Wednesday, November 21, 2012

UN moves to impose international treaties on states legalizing marijuana The UN has declared Colorado and Washington to be in violation of international treaties because they legalized marijuana for recreational use. The President of the International Narcotics board Raymond Yans expressed concern over states like Colorado and Washington legalizing the non-medical use of marijuana and says these 2 states are violating international drug treaties and is a threat to public health. The last time I checked marijuana never killed anyone, so this is another example of the UN sticking their nose where it does not belong and this lunatic uses the typical nanny state excuse to dictate what a consenting adult can put in their body including people with mental health issues and cited the welfare of children!! and this globalist piece of shit bureaucrat goes on to explain that it could send the wrong message to the youth of America giving the "false impression that drug abuse might be considered normal" and goes on to say that young people have the right to be protected from drug abuse and dependency

Thanks to the fake war on drugs, the US has the highest prison population since 1980 as a result of mandatory sentencing through drug crimes. Around half of the inmates in federal prisons are there for drug related offenses but 45% of them are there because of MARIJUANA!!

Rand Paul came out and said that Marijuana legalization is a classic states rights issue and federalist issue saying that the States should be allowed to make these decisions themselves

Thankfully the tide is turning and states are recognizing that the so called war on drugs is nothing but a scam and wastes the time of law enforcement and taxpayer dollars

I personally support the legalization of marijuana myself as why should you go to prison for having a plant that has medicinal benefits??? I think we should regulate it like cigarettes and alcohol and have age limits of course (like  for example here in Ontario you have to be 19 to buy smokes and booze)

It is the perfect solution and it would also benefit people who smoke it for medical reasons as well because they won't have to worry about being thrown in prison and just think through this we could grow hemp and use it for a variety of things like paper, energy and etc..

NBC 10 in Philadelphia features skeptic Dr. David Legates in their What's up with the weather: The battle over Climate Change:

"More carbon dioxide makes life better"-Dr. Legates and of course Eco-Fascist scientist Heidi Cullen dropped out of the show because the program dared to have a skeptic on and the other eco-fascist in the program Dr. Jennifer Francis uses the lie that skeptics are being paid to say what they do by oil companies when in reality environmental groups like Greenpeace and the rest of the globalist shill environment fronts have been funded BY BIG OIL( and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund and the full article is linked in the blog posting as well and even features eco-fascist criminal Michael Mann of Penn State(who we all know  the University has a reputation for covering up crimes especially the Sandusky sex abuse that was all over the news), one of the climategate co-conspirators and produced the fraudulent hockey stick graph, does a great job playing the victim in this piece which is quite disgusting

I cannot wait for the day when Mann and the rest of the eco-fascists  do go on trial for fraud, conspiracy and crimes against humanity because thanks to their idiocy and falsely classifying CO2, a life giving gas, as a toxic gas, the 3rd world is being held back from life saving development and even more sinister is the 90% genocide that the elite wanna carry out under the guise of saving the earth from plant food. Which is why we need to continue to expose the man made global warming/man made climate change hoax for what is...