Thursday, December 29, 2016

Establisment Media caught yet again with lie that polar bears are dying from plant food killing us all hoax

The establishment media is pushing the tired old narrative that polar bears are dying from the man made climate change hoax and that plant food which is not pollution is causing it no matter how many damn biologists have come out and exposed this lie it seems to just not die. The elitists at greenpeace and the WWF have used the polar bear as their bastard child for years in order to con kids and the public into accepting this fictious piece of utter nonsense. WE have real environmental issues like water contamination thanks to boneheaded decisions by municipal bureaucrats in Montreal example and in Gatineau in Flint Michigan with the lead problems there but no lets demonize a life giving gas that plants need to grow instead. Their hypocrisy is astounding

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Obama and UN elites slap Israel in the face by declaring their settlements on West Bank illegal

Barack Obama has just made the worst decision of his entire presidency....

The UN and their puppet Obama basically gave every inch of East Jerusalem to the Palestinians making the Jewish settlements in the West Bank illegal even though prior to the 1967 conflict Israel had no control over East Jerusalem so essentially they are trying to divide this area and Israel's prime Minister has said he is not going along with this and so basically this could turn into a war all thanks to their god damn meddling with this issue  while I have tried to keep a more neutral tone on this I can't however condone the actions of the UN and Obama and then Today idiot  Skull and Bones Kerry basically slapped them again by saying that Israel cannot be Jewish or democratic video by Infowars reporter Margaret Howell breaking down what he said and it is very interesting however Mr. Trump did speak out online against what they did and vows to try and overturn this so we shall see folks

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The real story of the situation in Syria that the establishment does not want you to know in the Newsbud Geopolitical report by newsbud reporter Kurt Nimmo breaks down how it was the CIA and their friends in the Muslim Brotherhood that got it all started in 2011 in Darra a town along the Syrian/Jordan border as the Brotherhood with their friends the CIA attacked cops and others because it was really a proxy war to remove Assad from government and replace it with radical salafist regime and you all know this has caused 400,000 deaths and this report also mentions the CIA's role in Benghazi where they were caught shipping guns to the rebels and we all know the famous incident there which got 4 Americans killed so very interesting report and timely as well and this is not new with the CIA given their history of overthrowing governments like in 1953  when they overthrew Mossadeg because he pissed off them and the British because he wanted to nationalize the oil fields and so they had to replace him with the shah of Iran and had the brutal Savek police force that tortured and abused many 

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Brad Trost: Most Tories are skeptical of man made climate change

Mr Brad Trost in a very good article from the Vancouver Sun writes about the conservatives who are skeptical of the man made climate change myth but are afraid to speak out that is being used to shove carbon taxes down our throats and he is also a geophysicist who explains how there were periods in the earth's history where it was warmer than today such as in the Mediveal Warm period or the Mionan Warm Period as well to name some and he exposes the lie that CO2 drives temperatures when in reality Temperatures drive CO2 because after temperatures change after a few hundred years the CO2 comes after thus the whole idea that CO2 a life giving gas that is essential to life on earth alongside sunlight water, oxygen for example going to kill us is bullshit and the demonization of it by the radical left is appalling and a slap in the face to science and life itself. So I encourage anyone who is skeptical of the doomsday Malthusian death cult don't be afraid to speak out and challenge the junk science of this communist anti-human movement and who cares if the MSM smears you in process they are discredited anyway so really don't be afraid to use your voice. Update: He also talks about the real problems being ignored like the fact some Canadians don't have clean drinking water or the fact raw sewage is being dumped in the Ottawa River (where I was born in the town of Pembroke,Ontario and spent my summers as a kid at my grandma's place on the river) and elsewhere thanks to these pretend liberals but pay your carbon taxes on a life giving gas that is not harmful really shows what a bunch of hypocrites these radical environmentalist leftists are too

Turkey accuses CIA and others for Russian ambasdor to Turkey's assassination

Turkey's pro-government media promptly cast blame for murder on cleric Fetullah Gulen who has been granted refuge in rural Pennsylvania....

Yesterday a 22 year old off duty cop shot the Russian Amabassador to Turkey and right away the Turkish Media is blaming the CIA and the US for this assassination since the failed coup earlier this year they just had to find their scapegoat in Gulen who was granted refugee status in Pennsylvania and it is just really crazy and the gun man chanted all kinds of Islamist rhetoric and the article goes on to explain their accusations and interestingly Russian officials are accusing NATO of the assassination as far calling it a false flag operation because Russia is destroying  ISIS(the West, CIA and NATO's creation) and they believe that this was somehow payback for that and we know that Turkey has backed many of the terrorists in Syria causing all the horrible things over so to me their(Turkey accusing CIA etc.. Of this) accusations are hypocritical  when they, CIA and their criminal pals in NATO along with their neocon friends in Ms Clinton when she was Secretary of State  created these terrorists in the first place so reallyit is quite something for sure and certainly something to keep our eyes on from a geo-political stand point's report on these assassinations of the Russian Ambassador and others recently very interesting report and some of the timing surrounding them as well

Monday, December 19, 2016

Official: Electoral College confirms Trump president of US

Despite the establisment leftists and all the damn rioting from anti-trumpers Donald Trump won the electoral college today clinching the 270 needed to be the 45th president of the United States so thankfully the electors ignored the establishment despite all the death threats against them and defied them but still the establishment can still try to undermine him however so far so good so keep your fingers crossed until January 20th and I would like to thank all my supporters and readers who I do this for and for my nephews so they don't have to live under tyranny. Merry Christmas to you all and I hope 2017 is good to you all God bless

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Top Experts expose man made climate scam/fraud at Freedom conference in Florida

Top experts like Dr. Tim Ball, Lord Christopher Monckton and others gathered in Phoenix, Arizona exposing the man made climate scam and the CO2 is pollution lie being used in this country to shove carbon taxes down our throats especially in Alberta right now and to and extent Ontario, BC thus far and this took place in earlier this month and they also talked about the global enslavement plan known as UN Agenda 21/2030. Dr. Ball exposed the junk science behind the man made climate scam and the eugenics/population control aspects of this horrible movement by exposing matlhusian wingnut John Holdren and his cookbook for human genocide written with his fellow Malthusian globalist piece of trash Paul Erlich called Ecoscience where it talked about putting sterilants in water, forced sterilization and the radical abortion activists favourite and Chinese style forced abortions and promoting anti-family/anti-child policies  and Dr. Will Happer exposed the unfair and lunatic demonization of CO2 which is a life giving gas and is beneficial to the planet but these facts do not matter to our globalist thugs in power and their radical environmentalist minions however fear not people are waking up to this and we must use this information to our advantage in stopping or repealing carbon tax legislation

"To be anti-carbon is to be anti-life and anti-human"-Viv Forbes

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

14 ways the globalist establish plan on destroying Trunp's election and ATIP docs reveal globalist Trudeau tried to interefering with BREXIT

The establishment is in full-blown panic mode at this point....

The elites are in panic and are using Russia as the perfect pawn to overthrow Trump and steal the election from him and Mr Snyder the author of the article does an excellent job of breaking down just how these wretched fools plan on doing this and it is funny these radical leftists didn't seem to mind when Hillary was getting money from Saudi Arabia or Obama interefering with the U.K. Referendum to keep Britain from separating from the globalist  EU now all of a sudden they are going after Russia
But in reality these globalists will stop at nothing whether they stage a war, this, a false flag using their deep state operatives until they get what they want either trump dead or something else

And for the UK referendum I learned from the Rebel yesterday that Trudeau tried to interfere with  brexit too where Mr. Chris Wilson their BC bureau chief exposes documents from the ATIP showing how our globalist loving bastard Trudeau and Global Affairs Canada tried to con the Brits into remaining in the EU It is very interesting and should make your blood rage this type of behaviour our treasonous globalist puppet PM is unacceptable

we must continue to keep our foot on the gas against the globalists on both ends here and on the US I really hope nothing happens to Mr Trump whether one likes him or not overthrowing a free and unrigged election is wrong folks so stay vigiliant folks and on Canadian front we must unite and keep exposing the same elites who control puppet Trudeau as well and kick them out of this country once and for all

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Hollywood elites and their establishment friends reject Gosnell movie because it exposes the crimes of this monster

Ann Mcelhinney and her husband Phelim Macleer behind the terrific documentary Not Evil Just wrong exposing the radical environmentalists plan to demonize plant food known as CO2 in order to take our freedoms away have put together a movie about Kermit Gosnell who is one of America's biggest serial killers exposing his crimes of killing mothers and babies and the establishment bureaucrats helping cover up what was going on and they funded this through Indiegogo and raised well over 2.2 million dollars in order to expose the MSM coverup of this case. They tried to get it distributed from major companies but they rejected it because it told the truth about how disgusting abortion is and how anti-human it is but the good news is they are planning an independent release and they wrote a book about Gosnell which you can pre-order on Amazon as it comes out on January 24th but this is nothing new the establishment and their crooked Hollywood elitists are out of touch with the people and only care about covering up lies and deception and to me is also one of the reasons that people voted for Donald Trump who ran on a pro-life position.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Defiant globalist Obama trying to provoke Russia in order to stage war to undermine President elect Donal Trump

Turkey declares de-facto war on Syria, Russia as Trump pledges new relationship...

Turkey has declared war while Obama has military excercises in places like Norway and accoring to police there have been drones in the area and even deployment of American M1s if one wanted war with Russia but you see the globalist neocons are trying desperately to stage a war with Russia as a way to undermine Trump and madman Erdogan admitted the whole goal is to overthrow the Assad regime in Syria so by these moves I would say this could be bad but Russia has said they want no conflict with anyone and Putin wanted to work with Mr Trump to build better relations so very interesting times and something we need to keep our eyes on because the globalist neocons and the rest of the establishment will do anything to hold on to their grip on to power whether it is staging a war or a false flag operation (which the deep state operatives in this system are not above doing ) so stay watchful folks

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Radical Leftists at Buzzfeed attack HGTV stars Chip and Joanna Gaines of Fixer Upper because their pastor believes in traditional marriage of one man and one woman

So buzzfeed did an article attacking Chip and his wife Joanna Gaines because their pastor at this church in their home state of Texas promotes the traditional view of marriage between one man and one woman but even though the couple have never spoken publicaly about their views on this issue they are still being attacke by the radical left and the corrupt MSM. Now as you all know I have nothing against LGBT folks for the most part and yes I have had my issues with some of the left wing organizations like GLAAD for their hypocrisy on certain issues like the Phil Roberson controversy from a couple years ago which this story here feels like to me like the same damn fascist Stalin like tactics to silence people who disagree with their views so they resort to attacking and name calling and in the other article with the gay writer of the Washington Post even he went after buzzfeed for their atrocious shoddy journalism and defended those who support one man and one woman marriage  saying that they shouldn't be attacked because of that view point and he went on to explain how the LGBT's on marriage lost the plot on the issue because they were intolerant of those who disagreed with them by calling them homophobes instead of listening to their opposition. The thing here is on this issue is who gives a shit, so they happen to be successful Christian business owners on TV and have kids who you see on their show and even if their opinion of marriage is the same as the pastors again who cares Yet time and again the radical left don't know how to leave well the hell enough along and have to destroy people over this non-news piece it is rather disgraceful and really shows just how discredited the MSM is overall and why 94 plus percent no longer trust them because of this nonsense