Friday, June 24, 2016

Orlando Shooting: Still No Evidence - and Britain Leaves European Union

Orlando Shooting: Still No Evidence -

interesting article on the tragic orlando shootings which my heart goes out to all the victims of that awful attack that has been used to go after the second amendment and given new evidence that there were multiple shooters has me wondering if this is not another false flag operation and also reports showed that the FBI interviewed the guy Mateen three times and given their history of recruiting terrorists but as I have said numerous times the state always benefits from terrorism whether real or imagined so they have the perfect excuses to piss on the rights of the people

Also Britain left the European Union in a rather close vote and throws a wrench in the globalist plan for world government for now but be forewarned though the globalists always have other tricks up their sleeves such as economic policy to use as a weapon

and the goals of the deep state are really for dehumanization and this article by Jon Rapport explains it all  but over all this is a step in the right direction and defeating the globalists