Sunday, December 17, 2017

The Canadian left's assault on Christians and pro-lifers roundup Our globalist puppet government wants to deny summer grants to business who are not pro-abortion or they don't support same sex marriage or recongize the 71 different fake genders and this article here highlights the problems with this attack on Christians and pro-lifers and lifesite news did a great job with this piece and it is worth the read and here is another one of their articles written by Jonathan Van Maren referring to this assault also here is another excellent  article from them highlighting the Trudeau government's tyranny against life, family and etc.. but good news is the conservatives are fighting against these attacks though right now the government is on Christmas break but they are back in January so it will be interesting

I am so tired of the social justice warrior elite culture in this country and their ridiculous Marxist demands it is enough to make my head spin just because you are pro-life and a Christian does not mean you are a bad person though that is what the left wants you to feel and if you don't support same sex marriage and etc.. Also does not make you a homophobe either. I think most of us would agree that anti-gay bigotry in general is not acceptable on any grounds but not agreeing with same sex marriage is not one of the criteria for such thing. I knew Trudeau was going to be bad but I didn't expect it to be this fast in only 2 years he and his globalist trash have wrecked our country whether it is with these latest attacks on Christians or the fake carbon taxes based on the outright lie that carbon dioxide is pollution and on and on but despite this we must continue to fight back against these attacks and hopefully one day we will get our country back from the clutches of these globalist scum

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Patriot and FBI whistleblower and Newsbud founder Sibel Edmonds speech outside Austin Texas at the legislature exposing radical Islam and the globalist ties to it Sibel Edmonds of along side killing Ed filmmaker Mark S Hall were outside the Texas Capital building exposing the Gulen Terrorist Network and how it funds charter schools in the US and is expanding into Canada as we see with the creeping sharia with M-103 for example and their corrupt intelligence agencies like the CIA who enable this very dangerous and shady network and also was there to report on this as well I watched some of it today and it was really informative and I hope you spread this around to your friends and family

One final note: Thank you for your support this year 2017 and even though things are dire in Canada I can tell you that we are not going to give up fighting the globalists that have highjacked this country and eventually get rid of them but I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas and that 2018 is good to all of you

Monday, November 20, 2017

University elites censor grad student for using TVO clip featuring Dr. Jordan B Peterson debating draconian bill C-16 A Wilfid Laurier Grad Student named Lindsay Shephard drew the ire of the social justice warrior university elites for showing a debate from Tv Ontario's the Agenda that featured Jordan Peterson of the University of Toronto over the draconian bill C-16 which basically if you don't use the marixst's made up gender pro-nouns you could go to jail here the Rebel media provided from global news the Audio of the meeting she had with the 2 elitist professors and let me tell you it is must listen and it will make your blood seethe with rage at the temerity and hypocrisy of the 2 bureaucrats and the way they bullied and harassed  this poor young lady was just disgusting and I listened to it and it made me sick and was the perfect example of how campuses these days despise freedom of speech

This type of crap needs to stop period

Update: The university president thanks to public shaming apologized to Ms Shepherd but according to her Twitter the task force and investigation have not gone away so this is a small victory in a long battle for free speech

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Human Slaughter house known as Planned Parenthood, their organ buyers earned bonuses for baby parts IN another round of videos from the Center of Medical Progress videos to come out, it has been revealed that organ buyers of the baby parts got to earn bonuses for organs such as lungs for example according to Stem Express and very brave whistleblower Holly O'Donnell. It urged technicians to get as many samples as possible and there are documents to show just how many organs these eugenicist anti-human pieces of trash sold illegally and now the FBI has launched an inquiry since they asked for the documents of the Senate Jucidiary committee hearings that were held recently on this despicable crime it was originally reported in the hill but picked up by and others. This is long overdue and about time this genocidal slaughter house is held accountable for their corruption and criminal activity

Thursday, November 9, 2017

News roundup: Sibel Edmonds exposes Mueller on for protecting Fetullah Gulen a known radical Islamic terrorist and his network, How our own federal government keeps treating our vets like crap while illegals treated like royalty and Pro-life speaker schools democrats on abortion and it is glorious one more thing: Canada continues to give arms to Saudis Sibel Edmonds of and former FBI whistleblower was on the Alex Jones Show this afternoon talking about Robert Mueller protecting Islamic terrorist Fetullah Gulen and how General Flynn exposed this but is now being witch hunted by the Deep State the first link has the video where Ms Edmonds breaks this down and the article here breaks down the Flynn targeting and how it related to her own case and it is a must read and very interesting Christopher Wilson of the Rebel Media breaks down 3 stories on how our government continues to piss on the people who sacrificed their lives to protect the freedoms and rights of our country by cutting off their pay after 180 days and etc.. While the illegals are treated like royalty David Knight of real news breaks down how a democrat freaked out and called a pro-life woman ignorant because she  compared abortion to slavery and he shows that she is right and also shows just how anti-human these radical leftists are Sending arms to a country with a despicable human rights record but won;t allow us to use our own oil shows the hypocrisy of the current party and how they hypocritically called out the previous conserative government for doing the same but nothing to see here (note the sarcasm) and using our tax dollars to do so.. Disgusting

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Disgusting: liberal elites in Canada give winterized trailers to illegals but our homeless vets and homeless in general get pissed on Sheila Gunn Reid of the rebel media breaks down the latest government action where they are paying to have winterized trailers for the ILLEGALS THAT HAVE BROKEN THE LAW TO COME INTO THIS COUNTRY but we have homeless vets and homeless in general that have to look for places to sleep and get a decent meal. We have a globalist government who care more about their political correctness and supporting illegal scumbags to score points but the vets who laid their lives down for this country including my great uncles on my dad's side get a kick in the teeth and basically are treated again like crap with the government breaking their latest promise by sending these poor guys back into court over their pensions now to the previous government's credit they stopped that but it is starting all over again

This is just a slap in the face to those who nearly died to protect our freedoms and way of life

Trudeau you are a globalist piece of utter shit and we will kick all of you and the rest of your globalist elite friends out of our country

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Interesting JFK news: Trump set to release 3,000 classified documents regarding deep state role in JFK assassination video here from Infowars founder Alex Jones interviewing the son of E Howard Hunt who famously on his deathbed confessed to being a benchwarmer for the assassination of JFK and talks about what are in the files including Mr Hunt's diaries this interview comes on the heels of President Trump announcing on Twitter last weekend that he plans on declassifying these records through the Assassination records act of 1992 and 1994 this article here from Roger Stone, who knows Mr Trump for decades and talks about here on their conversation about this issue and why mr Stone urged him to do it it is a great read

Also interesting is the fact that in recent polls that 91% of Americans don't believe the Warren Commision Story which claims Oswald did all by himself even though there is evidence to show that is merely impossible. I have watched ballistics experts on tv and even on former governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura on his show Conspiracy Theory when he did the JFK episode try and recreate the shots that the warren commission said Oswald shot out from the Book building in Texas and they could not do it at all and if you want to read more on why some books I have on it are They Killed Our President by Jesse Ventura, Who Really Killed Kennedy by Jerome Corsi are some of the books that helped me out and I recommend if you want to do further research and believe me they are worth it

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Corrupt Ontario government wants to ban free speech outside of abortion clinics proves they don't like speech that disagrees with their eugenics if you want more proof we have been highjacked by globalist forces and by radical leftists who have no regard for the charter of rights and freedoms look no farther than what Ontario wants to do, They want to ban pro-lifers from speaking outside of abortion clinics from about 50 meters for so because God forbid they try and help people look for better alternatives than murdering an unborn baby and the only MPP(Member of Provincial Parliment) who stood against Bill 163 was the trillium party's Jack Mclaren the list of people who voted for this Stalin like attack on our free speech is not surprising to me because they clearly have never read the charter of rights and freedoms of Canada and the constitution of this country. It blows my mind to see how much the establishment left hates free speech is willing to do anything to crush dissent including this draconian bill

If you care about free speech in general than this issue should concern you and the rest of us because if they can come after those of us who disagree with the butchery of abortion they can come after anyone they want too

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Hollywood elites exposed in massive sexual harassment and groping and wider abuse Well it has been in the news that Harvey Weisntein was caught sexually assaulting and groping numerous women in Hollywood and even male actors like Terry Crews have come forward with their own stories of sexual harassment and groping and in this world video here World alternative media and Dan Dicks of press for truth break it all down and how Weinstein was also a donor to the democrats including corrupt Hillary Clinton and here is another video by former rebel reporter Lauren Southern who also breaks this down too and covers other scandals like the CIA running drugs for example in comparison to all of this regarding the Tom cruise movie American Made where he played Barry Seal who helped the CIA do this and as I mentioned before they had been doing it since the Korean War days in another blog post

It seems the cover up of these things is falling apart and that is a good thing for sure as disgusting as all of it is

Monday, October 9, 2017

More on Vegas shooting: Experts confident there was multiple shooters that night Kit Daniels of highlights military experts from Special Forces told them that based on the acoustics of the shots being fired and the numerous eye witness videos out there that it seems to show that maybe Mr Paddock did not act alone and the article breaks this all down in great detail also the article talks about given all the cameras at the casinos down there in Las Vegas why hasn't there been any footage been released if the official story is so air tight?? This tells me based on previous government lies and deceit that this has coverup written all over it and that to me is just disgusting because the American people and the world deserve the truth about what really happened that night and if there was another shooter, then this person needs to be held responsible for their role in the tragic events of that night and there was also reports that Paddock may have been radicalized in some way too  remember so whether it is real or does it have the hallmarks of intelligence agencies written all over that because remember the CIA has a long history of arming and funding terrorists so it would not be a stretch to suggest something like this

But either way something is not right about this Vegas shooting period

California is mentally insane and dangerous, sign law that allows people to not disclose their HIV status and to donate blood without telling the blood bank they are HIV positive just when you thought the state of California could not get any more mentally insane and dangerous, they passed a law saying that if you are HIV positive and you intentionally infect someone it is not a felon and you are free to give blood if you are HIV positive without telling the blood bank. This is reckless and very dangerous and will put many people's lives in danger as points out and the man in the article Chad Felix Green destroyed Governor Moonbeam(Jerry Brown) on this issue since he got HIV from another man who sexually assaulted Mr. Green as well shows but it is not just HIV, they are putting people at risk for other blood to blood illnesses like Heptatis C for example. No wonder the establishment democrats keep losing elections especially with such a dangerous piece of legislation like this that will harm innocent people

My uncle died from this disease and let me tell ya he would be the first to tell you that this is a very bad idea if he were alive today but the establishment democrats here seem to have also forgotten about the tainted blood scandal of the 80s and we all know how that turned out and not for good and I also want to commend Mr. Green for bravely telling his story and standing up to these disgusting vile trash in California for passing such insane legislation

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Energy East pipeline cancelled and radical environmentalists in and out of government show their hypocrisy A fabulous article by Toronto Sun columnist and sometimes does videos for the Rebel Media Candice Malcolm exposes the radical environmentalists in our governments hypocrisy on the energy east Pipleine that was cancelled this week no thanks to them. It seems these radical environmentalists on the left are ok with getting our oil from despotic tyrannical governments like communist Venezuala and from women stoning, chop your head off, terror sponsors with their corrupt intelligence friends, imprison or kill you if you are gay or tans in Middle East Islamic fascist countries like Saudi Arbaia but our oil here in Canada is evil because of the lies that evil CO2 is going to kill us all unless we pay globalist elitists like Al Gore money  and give up our rights and freedoms to the corrupt United Nations even though CO2 is not pollution like this ignorant scumbags will tell you it is highly beneficial to planet earth, the plants it helps grow and to the life on here as well

It is truly appalling and is more money wasted

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Spanish government abuses voters in Catalonia to stop them from seceding from the fascist tyrannical government and why the case for the 2nd amendment in this story is important A couple days ago the Spanish government sent their thugs to abuse Catalonian voters to stop them from seceding from the tyranny of the Spanish government and I saw the videos on Twitter and it was gross to see level of violence against the voters and they even took away ballet boxes as well and Alex Newman of the New American breaks down how the cops they sent in abused elderly people and others and how the mayor of Barecolna rightfully condemned the Spanish government's actions

And this video I am going to link to is from David Knight of and of the Real News show that he does breaking down how the 2nd amendment in this Catalonia situation is the perfect of example of how an armed citizens can not only protect themselves from criminals but an out of control government and how this right needs to be preserved despite the shooting in Vegas and of desperate lunatic Hollywood elitists like Jimmy Kimmel and others who are exploiting that tragedy to demonize the right to self defence and to demonize law abiding gun owners

16 unanswered questions that MSM refuses to ask and receipts show that there was a 2nd guest in the shooters hotel room and prescribed SSRIs Michael Synder of the economic collapse blog and he is also had work published elsewhere breaks down the 16 questions that the MSM refuses to talk about such as were their additional shooters, why was he on SSRIs and etc.. It is very interesting read and certainly tells me there is more to this than what they are telling us and also receipts from his room show that there was a another guest in the room raising the suspicion that perhaps he could have had help in carrying this out and notice the date on there it says Septemeber 27,2017 so it seems that the authorities are lying to the American people because they said it was the 28th but this proves otherwise and he was prescribed SSRI's back a few months ago and studies show they can cause violent outbursts thus raising the earlier question why was he given these drugs back in June of this year according to one of the Vegas Journal Review and Mr Paul Joesph Watson who reported on these two stories breaks down the side effects of these SSRI's and the details of the receipts

For me this whole story just reeks and I don't believe for one second that the shooter acted alone based on all of this information and given the SSRI story as well it could explain his actions in someway but regardless it has not stopped the establishment gun grabbing democrats from using this tragedy to go after law abiding gun owners that had nothing to do with this shooting

But as more information comes in I will update but again this story does not add up at all

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Las Vegas Massacre updates: Forensic Psychiatrist suggest Vegas shooter may have deliberately targeted conservatives and CNN is to blame and more Paul Joesph Watson of reports that Foresnic Psychitarist Dr, Michael Welner who worked the case of the Aurora Shooter suggests that Steve Paddock the 64 year old gunman in Sunday's horrible mass shooting in Las Vegas may have targeted conversatives and he makes interesting comparisons to the Aurora shooting and this guy here who had no history that we know of with mental illness and Welner also highlighted how the establishment democrats have constantly demonized and dehumanized law abiding gun owners and given that country music is often associated with Americana might have also been a factor as well

Also Antifa receives military training in Syria and how the Vegas Shooter's girlfriend travelled to the Middle East is another part of this ever evolving layer to this story This report by Kit Daniels and Mimi Al-Laham break down how the establishment media downplayed any ties to Islamic terror even after the San Bernardino shooting and the Pulse shooting of last year and how Antifa and Kurdish members of ISIS are getting military training over in the Middle East and how this ties in to what happened and they link to the article regarding the FBI finding Antifa propaganda that I also posted yesterday in the other blog posting below this one if you want to check it out

so the story gets even weirder and weirder by the day and more questions seem to arise each time but as I said if I hear anymore I will post more stories stay tuned

Update: Owen Shroyer of the War Room a new show on in this 5 minute clip with survivalist James Wesley Rawles breaks down how the shooter does not fit the psychopath narrative and in this clip with Alex Jones and Laura Loomer they break down these documents that show the Mandlay Bay owner was involved in funding Antifa activities very interesting and certainly adds to this ever growing story

Monday, October 2, 2017

Las Vegas shooting kills 58 and wounds about 500 and the establishment democrats are using it to push for gun control and other stories relating to this

First off my heart goes out to the victims of the Las Vegas Shooting that took place last night during a Jason Aldean concert as part of a country music festival that was going down

The shooter as a 64 year old guy who the msm said killed himself but did not and according to this article from Kit Daniels of the shooter was found with Antifa propaganda and I also heard that he had close to 20 guns and explosives as well (see the 7:40pm update where the police confirm that in the article) the Las Vegas police found and also interesting to note that the source that talked to infowars pointed just how strange this all is and it is broken down in the article

But of course this didn't stop the establishment democrats like Hillary Clinton to call for gun control in order to score political points and exploit this tragedy for their own disgusting agenda

Truth is guns don't kille people the people behind them like this whack job here and gun control does not stop criminals from breaking the law and only goes after the law abiding citizens that do own guns good article from Jon Rappaport on the Vegas massacre and the questions that continue to swirl around it worth a read as well

As always if I hear anymore with this story I will post updates

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Western and corrupt intelligence backed ISIS attacks Edmonton hurting a cop and running down people with a UHAUL Dan Dicks of press for truth breaks down the horrible attacks that occurred last night in Edmonton Alberta injuring a cop(but the cop has been released from hospital btw) and running down people with A UHAUL vehicle and how the suspect was a Somali refugee and was known to authorities as you will see in these two article from Spencer Fernando and of course this is not a surprise because when you open your boarders, arm and fund terror groups like ISIS for example and continue the neocon wars in the Middle East this is what we get and the only way we will stop this is if we end the arming and funding of these scumbags, have extreme vetting and ending the wars in the Middle East that were based on lies but I don;t see that happening anytime soon since the state has everything to benefit from these kinds of attacks in how they can use this to further erode our rights and freedoms here in Canada with draconian motions like M-103 for example and other places

And of course our globalist puppet Trudeau as you will see in the video and articles it out the most ridiculous statement ever and kept up with the usual virtual signalling crap such as Diversity is our Strength nonsense truly insane

And as always if I hear more about this story I will update this more stay tuned

Update: Dan Dicks of press for truth reports how the attacker in Edmonton was supposed to be deported by the United States but he ended up here instead and he breaks down how past foiled terror plots by our own corrupt intelligence agencies has conned us into the globalist neocon war on terror and he breaks down the Soros angle of importing unvetted  refugees into this country and how we are simply just coddling these terrorists like Sharif and importing terror

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Trudeau thinks if you are a small business owner or a farmer you are a tax cheat and Ontario's attack on independent marijuana shops in this video by world alternative media they break down the globalist puppet Trudeau's latest assault on small business, farmers, doctors etc.. by making them pay more taxes because he thinks that they use them to cheat on their taxes and also exposes how taxation is merely theft and how Canada is literally becoming Venezuala where if you speak out against something you are racist and etc.. Also Sheila Gunn Reid of the Rebel in her latest exposes how the establishment left preach so called tax fairness though they gave 200,000 dollars of taxpayer money to this yacht club in NOVA SCOTIA!!!!!!!!! so really this attack on our farmers and etc.. Is really just a another cash grab as she explains in the video so they can feed their deficits they can't manage at all

To me this really shows the hypocrisy of these elitists in our government who never worked a damn day in their life but punish the people who are working hard with even more draconian taxes like the carbon tax for example which is basically the tax on everything you do based on the lies that evil life giving gas is going to burn the planet unless you pay these nitwits money

And on top of this you have the Ontario government and the big Union bureaucrats in control of Marijuana by selling it in the LCBO in order for more state control and thus this will kill the mum and pop independent stores who were selling marijuana for medical purposes who were doing a fine job but that is not not good enough for the state is it and this will only cost the taxpayers even more money and here is a video by press for truth's Dan Dicks breaking down this monoply of the provincial government the LCBO(Liquor Control Board of Ontario) and even the RCMP It is truly appalling in both examples of how the state is attacking ordinary people and small businesses in order to kill the enterpernuerial spirit and get rid of the free market once and for all

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Update on Michigan Farmers being harassed for their marriage views by East Lansing social justice warriors get a victory

Kelsey Harkness of the Daily signal reports here that A judge in Michigan suspended the city of East Lansing's ban on the family that was harassed by the social justice warrior bureaucrats because of their marriage views and they were banned from participating in the local farmers market as a result but thanks to the judge they can do their business while their case is still going through since the family filed a lawsuit against the city of East Lansing over this ridiculous witch hunt because they disagree with same sex marriage and the other thing is regardless of what side your on this was and is an assault on free speech and religious liberty and so this is good news in the fight for both of those things and as always I will post more article updates here as this story unfolds

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Hurricane Telethon and the Hollywood elite: You must be blind or untillegent if you dare question the climate death cult religion Last night on tv they had a telethon to raise money for the victims of the hurricane Irma that lashed at Florida this past weekend and of course the establishment MSM went after trump for donating his own money but gushed over others giving money to this telethon and Stevie Wonder, a legend in music, basically called anyone who challenges the man made climate myth "blind and untillegent" what the hell kind of a bullshit statement is that?? It almost seems and reeks of utter ignorance and shows yet again how the establishment left is using the hurricanes in Texas and Florida to score political points and trash cheap reliable energy that will rebuild these two states all over their ridiculous lie that CO2 is pollution and is going to kill us all when in reality there are studies that show that the earth is greening thanks to our contribution and demonstrates that CO2 is not a pollutant like the Malthusian wingnuts like Mckibben and others have claimed and it is really life and then we have Pope Francis the communist new world order pope and does not represent me as a Catholic has the bloody nerve to also call those of us who challenge this death cult "deniers" to me this is no different that when the Catholic Church persecuted Galielo for supporting Copernicus' findings that the Earth went around the sun and I wish they would stop doing that it is really disgusting

This climate bullshit has everything to do with power and control and ignores very real environmental issues such as First Nations here in Canada are having an even worse water crisis under our globalist PM Trudeau since boil water advisories have increased but no let's send 650 billion tax dollars to murder babies instead of using the money to fix this damn problem and so on and so forth it is truly a shame indeed and this lie is also being used to stop Canada from developing our own resources too since in our globalist puppet's mind it is better to get our oil from human rights abusers like Saudi Arabia but our oil is evil apparently since there is a campaign by the establishment environmentalist left in our country who want energy east to be cancelled and basically stop any of our pipeline projects from getting built because also at the heart of the man made climate myth really is to shut down our economy because they hate the free market system of good capitalism, they hate our freedoms and most of all they hate humanity I have never seen anything quite like this in my life and it is disturbing as hell and something that we need to stop if we want to have a free and proserpous nation

Monday, September 11, 2017

9/11 16 years of lies and coverup 16 years ago today NYC, Washington, and Pennsylvania were attacked and 3,000 people lost their lives and my heart goes out to the victims, the families and the first responders it was truly horrific. This article here from the Daily Star breaks down how the official story about this day known as 9/11 has more holes in it than Swiss cheese and not to mention the 28 pages that were declassified showing Saudi Arabian involvement in what happened and how this day was used by the neocons to justify their disgusting illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan for example that clearly were really about drugs and oil for the globalist elite to secure for their own agenda and of course we also have to remember how our civil liberties have been trashed as a result of 9/11 too. The article breaks down and blows apart the establishment lies about how all 3 towers fell that day citing the great work of the architects and engineers for 9/11 truth and exposing how thermite exlposives were the real culprits not fire as lying NIST and others fraudulently claimed (see video above from AE911 truth from one of their documentaries it is worth the watch)  and so on and so forth. I hope one day we get the real truth about what happened because the victims and their families and the victims of the illegal wars deserve justice for what happened to them and the real culprits also need to be held accountable for their heinous actions as well but until then this is all we have more questions than answers but nevertheless we must continue to expose the lies of 16 years ago Update:David Knight of the Real news show of talks about 9/11 and the lies of that day from NORAD standing down to the insider trading before to the pilots of 9/11 truth pointing out some the issues in regards to the alleged planes and etc..

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Bulgarian investigative reporter fired for exposing CIA-NATO arming of ISIS and other terrorist groups's Spiro Skouras and their founder and former FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds talk about and interviewed a Bulgarian investigative reporter who exposed in one of the Bulgarian papers the CIA-NATO arming of terrorists and how it tied to Azerbijan's Silk Airways and as the video and this article from zero hedge who also picked up this story will highlight how a whistleblower gave her all sorts of documents that proved this arms racket between CIA-British Intlleigence-NATO and etc.. And also tied to US private companies with the usual deep state suspects behind it as well and this Bulgarian Journalist Dilyana Gaytanzhieva I have to say is a true hero and I admired what she tried to do and report on but of course the establishment didn't like what she was doing and she was interrogated by the Bulgarian government and unfortunately was fired for just telling the truth

Even though we have known about this for awhile we now have some of the pieces and documented proof that shows once and for all that the CIA and their NATO criminal pals have armed and funded the terrorists over in the Middle East who have been used as the deep state boogeyman to keep the deep state's war on terror going but als to further erode civil liberties

Monday, September 4, 2017

Ron Paul on North Korea and is the US going into a war based on a potential lie?? Ron Paul of the Liberty Report breaks down the North Korea supposed hydrogen bomb testing of yesterday and the Usual war propaganda that is going with it and also breaks down their trading partner with China giving Trump threatened a trade war with anyone who trades with North Korea And like Dr Paul where the hell is the evidence that they have these kinds of bombs so we must remain skeptical giving they lied before about WMD's with Iraq and we all know the untold deaths and destruction of that illegal war however before I go on I am in no way defending Mr Kim Jung-UN I think the dude is a sick person and the people living under him are really just slaves and it is really terrible but given other problems like Libya and of course Iraq where they agreed to nuke inspection and etc.. We all know what happened to Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein since they were both killed so I can see why he would refuse to give up his supposed weapons and Dan Dicks of Press For Truth did a video breaking down the mineral war between China, North Korea and the US so this another twist in the game if you will and he also did one about this very potential war and what the deep state neocons might do to initiate this potential war

So regardless though it will be interesting to see how this plays out

Update: here is an article from mint press news discussing the alleged Hydrogen Bomb and just look at interesting  excerpt of Reuters where it is says there was no independent confirmation although one Japanese official could not rule it out reason something to think about folks and it regards what Dr Paul had said about a lack of evidence

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Dakota Pipeline Co. Sues Eco-fascists mafia crime syndicates like Greenpeace under RICO act for conspiracy to halt the project Well the Eco-fascists are finally being held accountable for their crimes as the company behind the Dakota Pipeline Energy Transfer partners  are suing the radical left environmental organizations like greenpeace, earth first under the RICO act(which was designed to go after organized crime like the mafia for example back in the 1970s) in the 231 page lawsuit they say that they planted radical Eco-terrorists amongst the peaceful ones there and they accused greenpeace of running a campaign based on outright lies and solicited money under false claims about the pipeline such as it running on tribal lands and etc.. And they are seeking about 300 million dollars in damages though this will be tied up in the courts however though it will shine a light on just how dirty and corrupt these radical environmentalist organizations like Greenpeace are and whose real goal is to shut down and to withhold cheap reliable energy and throw the west back into the stone ages and the Black Plague and prevent much needed life saving development with cheap reliable energy for the poorer parts of Africa and Southeast Asia all because of the greatest lie in history that carbon dioxide is going to kill us all and we have to give up our freedoms and liberty to do so when in reality carbon dioxide is life and without it life on earth would not exist but these facts don't matter to these radical environmentalists on the estbalishment left

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Trump and Afghanistan and the war on drugs interviewed Steve Piezcnek about trump's speech on Afghanistan as perhaps sending more troops there  and how he might be falling victim to the necons like McMaster and etc.. And then they break down how the US protected the opium fields  and of course the CIA and NATO are guilty of it as well as you will see in this article from former FBI whistleblower and newsbud founder Sibel Edmonds that the CIA's drug trafficking goes back to the Korean War and also highlights the Iran Contra scandal that is tied to this where the US government supported the contras against the Sandinsta government in Nicuraga and then the CIA illegally gave arms to Iran and used the cash to fund the contras and cameback with cocaine from the country of Columbia

and the video breaks down yet again how the CIA and their criminal friends created AL-Qaeda and what we see now as ISIS

My feeling is this could blow up in Trump's face if he is not careful and I am afraid he is being tricked by those pesky neocons that seemed to have infested in there but we shall see

and we all know this goes back to the false flag that was 9/11 and how it was used to prop up the excuses for these wars based on lies and deception the 16 th anniversary of that awful day is coming soon kind of hard to believe I was just a 15 year old high schooler at the time and I thought the official story was true until I did my own digging a few years ago and stumbled upon the aricthects and engineers for 911 truth and others that the story given to America and the world was bullshit and made my realize that the so called investigation as well was done poorly and half assed and not to mention all the cover ups surrounding that day as well

Update: another good interview by's David Knight on his new show real news interviewing Steve Piezcenik on Afghanistan and other topics

Monday, August 21, 2017

globalist And radical feminist/eugenicsist Canadian PM Trudeau thinks that abortions up until birth is a human right AS if our globalist prime minister could not get any more fucking dense he seems to think that abortion up until birth is a right when in reality abortion is not a right since it is illegal for us to murder each other why is killing babies ok?? I know because the radical left are nothing more than death loving eugenicists who seem to think this is ok but accuses pro-lifers of hate when Apple donated money to the disgustingly corrupt southern Poverty law Center who hate anyone who is pro-life

This is truly sickening for sure

Friday, August 18, 2017

Globalist necon Condi Rice smears patriots as racists when it is completely false and iceland's killing of down's children Not after the horrible riots of charolettesville did Globalist neocon trash Condi Rice get on her pretend moral high horse and condemned those of us who are constitutional supporters regardless of colour and etc..  of being racist alongside KKK and etc.. when it could not be further from the truth. I condemned as you all know the violence from ALL sides on this very blog and I condemned all forms of supremacy as well but it is also hypocritical of her when she had supported the illegal wars in the Middle East that killed many innocent people over there and the ongoing slaughter of the Christians over there and as you will see in this article by Alex Newman of the new American he provides numerous examples of how the John Birch Society has combatted racism and nazism over the years and while she rightfully condemned KKK and Nazis somehow the violence of the radical left gets no condmentation

But either way this was very gross on her part and truly sickening

And CBS applauded Icleand for getting rid of children with Down's syndrome this is so gross and so eugenic just because a child has a disability of some kind should never mean that their life is not worth it and that their life has no value in truth Human life has value regardless of disability or not and if they can target children especially with down's then they can target the rest of us and as someone who has mild disabilities herself I find this disturbing it is clear we have not learned anything from the eugenics of the past whether it was in nazi Germany, the US or Britian and it also shows me just how anti-human our society has become

Monday, August 14, 2017

Deep State orchestrated Charolttesville Riots BY now I am sure you have all heard about the riots on Saturday and how the cops were told to stand down now what happened was a so called alt-right group was going to have some sort of rally and then the city tried pulling the permits but they got it back but then Antifa and others were bussed in and we all know the establishment figures like Soros have funded these things before in order to get a race war going and cause further division and then there was the horrific attack of the guy who mowed down people with his car and he has been arrested and one woman was killed she was 32 and this guy is 20.

I condemn the violence that took place on Saturday it was cruel and down right sickening to see and I also condemn all forms of supremacy whether it is white, black and etc.. Both gross and also I condemn Nazism, communism fascism and all forms of tyranny

Now while this white nationalist alt right group had a permit and they were  going to peacefully rally and they had a first amendment right to do so (jay Fayza breaking down why  we need to listen to bad ideas to replace with good ones) I don't agree with their views but as long as violence is not incited then it is ok but violence was in sighted so therefore both sides the alt-right and the alt-left antifas and black lives matter were all wrong in this instance and I supported Mr Trump's rightful condmentation in his recent pressers and here is another great video from the rebel this time from Faith Goldy as she was there when all this bad stuff happened and and another video from Fox News with popular YouTube stars and very ardent trump supporters Diamond and Silk breaking down what happened and it is also a good video

We are all one human race people regardless of colour, creed, religion etc.. And we should be judging each other on the content of our character and not our skin colour. This type of division is what the elitists scum want in order to get their horrible agenda in for a one world government and they don;t want us to unite in fighting these pieces of shit elite but let's unite in spite of these people and really come together to defeat these scum

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Canada's manufactured illegal immigrant crisis set up by George Soros and Trudeau Dan Dicks of Press For truth breaks down how illegals that the US was kicking out are coming into our country some with criminal records through the southern part of the province of Quebec as part of our globalist puppet Prime minister Trudeau's agenda to turn us into Europe where countries like Sweden have seen horrific increases in rapes and the whole 9 yards this is part of the elite agenda to destroy our country from the inside out and Montreal declared itself a hellhole for illegals known as a sanctuary city and how these "refugees" were fast tracked as well and how this has caused a huge backlog in the private sector of sponsoring refugees so we are in trouble here folks and it will only get worse I think because Trudeau could give to shits about this country going to hell as long as he can take is taxpayer funded vacations and selfies and the whole 9 yards and here is a video that's Owen Shroyer did featuring the rebel media's Faith Goldy also breaking this border problem down and it is a worth the watch as well

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Fake news idiot Brian William admits agenda to scare people about North Korea

Establisment hack Brian Williams said in one of his programs the other night regarding the tensions with North Korea and Trump exchanging fiery commentary and with the NK's having nukes thanks to neo-liberal alleged rapist Bill Clinton and the rest of the neo-liberal warmongering scum(video provided in article) but it shows just how the MSM likes to cheer for war by ramping up fears in order for the government to take away more civil liberties in the process and by the corrupt msm cheerleading the neocons thirst for warmongering and pushing pro-war propganada  only allows the deep state military industrial complex to brainwash the public into supporting another war  using their tax dollars to do so and the fact that North Korea is basically a communist third world hell hole and don;t really have the tech know and can't even maintain and electrical grid so I don't view them as threat but what this article shows is how the threat is not from North Korea itself but the Washington Neocons and Pyeonchang possibly orchestrating another Korean War and I have a feeling that the deep state neocons might try to start up a false flag al a northwoods to get it going

Update: Steve Piezcenik was on today breaking down how this whole North Korea situation is really a psy-op to distract from China/India having their own conflict and how he talked it about it before so the plot thickens and stay tuned

Social justice warrior insanity claims another victim Google's James Demore for merely exposing their Bullshit a google employee was fired for merely exposing the radical left's social justice warrior nonsense by pointing out that there are differences between men and women and the radical establishment left went crazy and he even mentioned there are others who agreed with him on what he was criticizing but are too afraid because of the fake intolerant left's need to shut down free speech with anyone who disagrees with their bullshit and of course the corrupt MSM all lied about the memo and here is that article above and it will make your head shake and quite possibly laugh at how insane this all is and the article exposes such lies as he said that women didn't belong in tech and a whole host of other propaganda the corrupt establishment mouthpiece media was spewing from the Washington post and others

it is a crazy world we live in folks

Friday, July 28, 2017

UK boy dies after life support turned off and long legal battle by parents Charlie Gard was a young uk baby who had a mitochondrial disorder and after judges in the UK decided they wanted to play God and deny him care, his parents engaged in a legal battle which at one point he could have gone to the US for treatment for this and even a Harvard expert went to examine the little boy to see if an experimental treatment could improve the little one's odds but that didn't happen clearly and the really sick part is they would not let his parents take him home to die there the moral of this story is when you have death loving eugenicists who run the healthcare system this is what can happen and is precisely why the state needs to get out of the healthcare business once and for all

RIP little one you were a blessing to this world even if the death worshippers could not see that

Friday, July 21, 2017

Trump ends CIA's money gravy train to Anti-Assad rebels who were linked to western backed ISIS Some good news here the Trump administration has ended the CIA's money train to the anti-Assad Syrian terrorists who were linked to the West-CIA-Saudi backed ISIS and other groups like Al-Nusra and others but on the other hand other groups are continuing to get money so we will have to wait and see but this idea that it was the other administrations fault is kind of true but not so the CIA funding terrorists and training them has been going on forever since the Afghan/Soviet war days and but only got worse as the years went on and the war on so called terror has cost America a lot of money and lives while making the military industrial complex and their elite friends richer as result of this and their 9/11 excuse to do so(in the which the official narrative is total fraud and the investigation of was a complete joke but that is for another time)

Stay tuned

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Radical environmentalists urge government to brainwash kids into believing that having we're humans is will save earth from fictional man made climate change the radical anti-human environmentalists are at it again this time really showing themselves to be the eugenicists that they are a study published by two malthusians in  university student in BC Seth Wyne and in Sweden Kimberly Nicholas published this bogus crap that having less kids would save the earth from evil life giving gas that plants need to grow but don't tell them that and even made the leftist guardian paper in the UK but Steve Mosher of the Population Research Intstitute in this article here exposes their lies and deception for what it is and underneath it all is really to implement Chinese style one child policies here in North America and we all know how evil that was and still is over there with the sickening human rights abuses of such a barbarism but again the elite's religion is eugenics and death so it should not come as a surprise to you at all in the least

In other news Dr Michael Coffman who exposed the globalist evil that is UN Agenda 21 died recently of cancer and was a true patriot I read his book Plundered about the progressive ideology that infects us today and it was an eye opener for sure and I highly recommend if you have not read it to go get yourself a copy on Amazon or other stores my condolences go to his family and his friends
RIP Dr Coffman your work exposing these globalist bastards for the scum they are will never be forgotten God Bless

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Globalist Moron and our lunatic PM Trudeau tells US to dump America First Trudeau was put to his latest globalist trickery by telling the US governors to get rid of their America First policy and even called for a "thinner border" between Canada and the US (meaning keep them open so illegals can come into Canada with no vetting whatsoever) he also pressured some of the governors to embrace the disastrous treasonous NAFTA(which is globalist controlled and has shipped our own jobs overseas and nearly destroyed the US which was their goal in the first place to get their North American Union and it also caused unemployment in Mexico which caused illegals to come to the US as a result) but on a side note Trudeau has been compared to being a Fidel Castro looklike the famous communist who Trudeau and other globalist worshipped after the man died despite the fact he and Batista before him murdered their own and rounded up gays and the rest of it  but I digress anyhow who the hell is he to tell the US what they can and cannot do it is their country if they don't want bad trade deals they don't have to and besides NAFTA screwed all 3 countries like I mentioned so in reality NAFTA really just beneifited the elites and their cronies

Stay Tuned

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Omar Khadr and the government;s waste of 10 million on him As you all know the Canadian government gave 10 million dollars to Omar Khadr who way back many years ago was accused of killing a US medic in Afgahnistan and blinding another with a grenade and the reason was alleged human rights abuses in Guantonmo Bay also however Khadr had confessed not under duress to the killing of the American medica according this report from the rebel and apparently under international law he was no a child solider so therefore could be tried for his crimes the problem here is the blatant hypocrisy of our government any returning solider from here only gets 360,000 dollars but this guy gets 10 million for killing and blinding someone really it is stunning but the other thing is if Khadr's rights were violated as they say then there was another way to go about it instead of wasting 10 million dollars of taxpayer money

now you all know I was no fan of the wars in the Middle East because they were based on lies and deception and you also know I am no fan of torture either but given all these reports here and everything else that all in all this was a huge waste of money either way

Thursday, June 29, 2017

The coverup of Lavoy Finicums murder at the hands of the state in this video here Josh Sigurdson of World Alternative media sat down with journalist who covered the shooting of Mr. Lavoy Finicum at the hands of the state and in this article the FBI agent was lying about mr Finicum having a gun at the time of the incident in which before he had crashed into a snow bank on US 395 and because of this lie he was shot and also he was standing up against the corruption the Bureau of Land Managament who were caught land grabbing off farmers and of course in which similar happened the famous Bundy Ranch standoff too where they were doing the same thing though it was found out that Harry Reid who was a corrupt Democrat politician had a deal with the Chinese for solar panels anyhow as mentioned he was this wild life place protesting these land grabbing assaults on innocent people and well he paid the price for it and I guess the government and others have treated his wife like shit and is on the verge of losing her house the cops and FBI have routinely lied to her and are covering this disgusting crime up and to me the people doing this deserve need to be held accountable for their disgraceful heinous actions and for how they treated his poor wife

Monday, June 19, 2017

Deep State trying to further proxy war in Syria along with Mike Cernovich and Mr. Alex Jones break down how despite an article back in April 2017 from high level sources saying that President Trump didn't want a wider war in Syria the deep state and their neocon pals were and are doing everything they can to stage a war over in the Middle East by sending more arms to the Saudis others so they can further their agenda of a world war 3 a while back it was warned that the deep state could try something to undermine Trump by staging a war and I am wondering if this along with the plane that got shot down is the catalyst for this stay tuned

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Trump right to get out of globalist Paris accord but our government stays in as you all know Trump pulled out of the draconian Paris the carbon tax accord that would have crippled the US even further based on the lies that plant food is evil so therefore give up your sovereignty and your rights but our stupid clueless government made sure that we stay in this treasonous deal that basically keeps us uncompetitive while other countries like China and others can build coal plants but we have to shut ours down in order to appease our Malthusian rulers on the Marxist left like Dipshit elitist McKenna and her ilk who would rather piss on Saskatchewan and Alberta and all of us in order to appease their UN friends  and this article well written by mr Terrence Corocoran exposes the unseen hands but also the eugenic death cult as well which was a surprise in the calls for reducing our population through means of abortion Chinese style and other forced methods they want and hence why I am pro-life because of the anti-human nature of this genocidal movement that has highjacked this once great country of ours but don't fret we will get her back from these vicious parasites in one way or the other Update: there was a vote last night and the hypocrite backstabbers on the establishment right voted with the Marxists on staying in this act of treason however only one MP yes ONE MP her name is Cheryl Gallant from Renfrew-Pembroke-Nippsing(Pembroke is where I am originally from so I give her full marks for standing up to these people and standing up for our country )

Friday, June 2, 2017

Bilderberg 2017: Elites push Russia election lie but meet in secret in order to try and get control back Bilderberg is underway and in this infowars report they break down how the elite keep pushing the Russia hacked the election garbage meanwhile they are meeting illegally and in secret in order to figure out how these stupid globalists can hold on to their power and how to destroy freedom all over the world and of course Trump pulled out of the globalist anti-human and anti-freedom Paris agreement based on the lie that essential life giving gas CO2 is going to kill us all but give up your sovereignty and your rights so now they are freaking out over that some of the hysterical reaction online was pretty damn hilarious but also showed their arrogance as well  and here is another video this time from Press For Truth's Dan Dicks as he confronts Canadian finance minister Bill Morneau since he is there in attendence  so I hope you enjoy these reports stay tuned

Update: here is an article from the federalist of the hysterical reactions of trump bailing out of the Paris agreement make sure you are not drinking anything because you might spit it out laughing at the insanity of the radical environmentalists on the left enjoy

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Catholic farmers in Michigan under attack from corrupt city bureaucrats because they disagree with same sex marriage in another attack on Christians this time in East Lansing Michigan, these Catholic farmers are being banned from selling their food in farmers markets because they disagree with same-sex marriage so the corrupt establishment social justice warrior leftists  city bureaucrats are going after this guy named Steve Tennes over this BS and he won't host a same sex wedding either so that is the other reason they are going after him and here is the kicker he employees LGBT people so how the hell he is a bigot?? Just because he supports one man and one woman marriage does not mean he is evil all he wants to do is sell his food but can't because of radical communists who never learn their lessons when it comes to this issue and never demonize radical Islam for their treatment of LGBT people but go after Christians who disagree with Same Sex marriage they are a stupid hypocritical bunch if I ever seen but they are standing up for themselves since the Alliance Defending Freedom is fighting for them against these pitiful city tyrants and I sure hope they win because this is going way to far and this not the first time either you remember awhile back when HGTV's Chip and Joanna Gaines were attacked because their pastor believed in one man and one woman marriage so let's hope common sense rules here

Liberal Fascists in Ontario government passes draconian Bill 89 attacking Christian families who disagree with the made up 57 genders In a not so surprise yet sickening turn, the radical Marxists in Ontario passed Bill 89 which basically says that the state can take away your kids if you disagree with LGBT stuff and the gender ideological insanity that we are currently dealing with and if you are Christian well the bill basically targets you if you want to adopt and even before this bill passed Christians who were trying to adopt were turned down so you want to talk about discrimination and a show of hypocrisy because the same morons who screamed in 1995 that is was wrong to deny LGBT parents adopt are the same jackasses who are attacking Christians for disagreeing with this the irony is amazing  but thankfully however some of the conservatives didn't listen to the propaganda of tyrant Wynne and voted against the bill so kudos to them for trying to stop this draconian bill and the campaign for life I think played a role in that so kudos to them for educating those MPP's (members of provincial Parliment in case you are wondering) but the fight is not over yet this attack on the family is nothing new I have mentioned before how the elites goal was to destroy the family in any way possible and our establishment left government in Ontario is using their very playbook because they simply hate it because they are bloodsucking losers who have nothing better to do in their lives than attack the very thing our society was built on and what is interesting to is the silence of the Catholic Church on this issue makes me wonder.. But regardless we must keep fighting these tyrants by exposing them for the frauds they are

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Bilderberg 2017: secret Globalist confab set to meet tomorrow in Chantilly Virigina The globalist conference known as bilderberg goes tomorrow where all the establishment hacks and criminal scumbags meet every year to set their disgusting evil agenda onto the unsuspecting public notables include Canadian finance minister Bill Morneau and even RBC's(Royal Bank of Canada) CEO David Mackay as well and the full list is in this article and others include neocon Lindsay Graham and war criminal Henry Kissinger  amongst many as for what their agenda might be including populism, Trump, Near East China to name some that is mentioned in the article so stay tuned

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

DHS Boss John Kelly:stay in your homes On Fox News DHS Boss John Kelly given the recent attack in Manchester caused by US-Saudi-CIA-MI5 backed Wahabbist murdering jackasses are all around us and that we should just stay home and suck our thumbs and allow the state to take more of our rights. While I am not discounting the horrible attacks in Manchester the odds of you dying in a terror attack are about 1 in 20 million when also you are more likely to also die from heart disease as this great article from NewsBud's Kurt Nimmo talks about how the establishment neocons while using lies to sell war and can also use fear mongering like tactics in order to get the general public to accept more bombings in the Middle East thinking it will stop things like this but it will only make it worse in the long run and we will continue to see blowback until the people arming and funding these terrorists are put in jail and the war hawk neocons and establishment democrats who supported the illegal wars under Obama are prosecuted for their crimes as well see this video mr nimmo did on how the radical establishment left killed the anti war movement it is very interesting

Monday, May 29, 2017

Ontario Fascists want to ban pro-lifers outside of abortion clinics to coverup the fact that abortion is murder

The treasonous Attorney General and the treasonous mayor of Ottawa along with our dipshit radical environmentalist minister moron McKenna have teamed up to ban pro-lifers from abortion clinics in an effort to censor those who see abortion for what it is: murder of babies and the campaign for life nailed it when they said this is true assault on free speech and that society really needs to be protected from the genocide mills and they are right. This is an unconstituonal act agains the people and to me the AG and the Mayor of Ottawa need to be fired for their treasonous acts. I am so sick of the radical leftists in this province attacking our rights and I never voted for them whether it is their assault on fossil fuels with their egregious attack on plant food that they demonize as pollution or this latest attack it is clear to me that they don't care about the people but only care about appeasing radical eugenicists, radical environmentalists and social justice warriors

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Manchester Terror attacks how political correctness and the west funding of ISIS is destroying the UK and Europe

Last night there was horrific bombings in Manchester England at an arena where pop star Ariana Grande was performing around 22 people were killed including young children and teenagers and many others wounded The radical leftists were in full force online going after people who were against these attacks and called them islamaphobics and the U.K. Government would rather protect the feelings of Muslims than the victims of the attack and the other thing is that the West and their gulf state allies(US ie CIA, Saudi Arabia,Turkey,NATO) have for years armed and funded these terrorists and we wonder why attacks keep happening the solution here is simple: the politicians who are in bed with these people need to be prosecuted and the groups mentioned who have been arming training and funding these terrorists also need to be prosecuted and the borders need better security but as always the state will always benefit from these terrible events in order to enrich their own power and agendas and to hell with the people

Here is another article on how the UK intelligence as well as the afore mentioned have coddled terrorists for years and have since the bomber was known to their intelligence agencies and this article by NewsBud's Kurt Nimmo breaks down the whole thing by how they and the groups I mentioned the other day just allow these criminals to roam around and then they go do something as horrible as the bombings and then the corrupt establishment media just calls them intelligence failures but in reality the CIA and the MI5(British intelligence) the Saudis, Turkey and NATO use these things for their own poltical agendas to justify war and more civil liberties being taken away and given the British government ordered troops on the street will do nothing to stop any sort of attacks instead will remind the population they are living in a police state

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Police Corruption: Cops found guilty of arresting people for pot then turn around and sell it demonstrating just how ridiculous war on drugs is Sherrif Deputies in California were found guilty after they abused their power arresting people for a plant that has medicinal benefits but yet gets demonized by the pro-war on drugs propagandists but yet they stole the pot and sold it and the article highlights the court documents showing what these corrupt bozos did and one of them has a history of abusing power by doing the same thing to other people and this demonstrates how insane the war on drugs is and why it is the greatest scam on earth besides the man made climate scam and also shows us just how draconian the police state is by creating crime where there shouldn't be and throwing people in jail over a medicinal plant is just wrong

Monday, May 15, 2017

Green energy scam from Eco-fascist Ontario government has deals on hurts the Ontario people The Eco-fascists in our provincial government with their obsession with getting rid of cheap realiable energy like coal out of Ontario and replacing it with unreliable wind and solar power has cost us the taxpayers a lot of money and has increased hydro bills over this insane nonsense that Carbon Dioxide which is one of the 4 elements of life and is essential for plant growth  is so evil that they have to use this to punish and control the population. There were documents that were released that showed their fair hydro scam was still going to cost the people regardless of the fake 25% reduction these criminals claimed and it seems the Alberta NDP want to repeat Ontario mistakes as well given how their fanatical Malthusian beliefs and radical green religion cloud them of how harmful their insane anti-human and anti-freedom policies are and they don't care one bit about the people who have had to choose between heating their homes or feeding their kids like here in Ontario for example and perhaps the stupidest move of all as Lorne Gunter's article shows us was their closing of the coal plant here in Thunder Bay and they replaced it with wood chips that are shipped in from Norway and is costing us $1600 dollars!! And they did this without even seeing if we even had any chips of our own here in northern Ontario so bottom line folks is the establishment left and their radical enviromentalist cronies are desperate to hold on to their scam which people are waking up to so it is not a surprise they are lying about their fake hydro rebate and are merely trying to cover up their corruption, lies and deception in order to keep their power and control over us

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Communist China abuses Interopl arrest warrants to target whistleblowers and others according to media reports and victim accounts, the Chinese government is abusing Interpols arrest warrants to hunt down anyone who is agains them however as Alex Newman of the New American points out this is not the first time tyrants have used Interpol go after people they don't like and even during world war 2 Interpol was used by the Nazis since they used them to kill their own dissidents  and even the UN is involved with this since they got caught handing over names over to them and the fact that this regime alone as killed more people this is very disturbing and is something we as humanity must denounce

Eco Radicals war on. Off road vehicles almost turns deadly in this video by the rebels Sheila Gunn Reid breaks down the war on off road vehicles by the Eco-fascists in Alberta who just hate normal activities that people enjoy doing and she reports on a story of some wingnut setting up barbed wire on a trail and it almost killed somebody but thankfully they are ok but she gives examples of other Eco-terrorists acts over the years and just really shows how mentally unstable these radical environmentalists are but of course this war on off road vehicles and on energy are really a part of the globalist elites plans to control humanity using the man made climate scam to do so by claiming humanity's activity can control the weather but we all know that is Bullshit and I hope you enjoy the video

Friday, April 7, 2017

US strikes Syria over fishy chemical attack story neocons jump for joy for more illegal wars earlier this week Syria had a chemical attack killing many and the same narrative like many years ago is to blame the Assad government with no proof at all when it most likely was carried out by AL-CIADA and the other western back terrorists who have wrecked havoc over there for many years but of course the neocons were celebrating like the sick motherfuckers they are over these strikes and it is because of their warmongering and arming and funding of terrorists we have the migrant crisis we have today I sure hope this does not lead to world war 3 which would very bad stay tuned

Update: Canada supporting the US strikes in Syria which is hypocritical of our globalist neocon Eco-fascist prime minister Justin Trudeau supporting the refugees from that country welcoming them with open arms but is ok with bombing their country wow..

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Bill 89 ontarios sick Bill 89 to make kids belong to the state unless parents conform to "gender ideology"

Remember awhile back I talked about Bill 89 that threatened to go after religious parents if they didn't conform to the state's ramming of "gender ideology" and other things well the rebel's Faith Goldy as a report and a petition talking about the very dangers of this bill and could even prevent religious people from adopting if this Marxist totalitarian Bill is passed so if you would like please sign this petition and send a message to Communist Ontario that we will not let kids belong to the state because of their insane ideology

So not only are they getting rid of mum and dad out our laws this bill is another assault on family and again shows just how corrupt this provincial government is

UN LGBT Marxist Czar targeting children by saying "the younger the better" and why this is not good

Concerned family groups were hoping the globalist corrupt bureaucracy known as the UN would stop shoving LGBT things down kids throats well it is not happening anytime soon since the UN LGBT czar thinks it is ok to shove adult things onto young kids furthering their war on religious liberty under the excuse of protecting LGBT's from discrimination and using tax payer money to do so which is even worse and even worse they invited the defunded UNFPA who has committed horrible atrocities in China under their horrible anti-family policy to push their real agenda of population control which is the entire goal of these elite scum. The LGBT movement has been highjacked by the globalist communists and are using LGBT to push their eugenics and anti family  cult onto the people by shoving this down kids throats which is not cool at all and all the more reason why people are home schooling these days because I get it now

(Note: as you know I for the most part don't hate anyone who is LGBT given I had a gay uncle like I mentioned recently but my problem here and most people's problem is who the radical left has highjacked the movement to use for their own nefarious purposes) and this agenda is also being used to shut down free speech here in Canada with Bill C-16 and Univeristy of Toronto Professor Jordan Peterson was under assault from the radical left because of his opposition to this bill which forces people to use fake gender pro-nouns with the force of the state and even trans people have come out and supported Jordan Peterson and slammed this bill as ridiculous so you know it is bad then but the good news is people are waking up to this and I certainly hope that. Bill C-16 and the other anti-free speech laws in this country get repealed

Monday, April 3, 2017

Dr Phil exposes globalist pedophile ring (warning the material is kind of graphic) Dr Phil McGRaw and reliable sources have exposed the elite pedophile rings that have been going for years. He interviewed this young lady who is now in her 20s who was sold off by her parents into sex trafficking and was forced to have sex with high profile individuals and even was forced into raping young children and according to this report Attorney General Jeff Sessions is eager to bring these sick perverts to justice and even President Trump vowed to do something about ending human trafficking as well and experts believe this is the tip of the iceberg and stretches as far was Washington DC, New York and London so I am glad this is being brought out because these sociopathic fuckers deserve everything that is coming to them for doing the heinous acts they have done to innocent people and I hope that the victims can finally get the deserved justice they need

Friday, March 31, 2017

Deep State want to assassinate Turkish President prior to April vote on referendum regarding EU

Looks like the deep state and their criminal pals want to get rid of President Erodgan of Turkey prior to a April 16 vote on the EU on whether they should join them or not in order to destabilize the country and this is accoring to one of NewsBud's sources who they say is legitimate so this is something that we should keep our eyes on but given the CIA's history of overthrowing government's through false flags or murder this is not a surprise to me at all and the video previews a round table they did about this story and part of it is in Turkish but the rest is in English. Stay tuned folks

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Alberta Education "unaware" of sexually crude content from taxpayer funded site

Holly Nichols of the rebel media reports how a woman named Teresa Ng of informed parents came across a website on the recommendation of Alberta Education to help schools with Gay Straight Alliance clubs no to be fair these clubs were only mandated on the basis of students and while there is nothing wrong with these clubs but the website in question was promoting very crude sexual content that was very inappropriate for kids and this was being funded by the taxpayers nevertheless and one of the people behind this once compared Christians to Nazis and all sorts of anti-Christian nonsense as ms Nichols explains in her video

Now for the record I am not against LGBT folks As I had an uncle who was a gay man and he was a great guy and unfortunately he died of AIDS when I was young and I have some followers on Twitter who are LGBT as well  but I do not like how the radical left has decided to use LGBT people to shove inappropriate sexual content onto young kids it is gross and it should not be allowed and I am sure my uncle if alive today would probably not approve of this either and the fact that they were using taxpayer money for this is even worse and something that people should be outraged over

It is high time we kick the state out of education and bring it back to the parents and the local school boards because this is what we get when government controls education