Sunday, August 28, 2011

Al Gore:Climate change skeptics are the racists of this generation

Yeah, our friend Al Gore is at it again.. according to the Daily Caller(article link is on ) , he called climate change skeptics(or in his words "climate change deniers"(saying if you deny man made global climate change you deny the holocaust,which I do not deny but in these eco-facists mind we are doing it in an evil way) racists to the civil rights movement back in the 1960's(you heard me)  here is part of the quote:

"I remember going back to my early years in the South when the civil rights revolution was unfolding,there were 2 things that made an impression on me.My generation watched Bull Connor turning the hose on civil rights demonstrators and we went "whoa, how gross and evil is that?My generation asked old people "explain to me why it is okay to discriminate against people because of their skin colour is different?" and when they couldn't answer that question with integrity,the change really started" also goes on to say they(the eco-facists) have to "win" the conversation when it comes to "climate change"

This coming from the man who's FATHER VOTED AGAINST CIVIL RIGHTS!!!, REALLY AL ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME??? this was nothing but a pathetic desperate attempt for him and the rest of the eco-facists because they know their scam is being exposed for the pseudo-scientific bullshit that it is.(as you know,nothing annoys me more when I hear CO2 being referred to as a "toxic gas") 

The eco-facists could give a damn less about The American Constitution and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and overall HUMAN RIGHTS because they view us regular folks as a "malignancy" that needs to be eradicated(based on the hoax of overpopulation)and enslaved. But the good news is, I think if we continue to peacefully rise up against these bastards and keep exposing their plans, it will be a great victory for all humanity and all life on this wonderful planet known as Earth. 


Monday, August 15, 2011

interesting article on the real reason Somalia is a failed state

highlights include: how Somalia was once food prosper until the globalist IMF(international montary fund) and the World Bank destroyed their economy and privatized their water

also exposes the Biofuels scam that I have talked about... how they demonized CO2 is included in this article for their population control measures

I am not posting this to terrify you only to educate you on what BIG media refuses to report on this issue

and the current drought over there is due to The LA NINA CYCLE that happened from June 2010 to May 2011 not from "man made global warming" and this is part of a 20,000 year cycle

Take Care


Saturday, August 13, 2011

Marc Morano & Alex Jones: Al Gore's Green Nazi Movement Have Lost The Gl...

 marc morano of climate being interviewed by Infowars' Alex Jones.. enjoy this awesome interview.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

To Al Gore

Mr. Gore,

Your rant against Skeptics was a pathetic attempt to hold on to the ever collapsing hoax that CO2 is gonna bake the Earth. You and your control freak eco-facists czars are freaking out because we know the real truth thanks to RAW DATA that temperatures drive CO2, not the other way around and the SUN CONTROLS THE EARTH"S CLIMATE!!! and NASA data backs up the fact that CO2 cannot trap heat and is virtually insignificant but CO2 is an essential trace gas to all life on Earth and you claimed it was DEVIL POISION!!! and The Earth has been cooling for at least 10-12 years (again to due to the sun being less active)  and the fact that 31,478 THOUSAND scientists including 9,000 with phd's in the fields of earth sciences,climatology and other fields relating to this signed a petition not to long ago saying that man made climate change was a  SCIENTIFIC FRAUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

you and your controllers didn't and DON'T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT THE PEOPLE AS LONG AS YOU GOT WHAT YOU WANTED!!! which was A WORLD GOVERNMENT, POPULATION CONTROL(0ver a myth that there is too many people on earth when in reality birth rates have fallen in many parts of the world) and MONEY.. 

You should be tried along with your cronies like James Hansen and put in jail for your crimes against humanity.. 
