Researchers at the American Institute for Cancer Research did a study that eating meat can increase the risk of breast cancer-only in Caucasian(white) women. Apparently African American women are not in danger of this.
They did questionnaires from a field of 976 African-American women and 873 Caucasian(white) women with breast cancer and 1,165 of black women and 865 white women without breast cancer and revealed that eating meat was a common factor in white women who had the disease but the same relation was not found in African American women.
Similar study was done in 2005 by Harvard Medical School that certain types of breast cancer(those started by estrogen and progesterone receptor positives) were found in women who ate more red meat- meaning at least 11 servings a week. The researchers stated that cancers women were most at risk for are those linked to estrogen and therefore pre-menopausal women are at a higher risk.
The cause of cancer and research into possible genetic factors is confused by biotech companies like Myriad Genetics who refuse to give up any of their scientific data regarding cancer research under the guise of it is "commercially sensitive"
This corporation developed a test as to whether women carry the "potentially lethal mutations of the two genes linked with inherited forms of breast and ovarian cancer. It has a monoply on the tests in the United States and is about to start more aggressive marketing in Europe"
So by revealing the 2 BRCA genes which complied a database for such mutations, Myriad has simply refused to share their data with other researchers and make this information available to the public. Ms Posel states that this totally compromises the scientific community to pin-point any cancer causing agents
The World Health Organization says that 30% of all cancers have to do with diet and claim that meat has no fiber and other nutrients that can protect against this and claim cooking meat raises your cancer risk.
The UN Food and Agricultural Association(UNFAO) have reported that 18 percent of the world's "greenhouse gases" and "CO2" equivalents can be directly contributed to livestock and have argued that if we have less livestock, they could cull any sort of environmental benefits.
Of course this is a fraud. Any attempt to hold on the the hoax that dinosaurs emitted so much gas out of their ass that they caused "global warming" and Equating cows to saurapods, the danger is in the methane which over 100m tones are caused by livestock..
Also other lunatic studies that were published by the Environmental Research letters proclaimed that there has to be dramatic changes in food production to save the earth from a life giving natural gas CO2.
The globalist answer to this is to con us into accepting a global vegan diet, the world's water would be saved and the erratic weather patterns as caused by you driving your car as witnessed by the hoax that is man made climate change will disappear and the third world would have arable land to feed their populations which would increase trade and any food surplus.
You recall nutbag Biothethics professor at New York University S. Matthew Liao proposed taking a pill that would cause nausea when a person consumed meat and would create an aversion to it..
Another insane idea to getting rid of livestock, is the creation of artificial meat. Researchers in a lab are creating such thing or known as (test tube meat) that would take on what you see in the supermarket by taking cells from animals and then growing them in a petri dish.
Of course the Eco-Fascist Marxist Control Freaks praise this as animals won't be killed for food and would create less of a "carbon footprint"
Even Joesph Mengele in the 1940s supported this idea of cloned animal meat for the public to consume and did experiments by removing the animal parts and keep them alive outside the body and hence the birth of the bio-genetic industry
Given all the research I have done on this subject, I have never been so appalled in my life. The fact they are using people's legit concerns for the environment as an excuse to control our lives all is disgusting but what is even worse is how they are doing this by using one of the 4 elements of life CO2 by calling it a toxic gas is a slap in the face to science and is like declaring war on all life on this wonderful planet Earth. WE have a lot of real environmental problems like GMO food, toxic waste dumping in the oceans, the chemtrails that they are spraying in our skies to name a couple but the fake carbon taxes they want to push have NOTHING TO DO WITH THE ENVIRONMENT AT ALL and like I have said many times it is about power, control and genocide.