Saturday, November 3, 2012

Global Collaboration of Mega Cities implement Agenda 21 to prepare populations, US and Canadian team up to us Propaganda campaigns for cybersecurity globalist puppet number 2 President Obama during his election campaign in 2008 had promised that America would lead the way on "climate change". Obama had declared that the US would reduce their evil CO2 emissions by 2050 and invest 150 billion tax payer dollars in so called green technologies. At the heart of this was of course "cap and trade"

One of his many failures in regards to the green energy scam was that he allocated over 60 million of American Taxpayer dollars to Abound Solar, who went bankrupt and were based out of Colorado and was owned by a woman named Valerie Jarrett. She is currently under investigation and Abound Solar is out of business which means she took off with the money and ran out of town.

To show his support for the globalist's scams regarding the fraud that is man made global warming/man made climate change, Obama went to the 2009 UN Copenhagen Climate Summit and gave his speech on how the US would bow down to international mandates on this complete joke.

A study from this ecological fascist group Surging Seas, areas along the Coast lines are under dire threat from "rising sea levels which threaten populations living in states such as Florida, Louisiana, California, New York and New Jersey".

Another piece of crap study focused on cities around the world that are in so called danger of coastal flooding to "climate change" assessed the financial risks associated with allowing urban populations to live along the coasts in various countries and governmental protection measures that should be in place to stop any further damage by the recklessness of you driving your vehicle.

Coastal Cities are expected to witness the brunt of a surge in population thanks to urbanization and the implementation of mega-regions which are the preferred method by our lords and masters the Globalist elite for controlling you and i and getting rid of sovereign nations.

The eco-tyrant fascists are calling for debates about what to do with populations who live on the coasts after disasters like Katrina and Sandy. In 2011, the UN IPCC even had to admit that there was no evidence that humans are affecting hurricane patterns but in the same tone they warned of increased tropical storms if the planet continues to warm..

(But here is the kicker folks, GLOBAL WARMING is not a threat at all infact global warming is beneficial because you get longer growing seasons and more CO2 for all the plant life that rely on this wonderful life giving gas that has been unfairly demonized but the eco-fascists lunatics will never tell you this because they thrive on scaring you so you will give your rights to these sick demented people..)

The corrupt mainstream media claims that populations who live in these areas should just pack up and leave and go inland, as unlikely as this is. the answer as Ms. Posel points out would to turn these coastal cities into mega-regions where CO2 could be controlled under the Agenda 21 protocols

here is an excerpt: "Acclimating humans to a "social-ecological" system of co-evolving with natural systems would eliminate the possibility of human destruction to biodiversity. In fact, they that our impact is a "shock [to] a system [that cannot] absorb before it transforms into something fundamentally different? That, in a nutshell is the essence of resilience. Setting aside "green spaces, both natural and man-made can buffer a city against change" and mega-cities can recondition future generations to become "core contributors" for "future sustainability"

The C40 Cities for Climate Leadership is connected to groups of mega-cities that promise to conform to UN mandates on "climate change"

In 2007 40 mayors from major cities decided to bow down the globalist's answer to this fake crisis by sneaking Agenda 21 incrementally..

We know globalist operative and NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg announced the building of 275-300 sq. foot micro-apartments in Kips Bay in a beta test to con New Yorkers into living in tight quarters and accept conversion to globalization same deal in San Francisco where they have 222 square foot apartments(which is probably the size of a closet or bathroom when factored into a space)

and so on and so forth.... Under the hoax of saving the earth from a life giving gas, we are being forced off our property into prison like cities and face a 90% genocide if this becomes reality...

also see this article: if you are a farmer, you will be screwed by Agenda 21 because heaven forbid you have a farm out in the country now they want to make these vertical greenhouses hence how they are  taking away  our food independence as well.. there is nothing these dirtbags won't go to screw you, your family and the rest of us.. we are being taken over by Mega-Corporations and Foreign Private Banks, the families who control them and the United Nations.. the US and Canadian governments announced last week to combine their efforts to stop "cyber attacks" with the creation of an action plan with the Department of Homeland Security and Public Safety Canada to "improve digital infrastructure"

In the 2011 Beyond the Border: a Vision for Perimeter Security and Economic Competitiveness, the relationship was set for the purpose of combing both nations and increase the resiliency of the networks according to DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano.

Canada has a government sponsored program called Get Cyber Safe, that defines risks to the public when using cell phones, online banking(which I do) social networks and the rest of it under the guise of preventing cyber attacks, this is nothing but a an excuse for the Canadian and US governments to spy on us illegally and control the internet.

Even Pamela Wallin, who is Canadian Tory Senator, has come out in support of this!! believing that corporations here in Canada have a duty to con the public into accepting government controlling our lives under the guise of "cyber security"