Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Doctors: UN vaccines in Kenya used to sterilize women

[disclaimer: I am not anti vaccine and support preventing illnesses like measles but in this case here it is clear abuse of the tetanus shot to force sterilize women since it had the human chorionic gonadotropin hormone in it which caused these women to miscarry their unborn babies and this should not be tolerated and this needs to be investigated]

Less than a year after the United Nations unveiled their sinister population control plot at reducing the number of people in Kenya a supposed "UN vaccine program" is under fire by doctors and catholic bishops for deliberately sterilizing millions of women. The explosive revelations were released after medical researchers and the Catholic Church found a sterilizing agent in tetanus inoculations being foisted on Kenyan women by two UN agencies in cooperation with the national government. This is not the first time that international vaccine campaigns by the UN targeting third world populations have been exposed as covert sterilizations and eugenics programs. Some referred to the latest plot as race based genocide. In a statement released by the Kenyan Catholic Doctos Association said it ordered lab tests of the tetanus vaccine being used by the World Health Organization(WHO) and the UN's Children's Fund(UNICEF)"The unfortunate truth is that the vaccine was laced with [sterilizing agent human chorionic gonadtropin] HCG just like the ones used in South American cases*(* similar experiments took place in Mexico and Nicaragua in the 1990s which you can look up) Dr. Wahone Ngare said in a statement for the Catholic Doctors group who exposed this and when the trusts came back positive . "Further, none of the girls and women given the vaccine were informed of the contraceptive effect" According to the organization and other medical experts, the HCG found in the tetanus vaccine causes women's bodies to develop an immune response to attack the hormone which is essential for pregnancy so when a woman who received the UN shots gets pregnant her body fights it and results in the death of her unborn child. The article goes on to explain how this was not about preventing tetanus but forced population comtrol and also shows despite this the catholic bishops do support vaccines but also described being "shocked at the level of dishonesty by the Kenyan government" and the Bishops also applauded the medical experts who stood up and exposed the truth and Dr Ngare in the article encouraged Kenyans to educate themselves and be activated in light of this horrific atrocity. Also this comes on the heels of that study I reported on about the to,Iqbal one child policy not being enough for this sick pigs to recue human numbers under the fraud of overpopulation. This needs to be investigated and the people behind this need to be punished for their crimes against humanity.

Update: UN denies secretly sterilizing women Article has link to 1992 WHO document on fertility regulating vaccines which is linked in this article and is 60 pages long so they can deny all they want but the documents don't lie and is clear they have had involvement sterilizations