Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Lord Christopher Monckton interview with infowars founder alex jones about the left's man made climate change myth and how it is being used for power and also shows how Co2 is saving the planet by greening it In this interview with Alex Jones, the always amazing and terrific patriot lord monckton exposes the man made climate myth for what it is: a power grab and for world government using the lies that CO2 is a pollutant even though studies and even NASA recently had to admit that the earth is greening because of beneficial CO2 and this is important in Canada as well since we have been saddled with the federal liberal communist carbon tax since april please share with your friends and family

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Ontario NDP wants Nova Scotia style presumed consent for organ donations and shows yet again the callous disregard for liberty and personal freedom In another braindead idea, Ontario NDP France Gelina wants to follow Nova Scotia’s presumed consent for organ donations which I dont think is going in increase organ donations but will lead to a slippery slope of violations civil liberties and taking advantage of grief stricken families for their loved ones organs and I talked about this story a while back and of course there are going to be those who say this is a good idea when in reality it is not. We are supposed to have the right to make our own decisions regarding healthcare and organ donations but clearly the state wants to take that out of your hands and even the Trillium Gift of Life Network has said there is no evidence that this even works and like I said in that post regarding Nova Scotia it is clear they want to undermine patient rights in Canada all for their real goal to have the state run your care which as we all know with cases overseas is not a great idea

My top books and documentaries for those wanting to research the subjects I cover on this blog

1.)The Politcally Incorrect Guide To Climate Change by Marc Morano it is highly resarched and well sourced and exposes a lot of the junk science surrounding the man made climate change myth
2)Not Evil Just Wrong also talks about the same thing but it is an excellent documentary on the subject and there is great interviews as well
3)FrackNation talks about the leftist myths surrounding the process and how those lies were not allowing some areas to not be allowed to develop natural gas and because I was a donor I got a credit at the end of the movie which was a humble honour
4)The Politically Incorrect  Guide to Capitalism by Robert Murphy circa 2007 talks about the common lies the left uses to demonize the free market and the great things that capitalism did such as defeat racism as an example
5)Merchants of Despair by Robert Zubrin exposes the genocidal tendencies of the radical environmentalist movement and how their lies about DDT killed millions and also explores the deep roots of eugenics and how we must win the debate in order to protect human liberty and our way of life here in the West
6)9/11 Synthetic Terror by Webster Griffin Tarpley about the disgraceful coverup of that tragedy and how government uses such tragedies to go after civil liberties if you recall the unconstitutional patriot act among other things and the current rise of the police surveillance state and another good one is 9/11 Toronto Hearings discussing the same things but it was a gathering some of the top experts to discuss the issues regarding 9/11 and also it justified the useless middle east wars as well
7)Crimes of the Educators by the Late Sam Blumenfeld and New American Reporter Alex Newman on how the establishment progressive left took over the education system so they could dumb down children into accepting the state as their god and it is a must read and all these books you can find online on amazon or other places and the documentaries as well also another good one is blue beats green which you can stream online or buy the dvd if I think of any more I will post them here
More: Hillary's America the book and DVD by Dinesh D'Souza and Death of a Nation on the democrats horrible records on alot of things including racism Another Day in the Empire By Kurt Nimmo who exposes the establishment  neocons and their bloody thirsty excuses for unjust war More Books 2: The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Bible by Robert J Hutchinson where he shows how the bible promotes human freedom and led to the laws, democracy and limited government and the Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming and Environmentalism by Christopher C Horner both books are from 2007 but both are great resources 8)Blue Beats Green you can find this documentary on youtube

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Liberal communist deep state bureaucrats treated antifa like royalty but United We Roll for pipelines were considered the bad guys Sheila Gunn Reid of the Rebel media reports that the Ottawa establishment laughed off the threats of terrorist group Antifa but treated the United WE Roll the group from out west here in Canada who were going down to Ottawa to voice their concerns over the lack of pipelines being built and a whole host of other legitimate things and they were treated as the bad guys and Ms Reid has the documents she obtained through an information request proving that once again the Left hates ordinary hard working canadians but prefers to treat terrorists like Antifa like royalty even though they attacked Rebel Reporter Keenan Bexte who was covering the United We Roll from red deer to winnipeg even through Thunder Bay all the way to Ottawa the hypocrisy of the left vampires in Ottawa is nothing to be surprised about