Monday, December 8, 2014

Thank you 2014

Hi everyone I know I haven't blogged much I apologize for that I want to thank you all for your support and standing up for freedom and human rights along with me and even though there are bad things going on like the eric garner killing the riots in ferguson and while I think brown's case should have gone to trial so the facts could be separated from fiction the rioting going was not good and solved nothing and in both cases it has nothing to do with race but the issue of police abusing their power now I know their are good cops out there that do their jobs right but the ones abusing their power need to to be held accountable and the ongoing Eco fascism tyranny where they are still trying to ram a treaty down our throats in Peru but thankfully the public is growing wise to their fear mongering and propaganda and you can follow this on but I have hope that despite all this people are waking up and that is a good thing and together we can take the globalists down and restore freedom worldwide so merry Christmas and have a fantastic new year