Tuesday, October 20, 2015

My thoughts on the canadian election

Well as you most of you know Justin Trudeau and his liberals formed a majority government last night and the conseratives thanks to their 100 plus seats are the official opposition and also Stephen Harper resigned as leader of the conversative party of Canada last night as well but will represent his riding in the Calgary-Heritage area as an MP(Member of Parliment)

For me I voted indpendent because I am sick and tired of the 5(liberal, conservative,ndp,green,and bloc quebecois) party dicatorship in this country and it bothers me that we did not hear enough from independent candidates in other ridings around Canada at least in my riding of Thunder Bay-Superior North we did get to hear from the indpendent Robert Skaf (the man I voted for and was proud to support because he had great innovated ideas and like me opposed high taxes and even to some extent opposed carbon taxes) and that was a good thing for sure but given the last provincial election and this one in terms of independent candidates and the number of votes they got I think slowly we will turn the tide and break this monoply of control but still long way to go in that department

 In the grand scheme however it really didn't matter who got in given the bankster elites who are really in control since both Trudeau and Harper were mere puppets for them there was no differenec between them other than the marijuana issue. I despised Harper's wars of agression in the middle east based on the greatest lie of the 21st century:9/11 and this war on isis(who were creations of the west and their allies in Saudi Arabia, Turkey etc.. and who are given guns by the west and who are carrying out atrocities against the Christians over there http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-isis-islamic-terrorists-are-supported-by-the-us-israel...) also during the G20 a few years ago we saw the grossest violation of civil liberties in the history (want more proof that the west supports ISIS well earlier this year Judicial Watch thanks to a lawsuit got US government documents declassified that show this http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2015/05/newly-declassified-u-s-government-documents..).of our nation http://news.nationalpost.com/news/police-violated-civil-rights-acted-illegally-says...   now having said this however he did do some good like gettting us out of Kyoto for example

As For Trudeau, I don't think we will see the so called change he talked about I think he will continue the wars of aggression, shove carbon taxes down our throats under the guise of saving the planet from evil CO2 which is not pollution but essential to all life on Earth, He voted for C-51 like Harper did under the guise of saving us from boggeyman terrorists but it is really to spy illegally on all of us and increase state power http://www.nationalobserver.com/2015/03/18/opinion/bill-c-51-harpers-draconian...  and he admired china's "basic dictatorship" http://news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/canadian-politics/justin-trudea-seemingly...  into adopting solar power which might work on your house but long scale it is worthless again under the guise of saving the planet from the man made climate change myth and even talked about in this article about having a dictatorship and doing whatever you want but he is so ignorant of history it is in fact 262 million people died from democide according to the University of Hawaii in the 20th century because of their communist governments killing them whether it was in Bolsevik Russia, Nazi Germany, Mao's China, Pol Pot and etc.. but don't tell him that(sarcasm) also their anti-austerity measures were based on lies http://www.globalresearch.ca/canadas-liberals-sweep-to-power-on-phony-anti-austerity...  and this article exposes that very well here is one quote from it: "Trudeau and his liberals will use their majority to enforce the dictates of the capitalist elite. Under conditions of a deepening economic crisis in Canada, driven by the sharp fall of oil and commodity prices and anemic growth internationally, The Liberal government will be called upon to assault worker's rights at home and aggressively assert Canadian imperalism's predatory interests. This will include the adoption of the Trans-Pacific Partnership(TPP) agreement, a central component of the United States' drive to strategically isolate and militarily encircle China" and highlights the continued wars of agression as well (note: we also saw the rise of the Leap Manifesto by radical leftists malthusian rosseauvian marxist scumbags like Naomi Kelin, hollywood hypocrites in Ellen Page and others who called for shutting down all our fossil fuel energy and basically turning us into the stone age http://therebel.media/leap_manifesto_watch_suzuki it was a true display of this dangerous ideology of anti-humanism, anti-good capitalism, anti-freedom of these rosseauvian marxists lunatics )
(note: C-51 was the excuse to go after our rights after the Ottawa Shootings of one year ago and to this day we have know answers as to what the hell actually happened http://globalresearch.ca/one-year-after-canadas-october-22nd-shootings... Where Graeme McQueen is calling for a public inquiry and his report is damning and interesting is must read material)(

In closing,the false left right paradigm continues to brainwash the masses thanks to our controlled media but thankfully for now we still have the internet where we can expose their lies and I will not stop fighting for the freedoms and rights of Canada, I will not stop fighting for aborted children that Planned Parenthood brutally murdered and sold their parts on the black market, I will not stop fighting against China's brutal one child policy which has killed 400 million alone more than Mao (who killed 80 million starved 42 million of them to death) and will not stop fighting for the 4 million of our own in this country who are killed by abortion since 1969 and I will not stop fighting against the globalists who want a world government tyranny and a 90% genocide of human beings because ALL LIVES MATTER and we will defeat theses sons of bitches and their world fascist government and restore our countries with the freedoms and rights given to us by our creator including the right to life,liberty and the pursuit of happiness and in the words of Thomas Jefferson: "Resistance to Tyranny is obeying God"

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

The Canadian Deception


Dan Dicks of press for truth put together a series of videos exposing the leaders of the current parties running for prime minister on October 19th and I must say they were well done and well researched and I urge all of you to watch them. The one on Elizabeth May is worth the price of admission as he exposes her for the malthuisan rosseauvian collectivist fascist she is and the whole entire eugenics death cult of the radical leftist environmentalism we see today from the CO2 lies to the genocidal opposition to golden rice for examples  and she also once called for chinese style one to two child policies for this country http://infowars.com/canadian-greens-push-eugenics-call-for-reduced-population/ despite the fact our birthrate is 1.59 children per woman and the fact that all of our leaders running are for late term abortions and sex selective abortions http://lifenews.com/2015/20/08/canadas-next-prime-minister-supports-late-term...  and close to 4 million of our own have died because of abortion since 1969 and over 100,000 a year. So really folks these people only serve the globalist elite and their agenda of anti-humanism, anti-freedom, anti-free markets and etc.. and to usher in a world tyrannical government. So I urge you to not fall for the fake left right paradigm and think for yourself and do not fall for the propaganda of the mainstream corporate press and their minions.
Update: Rosseau was a french philospher who believed in state power, no property rights, government control of everything where as the school of English philospher John Locke was more in line with with individual freedom, people making their own decisions, private property, life, liberty and happiness and the free market hence my reference to May being of the Rosseauvian wing of collectivism and fascism. The John Locke school of private property, life, liberty, free markets etc..  is what these elites hate and why they are working through various channels whether through radical environmentalism for example in order to impose their eco-fascist dictatorship under UN Agenda 21 and why we must stand up for our constitution against these globalist scum

Thursday, October 8, 2015

My review of oxy powder

 Several months of ago I purchased this product to try it out. Before I bought this even though I was working out and drinking enerfood and iodine after a much needed vacation i had gained a little bit of weight and had a small pot belly and despite my efforts I couldn't get rid of it and it was frustrating to say the least and the day I got this I had instant results and I take this every once in a while when I feel bloated and it gets rid of it like a charm. This video here is of infowars.com report Rob Dew talking about how over the years he had let him self go a bit and he hovered around 220 and at one point was 230 and also had a small pot belly too and this banished it too. So if you want to make a change go to infowarsstore.com and try this out you will not be disappointed at all. Though I do all of this I have no desire to look like a Hollywood toothpick as I would rather be healthy and yeah still carry some weight I am comfortable with body and feel good for the first time in years PS: I have made a dent in that my clothes are somewhat loose but still feeling good also I discovered another product too from this company in utah called the synergy company and they sell vegetable juice powders ranging from kale-berry and my favorites are the kale and tomato and I add them to my enerfood every morning the website is http://thesynergycompany.com and the prices are really good