Friday, November 29, 2013

Church Group kicked out of park for feeding homeless people thanksgiving dinner

A church group in Lake Worth, Florida was kicked out of a public park yesterday afternoon after a park ranger saw them feeding the homeless residents

Members of Acts 2 Worship Center, who headed to Palm Beach County's John Prince Park to feed the homeless and intending to teach their kids the real meaning of Thanksgiving

Acts 2 Worship member Brian Oakes told CBS 12: "We brought our kids out here so they could see what it's really like for people that are struggling"

The park has had a growing homeless population, many hit hard by the engineered economic collapse by the banksters who have high jacked Canada, USA and Europe, and many of them very thankful to have a warm meal

Homeless resident Kevin Rudd said: "We're grateful you know. They hand out, we meet the guys and stuff. They give us a prayer and everything"

However a Park Ranger from Palm Beach County "just following orders" approached the group and demanded they leave for violating an alleged city ordinance

"It's very disappointing, We didn't inted for this today"-said Brian Oakes."We just wanted to give the food and bless the people"

Despite all of this, the church group stood up for humanity, defying orders as they finished handing out the rest of their meals. After being confronted by CBS 12 reporter Israel Balderas, the park ranger refused comment, admitting he was "given strict orders" not to discuss the mater

So now I guess you are evil for helping the homeless by giving them a warm meal while the zombies engage in violent fighting over fake deals are praised( ) while those who were trying to help the less fortunate by feeding them are demonized and raked over the coals by engaging in the true meaning of Thanksgiving..

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Kathleen Wynne And Al Gore Celebrate As Ontario Enters A Green Disaster

Kathleen Wynne And Al Gore Celebrate As Ontario Enters A Green Disaster

On Thursday(today) Ontario's Premier Kathleen Wynne and the so called inventor of the internet or more like the man whose movie had 35 significant errors according to a Science and Public Policy Report in the UK and the fact a UK court ruled there was 9 errors on top of this Al Gore celebrated their victory of destroying our province with Wynne announcing the closures of coal fire plants in the Sarnia Lambton area and Atikokan facilities(Atikokan is west of Thunder Bay)  and the closure of the Nanticoke Generating Station-which is the largest coal plant in North America

The Ontario government brags on their website: "The Ending Coal for Cleaner Air Act would ensure that once coal facilities stop operating by the end of 2014, coal burning generation on the electricity gird will never happen again"

As Wynne and Gore and the rest of the eco-fascist scum trendy idiots celebrate our de-industrialization. Here is what this means for you and I. As I and others have well documented Ontario pays the highest god damn electricity prices in the entire country and North America and People will be in fuel poverty like the European Union did with similar green energy scams they rammed down the throats of their people

According to an interesting Daily Mail report: "More than 2,700 people are dying each year in England and Wales because they cannot afford to keep their homes warm, according to an official study/

The spiraling cost of gas and electricity combined with the impact of green taxes is putting health and lives at risk, researchers found"

No shit eh??? As Historian Webster G Tarpley put it in the Obama Deception Clip regarding how the fraud of man made climate change is nothing more than a scam to help the elites create their world fascist tyrannical government said that if you put a " carbon tax" on people world wide it will cause a genocide well into the billions and clearly we are seeing it now in the UK and coming soon to Canada and Ontario specifically

This type of bullshit is only going to drive business away because what business in their right mind wants to pay high prices for electricity to run their place when they can go to another province or another country and pay way less?? I know I would not

This is the price we are paying for the CO2 burning the earth myth never mind the real environmental problems like GMOs and Smog but a life giving gas being demonized as a pollutant is not only a slap in the face to science but a slap in the face to all life on this planet of ours... it truly makes me ill that our schools are brainwashing our kids into the gaia worshipping death cult of the globalist elite and of UN Agenda 21..

Friday, November 22, 2013

Dallas police assault free speech activists, punch radio host Alex Jones

Dallas police assaulted peaceful free speech activists during the JFK 50th anniversary event, punching law abiding citizens along with texas radio host Alex Jones which there is video provided in this article(and I watched the whole thing, very disturbing)
The peaceful protesters were outside a barricade in downtown Dallas near the official commemoration of JFK. The barricades opened and out of nowhere, the police marched right in front and forecfully pushed protesters back with several being violently assaulted including Alex Jones who got punched in the abdomen. One of the victims was a young father with his little girl on his shoulders, the girl clearly became hysterical but thankfully was placed into safety by her mother

The police were working on behalf of the Sheriff's office and appeared to be coordinated with the Department of Homeland Security. Regular cops who seemed friendly before this disgusting incident took place seemed shocked to see black clad Sheriff's cops arrived to clearly incite violence

Mr. Jones vowed to file lawsuits against the Dallas authorities and the individual cops who took part in the violence. Protesters had gathered there peacefully to protest an order by Mayor Mike Rawlings to target people who handed out fliers or displayed signs in the area

(note: not all cops are bad, but these particular ones are an embarrassment to the good law enforcement people who actually do their job and shame on this police officers for abusing their power)

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

JFK Assassination and the coverup and a Manitoba mum gets fined 10 bucks for sending her kids a healthy home cooked meal

Almost everything about the JFK assassination has been planted in our heads for years by the corrupt mockingbird mainstream media. Every theory advanced or promoted by the people who control the mainstream press. Therefore we get all kinds of false nonsense which were published in November 1963 and much of the so called official information is highly suspicious

The Most obvious hallmark of the "execution" of the assassination plot is that it was a CIA run plan and whoever it was necessary to directly involve in the conspiracy to kill Kennedy was inserted into this compartmentalized operation and done on a need-to-know-basis and this applies to the coverup as well

Therefore we can say and as I said before regarding the article about Oliver Stone saying the Zapruder film was tampered with is that certain criminal elements within the CIA, Secret Service, FBI and Dallas Police Department had to have had a absolute hand in the plot and the following coverup. Over time there were other law enforcement agencies who got put into the cover up phase by necessity. All law enforcement are run by Military style pyramidal hierarchies, so it was awfully easy for these scum to control the flow of information over the decades after JFK's murder

We know Lyndon B Johnson had motive and power and he was well protected by the good ole boy network. Both Big Oil and the Military Industrial Complex(which Former Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura talks about in his new book They Killed Our President actually talked about)  stood right behind him and so did the entire Texas political machine. Isn't it ironic that Dallas,TX of all places was chosen for the very public execution. Simply put, LBJ and his cronies "had the whole place wired" from Dealey Plaza and the Texas School Book Depository.

It was well known at the time Kennedy was elected that LBJ was chosen as Vice President only because his political prowess in Congress and his ability to deliver Texas. However what is not really well known is the total complete hatred between the Kennedy and Johnson camps was intense and very toxic to a T. The personal animosities ran quite deep that many wondered how these sentiments would affect the day-to-day outworking of the Kennedy administration. Unfortunately, the disdain for each side had to fed each other for their silent participation in the JFK assassination as much as it did with the eventual coverup. Which is why this whole scenario from the beginning to end played out. It also illustrates the other rogue elements that were co-opted or associated with the murder, whether any involvement or not

We also know that JFK had numerous enemies because he wanted world peace and this pissed off the establishment for example everyone from the Cuban exiles to Russian KGB agents, from Fidel Castro to Nikita Khrushchev. Did these accused parties have an axe to grind with JFK or were they offered up by the MSM as red herrings??? would either want to attempt an assassination of an American president?? Not likely however just like these particular examples there many others who are proposed co-conspirators because of having been on the wrong side of both JFK and his brother Robert F Kennedy who was attorney general at the time.

When you examine the list of so called disaffected you can easily see how it would be just like LBJ and company to oversee one of the greatest coverups of the 20th century with ease by conspiracy of silence

CIA-JFK fired Director Allen Dulles
FBI-JFK was spied on by J. Edgar Hoover
Chicago Mafia-JFK had run ins with Sam Giancana, RFK took on organized crime
Roman Catholic Church(this surprises me)-JFK refused their 'orders'
Israel-JFK rebuffed David Ben Gurion's request for nuclear weapons
Federal Reserve-JFK issued an executive order which re-established the Treasury's power to print money
Military Industrial Complex-JFK was intent on winding down the Vietnam War
Republican Party-They believed that JFK's father stole the 1960 election
Secret Societies-JFK revealed their existence in a high profile speech

So what we can see here is that we have formidable enemies of the Kennedy clan. Not only are all them natural friends in the world of politics in which they saw JFK as a threat to their agenda but his policies were the total opposite of what these pathetic scumbags desire of having this perpetual war economy and so the only way they could achieve this was by killing him

Not only did the aforementioned parties gain from this coup which removed Kennedy quite effectively from power but it benefited the powerbroker and influential peddlers, financiers and bankers, industrialists and corporate magnets. All said, the political/economic block of players would rather see Kennedy gone and was so large and extensive the conspiracy of silence needed no real enforcement knowing they would never get back on if they lived long enough to tell their tale

So when the global power structure is so damn heavily weighed towards their outcome, there is no real way to stop it such the case with JFKs death. Those in power at the time, who sympathetic to the war economy cause, were enlisted to some degree depending on what their official positions were. With regards to LBJ, he controlled all the proper assets to make bloody sure this was a wrinkle free coup d'etat given his contacts throughout the Congress, state of Texas and commerce as well as law enforcement would make sure he got off scot-free like wild rice and it appears he did until Nixon's aide Roger Stone appeared on the scene and the article shows incredible detail asserting that LBJ was part of the conspiracy to kill Kennedy and of course all of this information has been ignored all together or suppressed in some way

Now it is difficult to say who did what and when and where and pinning any incrimination on LBJ with respect to JFK's murder is rather hard but there is no doubt in my mind and based on my research and the research of Michael Thomas of his actions and interactions it can be said he helped aid in the coverup whether he did because of pure complicity or forced by the power elite, is only know by the few at the very top of the decision making process

Also on a forensic level, there is no way Oswald did this based on the ballistic evidence that clearly shows the shot did not come from the building but from the ground based on how Kennedy's head went back and to the left if you look at the old videos

So clearly given all of this 50 years later, we see the same things again with the OKC bombings in 1995 and the crime of the 21st century and biggest coverup in this centuries history so far 9/11 in that the stories the government put out regarding these tragedies are highly questionable based on forensic evidence of the bombs being inside the Murrah Building(you can look this up youtube) and the thermite explosives found in the dust of the 3 towers that fell on that tragic Tuesday September 11th 2001 all thanks to the beautiful work of Dr. Steven Jones and others who have brought all of this to light despite the establishment's attempt to demonize them as "conspiracy theorists" and it is the same thing with those of us who question the Warren Commission report being portrayed as quacks or kooks when clearly there are problems with the report and it does not help that a coverup took place either

Anyhow RIP JFK, eventually we will put together all the pieces of the puzzle of who really killed you. You were the only decent American president and were killed because you did not want war but peace in the world and I have high respect for that and clearly the elites hated you for this because of their sick sociopathic anti-freedom and anti-human agenda

The war on school lunches continues this time it home here in Canada. Following on the heels of a federally sponsored preschool in Virginia not allowing homemade lunches without a note from the doctor, a mother in Manitoba was given a note and fine for 10 dollars when her children's preschool felt the lunch provided  required the "supplemented" Ritz crackers

The lunch that did not meet the Canadian Food Guide requirements??

Leftover roast beef, potatoes, carrots with and orange for dessert and a container of milk

My god that is such evil(note my sarcasm)

Their mom wrote of her dismay:

[if the lunch contained]"microwave Kraft Dinner and a hot dog, a package of fruit twists, a Cheestring, and a juice box" those lunches would have sailed right through this idiocy. But her whole food, homemade lunches? They lacked Ritz Crackers

So what say you? Here you come across a more inane school lunch policy? Because I sure haven't"

This particular brown bagged issues is based on Manitoba's Early Learning and Child Care lunch regulations which require children's lunches to be checked against the Canadian Food Guide and then"supplemented" by the workers of the school. The "supplementation" comes with a fine of 5 bucks a kid which is taken right from the parent's account

Now we all know grains have a source of fiber but check out the photo of the information on Ritz Crackers and what is missing from this fake grain supplement? also note which vitamins are present... because THERE ARE VIRTUALLY NONE AT ALL!!!! and you will see they have no fiber to speak of whatsoever so Ritz Crackers 5 dollar add one have no nutrients of any kind, no protein, fiber but this ticks off the boxes of the Manitoba government????

And look at the list of ingredients that Ritz Crackers contain which includes High Fructose Corn Syrup which has been linked to diabetes and weight problems and has GMO corn in it, hydrogenated oils(the trans fats which are on the verge of being banned by the United States) sugar(I guess the High Fructose Corn Syrup doesn't make it sweet enough in their mind) and all the other processed chemicals  it is a great addition to a healthy lunch(sarcasm)

So I guess now you are evil if you provide your kids with a healthy nutritious lunch because it seems the government does not want you to teach your kids on how important a healthy diet is and selling you on a diet that is processed with all kinds of stuff that is not good for you over whole foods. To add insult now they are charging you money to do this kind of crap

If it can happen here in Canada which it has, it can happen anywhere and we have seen numerous examples in the United States where in Chicago they banned homemade lunches, or in one of the Carolina states they swapped the young lady's healthy lunch with CHICKEN NUGGETS!!!!!

The school system has been highjacked by the elite scum of our planet through Common Core, which brainwashes your kids into making them into good little slaves for the elites but even worse is the "habit training" rather than teaching your kids reading, math and writing for example

The examples of forced schooling are as illustrated by Todd Walker of Survival Sherpa(which is linked in this article)  are:

"Never question authority-rulers are right
School nutrition is healthy
Teachers are the experts
College is the only "real" choice for success after high school
History taught in schools is accurate: "God cannot alter the past, but historians can"-Samuel Butler
Faux hero-worship is encouraged
Regurgitate answers rather than solve problems-(State Standardized testing is really a scam to pad their pockets while keeping the masses all confused and dazed. Though not openly taught, it is certainly true nevertheless)
Give up your right to privacy in exchange for security in a world filled with boogie men-<
Understand the State owns your child and there will be no negative consequences when you transfer your authority over your children to that of government force
Individualism is not tolerated and will be squashed with great force
Students are lumps of clay that need to be molded to be useful to the collective
Guns are evil-knives too
Schools incubate a mini police state in every child to forcefully mold compliant subjects
Learning through play is no longer allowed"

Politicians like to say that it takes a village to raise a child but it seems to be we have a bunch of despotic morons who are in charge of all of this. Don't let these scum raise your kids and this is all part of UN Agenda 21 as well

Monday, November 18, 2013

The eco-fascist scumbags use another storm to push the fraud of man made climate change

(Note: My heart goes out to the victims of the tornadoes yesterday in the US Midwest, truly heartbreaking to see the images but this yet another example how sociopathic the eco-fascist tyrants and their willingness to exploit tragedy for propaganda purposes)

Jeffrey Sachs, the former UN adviser and economist,  used the tragic storms in the Midwest yesterday to push the fraud of man made climate change as he blamed the tornadoes on this ridiculous scam. The article shows NOAA Storm Prediction Data that show the facts here which shows November high risk events happening in November since 1998 and those days were November 10th, 2002 and Nov.15th 2005

Sure these outbreaks are unusual for November but they still happen every so often and this was a result of a Colorado Low which had associated Warm and Cold fronts with cold air from the arctic colliding with warm pulse of air from the Gulf of Mexico along with the cold front created the perfect conditions for this kind of weather and the fact that there was wind sheering which is winds converging from the surface and what is in the upper atmosphere for example if you have winds coming from the south at the surface and say winds at the upper atmosphere coming in from the west it creates a corkscrew effect and causes these kinds of storms to feed off that kind of energy, combine this with the Colorado low and the associated fronts you have yourselves a high risk for severe weather. I should note this system actually brought snow to parts of Northern Ontario in places like Geraldton, Dryden, Sioux Lookout and as far east as the Mooseenee-Fort Albany area and into the Kapuskasing area

Also tornadoes for the last couple years have been lowest on record see this:

I am so tired of these eco-fascists like Sachs  exploiting these tragedies like this and the one in the Philippines to push the biggest scam in the history of the world in order to control our lives. These people have been through enough they don't need this nonsense from these tyrants

Here is a really good article from 2008 from the Ludwig Von Mises Institute talking about how radical environmentalism is being recycled as communism and nazism(

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Gay Activist Dan Savage calls for Mandatory Abortion and more

(disclaimer: I don't hate the lgbt community but I want to expose Dan Savage as a hypocrite and liar because you remember those it gets better videos when all those suicides were happening to young kids and the whole 9 yards telling them not to kill themselves but This piece of hypocritical trash shows his true colors(no pun intended) by illustrating his disdain for women and humanity as a whole)

During an appearance on Australian TV, a well known gay rights activist Dan Savage called for abortions to be made mandatory for 30 years to reduce world population.

This hypocrite was asked by an audience member "Which so-called dangerous idea do you think would have the greatest potential to change the world for the better if it were implemented?"

"Population Control. There's too many god--- people on the planet"-responded Savage as the audience applauded this horrific nonsense. "And I don't know if that's a--- you know, I'm pro-choice. I believe that women should have the right to control their bodies. Sometimes in my darker moments I'm anti-choice"

He goes on: "I think abortion should be mandatory for about 30 years. That's a dangerous idea. She wanted a dangerous idea. So throw a chair at me"

Savage's other exploits included vowing to inseminate his husband for God, wishing that "the Republicans were all fucking dead" and expressing the desire that a political candidate "should be dragged behind a pickup truck until there's nothing left but rope"

Savages anti-human rhetoric of mandatory abortion already goes on in Communist China, where women flout the country's horrific one child policy and cannot pay fines are kidnapped by government thugs, beaten up, dragged to the state hospital and are subjected to forced disgusting abortions

A recent story in the news involved a woman who had her house raided in the middle of the night by government officials before she was kidnapped, taken to hospital and forcibly injected with abortion- inducing drugs, killing her baby which was 3 months from being born

Babies have been aborted at 9 months old, dying in their mother's arms, while others have been tossed into buckets while alive or put in dying rooms and left to sit in their own waste and starve to DEATH!!!! anyone who has spoken out against China's forced abortions have been harassed by the government.

CNN along with billionaire eugenicist Ted Turner and other elite scum along with other pressure groups committed to population reduction have all advocated for chinese style one child policies worldwide/

In his 1977 cookbook for genocide which he penned with Paul Erlich and his lunatic wife called EcoScience, current Whitehouse "science" advisor John P. Holdren floated the idea of forced abortions and forced sterilization amongst other draconian population control measures, which would be carried out by a "Planetary Regime"

Also during a 2011 speech at Sichuan University, Vice President Joe Biden told the audience that he "fully understands" China's one child policy. Aside from Savage's call for such  a disgusting abuse of human rights, the supposed threat of overpopulation is a flat out fraud. The UN's own data shows that the population will stabilize in 2020 and then drop dramatically after 2050.

Even the Economist reported: "Fertility is falling and families are shrinking in places-such as Brazil, Indonesia, and even parts of India-that people think of as teeming with children. As our briefing shos, the fertility rate of half the world is now 2.1 or less-the magic number that is consistent with a stabel population and is usually called "the replacement rate of fertility". Sometime between 2020 and 2050 the world's fertility rate will fall below the global replacement rate"

Warnings of overpopulation are clearly not true at all. IN reality it is underpopulation that will be the biggest threat to human prosperity in the later half of the 21st century. Slate's Jeff Wise documented as well that due to falling fertility rates, the populations of Western Europe are set to drop from 460 million to just 350 million by the end of the century. Meanwhile Russia and China(because they bought in to the fraud) could lose half of their populations as well. Germany's birthrate has sunk to 1.36 with Italy at 1.4, Spain at 1.48 thanks to a natural process known as "demographic translation" which is a shift from high death rates and high birthrates to low death rates and low birthrates.

Human population is set to reach 9 billion from 2050-2070 and then it will start the decline "In the long term-on the order of centuries-we could be looking at the literal extinction of humanity" Writes Wise pointing to a 2008 IIASA report

Not only is Mr. Savage calling for mandatory abortion is outright offensive, disgusting it is an insult to the women in China and other places who are subjected to this horrific atrocity as justification-to reduce population- is factually and scientifically and morally bankrupt

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

GMO labeling initiative 522 has failed showing yet again how corporate money can buy food secrecy and Oliver Stone saying that Zapruder film regarding JFK murder was doctored

As of this article Washington state I-522 looks to have failed at the ballot box and there is link showing the results county by county. As of 11pm last night the "no" votes were 55%-44% and mail in votes have not been counted as of yet unless something dramatic happens I-522 will go down as another example of food corporations buying votes through a campaign of lies and deception.

The Grocery Manufacturers of America and the biggest food corporations proved in this campaign their willingness to engage in a criminal conspiracy to cheat, lie and purposely misinform voters. At stake is the continued way of doing business: Secrecy coupled with consumer ignorance.

If this election would have been honest I am pretty sure this I-522 would have passed because lord knows these companies don't want consumers knowing what is really in their food and hence the millions upon millions of dollars spent into their propaganda campaign hoping to con voters into not understanding what they were voting for. In an honest election without corporate money I-522 would have seen the light of day but much like Prop 37 in California, corporate money yet again allowed these companies to steal the election and basically bought their victory that keeps consumers in the dark

The Yes on 522 ran a very good campaign according to Mike Adams who wrote this article and says that if voters had not been lied to by the corporate funded opposition this ballot measure just may have well would have been passed. No one in their right mind would want less transparency on what is really in the foods we buy and consume on a daily basis. Any person with a damn brain, if allowed due consideration on this subject, would naturally say that the right to know what is in our food is a basic fundamental human right!!!

This also shows that democracy is a failure when corporate money is allowed to influence election outcomes and isn't all true for all the elections these days??? so even though we can say that we the people are in "charge" of legislation in reality corporations have seized not only the United States but Canada and Europe that even when informed masses want to codify human rights, it cannot be achieved.

GMO labeling will never be won with money given the back to back failures of I-522 and Prop 37, I think we need to realize we cannot win this with money. As much money that has been raised to support GMO labeling, the junk food manufacturers of America were able to spend twenty times more money to help defeat GMO labeling

Selling the public beverages and junk foods made with pure garabage ingredients is of course highly profitable and so of course these companies are going to through as much money as they can like monkeys in a bar fight

If we ever see GMO labeling whether in the US or Canada, victory might have to happen at the grassroots level and methods that go way out of the box than spending money on ads..

However as Adams points out the 522 people did all they could but the way the campaigned was way to conventional but not "guerilla campaigning"

For example when the American colonists in the War of Independence who knew they would be slaughtered like pigs if they did battle with the occupying British by adhering to rigid formations. Man for man (dollar for dollar) beating the establishment at their own game is hard to beat. What we need to do is invoke these tactics like when the colonists hid in the bushes and ambushed high ranking British officers thereby destroying the leadership and causing chaos within the enemy ranks.

Now Mr. Adams is not suggesting we go out and kill CEOs of the junk food company when using this metaphor, it is merely to illustrate the fact that going head to head (dollar for dollar) with giants like Pepsico, Coca-Cola and Monsanto is never going to result in getting GMOs labeled

There are far better ways to increase your efforts and make the actions of one person be more of an impact that the millions of dollars spent by the opposition.

We need to realize GMO labeling opposition will never play by the rules at all. They engage in ruthless tactics of tricks and even resorting to criminal activity in order to achieve their goals. Now we should not stoop to their level of course and break laws, but we need to be more aggressive in accusing the opposition of mass deception, poisoning and potential for an environmental disaster. See those campaigns for GMO labeling are far to polite according to Adams, they are too nice and play by nice rules Those are great allies to have but they are not the no bullshit, no holds bar folks that are needed to defeat these junk food corporations.

The GMO labeling opposition is really a mafia of criminal scum who continue their dark disturbing victories by breaking the rules and playing dirty. To beat them you have to start voting with your dollars when you go to the grocery store and hit them where it hurts: Profits

With the 50th anniversary of the assassination of JFK approaching later this month, 3 time Academy Award winning director Oliver Stone says the Zapruder film was altered. He appeared on Democracy Now, Stone said that the infamous Zapruder film which shows Kennedy being shot in the head from the front, was doctored and confiscated by the CIA and Secret Service.

"It was altered a but I think-there's a lot of evidence to that effect"-said Stone who directed the 1991 blockbuster JFK and even in another interview he did with the Huffington Post Live, Stone repeated the same claim that the tape was doctored. The Zapruder film was not aired on network TV until 1975, a mere 13 years after the assassination.

Though there have been many eyewitnesses to the JFK assassination itself, many of them died under mysterious circumstances. Between the winters of 1963 and 1967, 15 JFK witnesses who were interviewed by the Warren Commission, Dallas Police, or the FBI died prematurely and in bizarre ways. When in actuary the odds of that occurring naturally are one hundred thousand trillion to one.

Expressing his utter amazement that some people still deny there was a wider conspiracy behind the assassination of JFK, Stone explained how it was impossible for Kennedy to have been shot from only one direction

"You see him essentially get a hit from the front, when he gets the hit from the front which is the 4th or 5th or 6th shot, he goes back and to the left, that's the basic evidence-Said Stone, adding that many eyewitnesses at the hospital saw "a massive exit wound to the rear of the skull" but the autopsy was manipulated because the doctors in charge had been ordered to patch up the back of Kennedy's head by the military to conceal evidence

Stone also touched on the "magic bullet" theory, presented by the Warren Commission, which attempted to explain how a single bullet could have caused 7 different wounds in two people

"It's a farce and they got away with it because it's a lot of mumbo jumbo-said Stone, asserting that at least 5 shots were made. According to official story, Lee Harvey Oswald took only 3 shots from the Texas Book Depository. In addition, expert marksmen have tried to replicate Oswald's shot, at a moving target through a tree and failed

"Two teams of FBI experts tried to do it, plus CBS I believe and various other organizations, have tried to simulate that shooting in less than six seconds-it's not possible" said Stone adding there had to be at least one shooter from the front

I have done extensive research into JFK's murder and it is clear to me that Oswald didn't do this and that there was a wider conspiracy to kill him and the fact that there were 2 other attempts on Kennedy's life that he knew about prior to November 22nd 1963. In his new book They Killed Our President: 63 reasons to believe there was a conspiracy to assassinate JFK, Jesse Ventura along with Dick Russell and David Wayne show us that and I will provide an excerpt from page XII to XIII:

"The U.S House of Representatives investigated the assassination and concluded that JFK "was probably assassinated as the result of a conspiracy"

Robert Kennedy and the First Lady Jackie Kennedy sent word to Moscow via special envoy right after the assassination that JFK was killed by "a large political conspiracy" and that he was the "victim of a right wing conspiracy... by domestic opponents

"The Head of the U.S. Secret Service confirmed that evening of the assassination he briefed Robert Kennedy that his brother had been killed by three to four shooters and that the Secret Service believed JFK was "the victim  of a powerful organization

Senior members of the United States Senate who investigated the case concluded that the CIA and FBI played troubling roles in the JFK assassination, cover-up, that 'fingerprints of intelligence" were all over Lee Harvey Oswald, and that "the accused assassin was the  product of a fake defector program run by the CIA

Senator Richard Schweiker concluded that "the CIA was involved in the murder of the president"

And he also shows how they dismiss critics of the Warren Commission Report as "conspiracy theorists" even though scholarly work shows the Warren Commission was full of holes and I highly recommend you pick this awesome well researched book which you can get off Amazon or at

Also read any of the works by Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty which are The Secret Team and JFK: The CIA, Vietnam and the Plot to Assassinate Kennedy and James W Douglass' book JFK and the Unspeakable as well

Sunday, November 3, 2013

TSA shooting narrative falling apart and Fox News reports on GMOs!!!

The LAX TSA shooting narrative is falling apart like slow roasted chicken legs for dinner as the government and its propaganda lap dog media jostle to exploit this tragic shooting to further militarize the TSA procedures and also demonize their political enemies like radio host and founder of and Alex Jones and Glenn Beck

In similar fashion to the government generated bs regarding the Boston Bombing and 'active shooter" incidents the past 2 years or so the cover story being generated for the murder of a TSA agent in Los Angeles International Airport has glaring oddities and inconsistentensies

First it was reported that the shooter was an off duty TSA agent as Law enforcement had told the LA Times: "Law enforcement sources told the Los Angeles Times that the gunman was a Transportation Security Officer employee at LAX" the media reported before noon that "the gunman was killed by authorities after he opened fire Friday morning. He allegedly shot and killed a fellow TSA employee"

Then less than an hour after it was reported that "federal law enforcement said that the gunman was a ticketed passenger entering the airport. Officials don't believe the gunman has ever worked for TSA. Law enforcement sources had earlier told The Times the gunman was a TSA employee"

The NY Post had this bizarre info-graphic allegedly showing a wounded suspect at the airport. The photo contradicts with news reports that the "triggerman wore dark clothes and a bulletproof vest" the person in the photo is wearing a brown shirt and light colored pants, not dark clothes and not wearing a bulletproof vest either. If the photo posted on the supposed reputable NY Post website in fact shows the alleged shooter, than the earlier report is either incredible propaganda or lazy journalism.

Then here is more turnaround to pave over the other inconsistent parts of this story. Enter Paul Ciancia, a reportedly mentally disturbed individual who turned out to be the perfect scapegoat for the violent and dangerous anti-government loner meme pushed by the Department of Homeland Security, the establishment corrupt media and various organizations including the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League. The now common domestic terrorist stereotype as illustrated by Ciancia is also fodder for the fake liberal bloggers who use hysterical propaganda about right wing terrorists in our midst have to be dealt with by the government.

By mid-Friday it was claimed that Ciancia carried a "manifesto" with him and that he "wanted to kill TSA and pigs" according to the Daily Mail and others, government sources said the note was signed with the letters "NWO" short for "New World Order"

"Ciancia's views appear to be in line with the anti-government Patriot movement, whose members subscribe to the theory that a powerful alliance of international elites is plotting to form a one world government, also known as a New World Order"-the british newspaper reported today. "In addition to the note found at the scene, investigators are using some other writings of Ciancia's to help build a case for what drove him to kill a TSA agent on Friday morning"-the Daily Mail reported

According to the SPLC, Ciancia's note characterized former Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano as "bull dyke" and dismissed her with an obsenity. These so called alleged "writings" will no doubt be used to expand the right wing meme and underscore the need to deal with violent anti-government radicals ie anyone who is unhappy with big government and the growth of the police state against political enemies of the establishment and this murder of the TSA agent will also be used to inject the need for urgency to deal with the problem of Americans becoming aware and pissed off over TSA molestations and wholesale violations of the 4th amendment

Crucial flip flops are now fading like a sunset as they did when the government tried to shape its story on the Boston Bombings- and the anti-government terrorist narrative will dominate yet again. Over the next several days, the corporate corrupt mainstream press will now be dedicated to this patriot/terrorist narrative. MSNBC and the other establishment propaganda arms will dwell on media figures associated with different factions within a large and ever growing movement-from the more or less mainstream tea parties to the originalist Constitution groups like the Oath Keepers-and will insinuate that allowing these groups to exercise their right to free speech endangers the government

For example: the corporate media's attempt to connect texas radio host Alex Jones to cop murderer Richard Poplawski in 2009. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, the NY Times, Raw Story and dozens of "liberal" blogs parroted the outright lie that Poplawski was a follower of Jones when in fact Poplawski hated Jones,as his posts on revealed. After the convicted murder's message were reposted to refute this ridiculous nonsensical accusation, Raw Story corrected a story linking Jones to Poplawski.

The establishment media and their minion sycophants will no doubt recharge their efforts to undermine alternative media and its key figures in the days to come. They may avoid slandering Alex Jones and Glenn Beck by name but the insinuation will be rather clear in this case.

Anyone who dares question the government and their Gestapo operations in airports and on the streets of America is a terrorist who will shoot government workers. This is the main objective of the incident at LAX on Friday. Its endgame is to portray those of us who are opposed to the New World Order agenda as mentally deranged cop killers....

During Saturday's "A Healthy You and Carol Alt" which is a new half hour Fox News show covering health and wellness news, organic health commentator Max Goldberg joined the program to break down what maybe the most hard hitting and even shockingly accurate report on GMOs ever aired on mainstream news.

Goldberg said the following: "No long-term studies have ever been on humans, but when you look at the studies done on animals, it's pretty appalling. You're talking about liver damage and kidney damage and when they fed it to hamsters, the third generation of hamsters weren't able to produce babies, so there's real safety issues" As mentioned in 2007 there was a study published by the journal Archives of Environmental Contamination and Technology showing that rats fed Monsanto's MON863 corn for more than 90 days began to show signs "of toxicity" in the liver and kidneys.

In 2010, a Russian biologist Alexy V. Surov released the results of a study testing the effects of Monsanto's genetically modified soy on hamsters. After monitoring three generations over a 2 year period, third generation hamsters not only lost their ability to reproduce, but began growing hair inside their mouths.

Goldberg adds on: "The real big issue in our country Carol, is that genetically modified food's are not labeled, so people do not know that they are eating genetically modified foods. Over 60 countries around the world require GMOs to be labeled but the US does not. And why is that? According to the Food and Water Watch, the Ag-Bio tech industry, which owns all these GMOs, has spent $572 million on campaign contributions and lobbying to make sure that they don't get labeled"

The report goes on to show that 93% of the nation supports labeling, the biotech industry defeating California's labeling Prop 3, as well as the current attempts to stop I-522 in Washington state, where a lawsuit by the state's attorney general just revealed the 34 corporations laundering donation money to hide their opposition to GMO labeling from the public(which I posted the article here not that long ago)

Coming from a network who fired two journalists for trying to cover Canadian studies showing Monsanto's rBGH tainted milk was linked to cancer, the move not only shows the public shift against GMOs but the media's attempt to remain relevant to a public hungry for truthful information

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Obama signs dictatorial executive order imposing fraudulent climate change garbage policies and Media continues flip scripting regarding LAX shooting yesterday

The Obama administration who are really nothing more than globalist minions showed yet again their disrespect for the United States Constitution by signing an executive order that bypasses Congress and the American people

This move clearly ignores a decision by Congress back in 2009 to not establish a "cap and trade" system that would have reduced "greenhouse" gas emissions. The Waxman-Markey Bill passed the House but the Senate defeated it outright. At the time the Democrats controlled both houses of Congress

This latest violation of the Constitution establishes a task force of state and local officials to "advise the administration on how to respond to severe storms, wildfires,droughts and other potential impacts of climate change" according to a Fox News report.

The EO lumps all forms of bad weather under the discredited, fraud of man made climate change/co2 burning the earth myth as it will mandate new federal building codes under Agenda 21's so called sustainability and promises to "address climate impacts and infrastructure needs" and of course this was praised by the out of control EPA and their administrator Gina McCarthy, who said it serves as a "roadmap for agency work" and forces the nation to face it deems are so called climate related challenges

Also the EO will hold back any money expropriated by the federal government from states if they don't want to sign onto this ridiculous scam. It will bring "sweeping new changes to land use and resource policies" "refocus of climate change data and use it to push a new agenda into every priority of the federal government" and importantly, make policies immune to challenge by establishing "a new internal organization for coordination efforts during a government sequestration and possible future shutdowns"

A study last year debunked Al Gore's "hockey stick graph" on warming showing basically the statistical outcomes by the IPCC were "wrong" and never mind the fact that 2 Canadians McKitrick(sp?) and McIntyre exposed the hockey stick graph as a fraud showing them covering up the medieval warm period and the little ice age

Also Data from the NASA Langley Research Center, wrote Ethan Huff of natural news, reveals that "all those atmospheric greenhouse gases that Al Gore and all the other global warming hoaxers have long claimed are overheating the planet are actually cooling it"

And it violates Article 1 Section one of the United States Constitution that states that Congress, not the executive, has legislative power. An executive order is not lawful legislation

"An Executive Order is a policy or procedure issued by the President that is a regulation that applies only to employees of the Executive Branch of government"-notes the Tenth Amendment Center-"When a president issues an unconstitutional Executive Order and Congress allows the order to stand they are violating their oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution"

In the Words of John Coleman: "It is the greatest scam in history"

In a scenario you could almost see coming upon hearing about the TSA shooting incident at LAX yesterday, the media is reporting now that  23 year old man suspected had motives consist of being pissed off at the TSA for their invasive security screenings and it also said that he had a note in his bag that mentioned NWO(new world order)

Originally CBS and others began reporting that the shooter was an off duty TSA agent, indicating the motive may have been personal in targeting colleagues. This of course went straight into the memory hole however and now we are presented with that he was not a TSA agent.

First we heard that he may have had "strong anti-government views" and had "anti-government materials" on his person this turned out to be the hand written note stating that he was a "pissed off patriot" who wished to "kill TSA and pigs"

The Note also mentioned former Homeland Security Security head Janet Napolitano, adding that constitutional rights were being violated by TSA searches. Now the shooter, 23 year old Paul Ciancia, is also said to have sent a "suicide text" to members of his family, as well as scrawling NWO at the ned of the note found in his bag

ABC news is quoted:

"The note found at the scene is ended with the letters "NWO", according to law enforcement sources, which is believed to stand for "New World Order". Law enforcement also said a large number of .223 caliber rounds were found at the airport"

While reports suggested the shooter was killed was quickly changed to "neutralized" and then changed to "taken into custody", indicating Ciancia was alive and it is a scenario we all knew was going to happen and parroted upon hearing about the incident as Paul Joseph Watson tweeted: "Report TSA agent shot in leg at LAX. Hope they don't try and pin this on liberty lovers" and a tweet from Disco Jim : "A Hand written note saying "I want to kill #TSA and pigs" is like finding a Saudi national passport after 9/11...#falseflag #LAX"

Another thing is why would Ciancia be asking plain clothed people if they were TSA agents when TSA agents are easily identifiable by their blue uniforms. This feels like an attempt to artificially create a narrative around the shooting. Already there have been calls for tighter security at airports and this may lead to calls to arm TSA agents, a plan that has been in the works for awhile and as reported yesterday when I posted about the shooting

Also this is also a typical move by the establishment press to attempt link the liberty movement to shootings/bombings and it won't be the last time they target those of us who are part of it... As you all know none of us condone what happened yesterday but as I illustrated yesterday these things are always exploited for political agendas and disrespect the victims of these tragedies when  they  do  this .......

Friday, November 1, 2013

LAX shooting, one dead and several TSA agents injured will this be used to arm TSA agents

(Update: the media has flipped flopped in their reporting that the gunman was not a TSA employee which is odd because law enforcement officials said he was. Now this can be used as the perfect excuse to further TSA abuses of power which would not be possible if the shooter was a TSA agent )

(Disclaimer:  My heart goes out to the victims of this crime and despite whatever criticisms we have regarding the TSA, no one deserved to get shot but I all I wanted to do was illustrate how government can use these horrific tragedies to further their political agendas which is totally disrespectful to the victims and their families whether it was Sandy Hook or the Navy Yard shooting. And in this case they are doing the same thing again and that is something we should never tolerate that kind of bullshit ever)

The LA times reported that "a federal enforcement official said that the gunman was a ticketed passenger entering the airport. Officials don't believe the gunman has ever worked for the TSA. Law enforcement sources had told The Times earlier that the gunman was a TSA employee"

So what happened you ask?? well there was a shooting at LAX which happened today killing 1 and injuring several other Transportation Security Administration screeners which could again be used to arm TSA agents, a plan that has been in the works for a while

Several reports say that a man approached a document checker at Los Angeles International Airport, pulled out a rifle and opened fire on a security officer. Several people were injured during this incident which went on for about half an hour and injured a TSA agent who was shot in the leg. The LA times reported that "two or three TSA employees were hit by gunfire" and NBC news confirmed that one of the TSA agents was killed.

Suspect was described as a clean cut white man who fired an AR-15, you can see the gun in the images provided and it was also confirmed the cops killed the shooter as well

Then there are the other reports that this man was a off duty TSA agent suggesting he had a personal vendetta and not a political agenda and according to eyewitness accounts the gunman was clearly targeting TSA agents. One of the witnesses Nick Pugh said: "We were just standing there in line and somebody started shooting. Everyone dropped to the floor and started crawling along the ground, abandoning their suitcases"

Of course this will not doubt be used by the United States federal government and their lap dog media to justify further draconian TSA security policies and it could be used to arm the TSA as well since infowars reported earlier this year that the Department of Homeland Security has been hiring shooting ranges near airports in order to train TSA agents showing that arming the screeners with firearms has been in the works for quite sometime

And already there has been anti-second amendment propaganda in the wake of this shooting as Mother Jones sent a tweet saying "LAX Police Chief Gannon: Single Shooter entered, pulled an assault rifle, began shooting at checkpoint, went past & into terminal 3"

Note the word "Assault rifle" which is a favorite tool of emotional manipulation used by the gun grabbing crowd. Every weapon is "an assault rifle" but the these fake liberals will never tell you is that firearms are used for self defense

According to the Gun Owners of America from a report in 2008: "Guns used 2.5 million timers a year in self-defense. Law abiding citizens used guns to defend themselves against criminals as many as 2.5 million times every year- or about 6,850 times a day. This means that each year, firearms are used more than 80 times more often to protect the lives of honest citizens than to take lives"

So in essence the facts mean nothing to the gun grabbing tyrants because as I have said many times that any time through out history whether it was Nazi Germany, Communist Russia, Communist China they all took the guns and thus genocides occurred as a result. America don't let them take your damn guns like they did to us here in Canada and other places like the UK...