of civil liberties we all know he is anti-health, anti-GMO labelling and etc..
Mike Adams goes through 10 things including expanding the TSA further and increase the nanny state,expanding the secret arrests of Americans thanks to the lawless NDAA which he signed in secret, further blow-up of the national debt, rapid expansion of GMOs and USDA collusion showing how Monsanto and others thanks to the Obama adminstration thanks to the USDA cover-ups and junk science, look for more wars against fresh milk under the guise of food saftey, people have already have been buying guns as people prepare for gun confiscation and etc... it is a very good article Both Colorado and Washington legalized marijuana, basically what this does is nullify the fed's prohibition on it though it will still be illegal under federal law and the DEA can go after law abiding citizens for growing a plant that has a lot of medicinal health benefits I would know because when my uncle was dying from AIDS, he smoked marijuana because it helped him eat.
However it is nice to see this change for the better.. a partial legalization is better than a total ban I guess... Prop 37 has failed according the California Secretary of State ballot measure results. This would have required all GMOs to be labelled was defeated thanks to corrupt corporations like Monsanto, Pepsico, Coca-Cola, Kellog, General Mills and etc.. using fraud and dirty tricks and spending millions of dollars preventing this labelling and saw fabricated FDA quotes sent out to mailers that fraudulently used the FDA symbol. Not only this but they also created front groups for "no on 37" and impersonated police organizations to send out more fake mailers to voters claiming cops opposed GMO labelling
However the grassroots effort to try and raise awareness of the dangers of GMOs was supported by natural health advocates like Mercola, Nature's Path, Amy, Dr. Bronner and others. Even the independent Natural News website donated over 10,000 dollars to the effort and provide updates on it and forced the Bio-tech companies to spend 45 million dollars to defeat this labelling which shows how desperate they were to lie to the public about what is really in our food...
They may have won this round but they are going to lose the war based on their deception...