Monday, November 19, 2012

Toronto School Board taking taxpayers for a ride with their "green" idiocy It is bad enough that our tax dollars pay for education and also pay the ever increasing electric bills that are out of control since the Green Energy Scam has highjacked this province thanks to McGuinty and his band of criminals that rammed this through Parliament and Ontario's economy has gone to hell just like the US's and Europe..

But when the Toronto City and District School Board actually promotes this nonsense with adding to how energy impoverished we are in this province thanks to them closing 11 of our 19 coal plants and how they bragged about in the media destroying Ontario's economy on purpose(all part of Agenda 21 folks) the TDSB has come out by saying all schools will host SOLAR PANELS on their roofs that will generate "clean green energy power" while claiming it will generate funds for the board and it will all be FREE..

Free my ass.. it will come with a price in reality and Us taxpayers will fit the bill for this nonsense all under the guise of saving the earth from a life giving natural gas CO2....

 this video here is the british documentary the Great Global Warming Swindle which exposes the fraud of man made climate change and other lies the eco-fascists have used (this movie was made prior to Climategates 1 and 2)

I have watched the documentary myself and it was excellent and played a huge part in my research