Wednesday, January 30, 2019

the hypocrisy of our feminazi leftists government in Canada wont do a gender based analysis on tyrant oil from Islamic fascist countries like Saudi Arabia but Canada oil bad and has to be subjected to such nonsense Sheila Gunn Reid of the rebel media exposes yet again the lunatic actions and hypocrisy of the left in this country according to an order paper the feminazis in our government will not subject tyrant oil from Islamic dictatorships that stone woman and murder and jail gays to their so called gender based analysis but Canada’s oil has to be subjected to it because in their eyes it is pure evil even though we dont stone women or jail and murder gays just another example of the hypocrisy of this government of ours and why they must go this year

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Global news tries to tie infowars founder Alex Jones to last summer’s danforth shooting even though ISIS claimed responsibility in yet another example of irresponsible reporting by canadian news outlet Global news tried to link Alex Jones of to the shooting at the danforth last summer even though as Ms Faith Goldy on twitter pointed out that ISIS had claimed responsibility and that the shooter had pledged to them but lets blame a radio host in texas for the actions of a deranged killer is it any wonder why the MSM is no longer trusted truly despicable

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Canada’s totalitarian drunk driving laws:Police can get your breath samples without a warrant at your house or a bar under the guise of reducing drunk driving the almighty state decided to give all kinds of dictatorial powers to the police that now they can demand breath samples without a warrant basically violating the constitution and the charter of rights and freedoms in this country that they were sworn to uphold. Instead of allowing technology and innovation to solve issues like distracted driving and drunk driving the state being the authoritarian scum that they are think by imposing this kind of power trip is going to solve the problem it wont and I can see lawsuits galore with these insane new laws that lack common sense and violate the rights of law abiding canadians and even though I am now fan of global news I do give them credit for reporting on this issue and the second article highlights an elderly man who got stopped for a breath sample just because he was brining his empties back to the beer store even though he was not drunk at all which the test proved but let it serve as a warning that even doing that could get you stopped for a breath sample without a warrant. Welcome to communist canada everyone

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Alberta Democrats make up false allegations of threats in order to squash dissent over land consultation Sheila Gunn Reid of the Rebel media breaks down a story where Alberta NDP want to create this bighorn park costing 40 million or so dollars and make it off limits to humans via agenda 21/2030 style but the land consultations have gone sour and they cancelled meetings over false threats in order to smear the rural people in that area who actually took care of the land properly and people camped there and etc.. it is truly stunning the lengths elitists will go to in order to get power and control