Thursday, June 20, 2019

10 signs that man made climate change is not only a fraud but a cult and this week the liberal commies declared a “climate emergency” This week our communist globalist government declared in the House of Commons a “climate emergency” in order to justify taxing the shit out of Canadians based on the lie that CO2 is harmful and is going to kill is all if we dont pay their elite friends like Al Gore and send all kinds of money to the useless and corrupt United Nations and this article here from a couple of months ago  demonstrates the cult like behaviour of the man made climate change fraud promoters and here is the video from Sheila Gunn Reid of the Rebel media reporting on it and the good news though is some conservatives and the leader of the People’s Party of Canada Maxim Bernier thankfully voted against this nonsense we truly live in a gong show right now here in Canada please share the links with your friends and family because this is vital information since there is an election coming and it also seems that all the establishment parties(Liberals, NDP, Greens and establishment CPC) have drunk the climate cult koolaid given the CPC announcement of their own “climate plan” which is just a stupid as the liberals and frankly will do nothing except give more handouts and other garbage it seems to me the only party that is against the man made climate fraud and the UN’s Paris accord is the Peoples Party of Canada and I posted their plan a while back but I will repost it so you can compare for yourself

Monday, June 10, 2019

More Proof Free Speech and Christianity are under attack in Canada: a Pastor in Toronto got arrested for preaching the gospel David Menzies of the Rebel Media interviews Pastor David Lynn who was arrested recently for simply spreading the gospel and love of god and Jesus in Toronto’s Church and Wellesley Neighbourhood which happens to be LGBT and he was doing nothing wrong as you will see in the video and he was also assaulted and the cops in this case were nothing more than pathetic cowards who cowered to political correctness so shame on them for acting so unprofessional and cowering to the leftist LGBT SJW Mob instead of standing for the Pastor’s right to free speech and freedom of religions and this is a great interview that you should share with people who you know and your family

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

CPC MP forced to apologize because he corrected a witness about the Christchurch shootings as the witness tried to compare conservatives to the Christchurch lunatic There were hearings this week regarding so called hate speech online and in light of the Christchurch shooting the elite sure has hell is using it to crackdown on free speech and so this week CPC MP Michael Cooper corrected a Muslim witness who was from this Alberta Muslim organization who wrongly tried to blame conservatives to the Christchurch shooter and so Mr Cooper quoted from the manifesto clearly showing the shooter was a crazed leftists and hated conservatives and was 100% correct well it didn’t take long until the PC police got all up in a roar and Andrew Scheer the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada acted like a true coward that he is showing to be and forced Mr Cooper to apologize for being right about the facts of the Christchurch shooting it is truly despicable and shows that free speech is clearly dead in this country and the fact that the CPC are not willing to stand up for that basic western and Canadian principle of free speech shows me yet again of why I never voted for them in the last election and why I sure as hell am not now and I think Mr cooper will be kicked out of caucus and will prove my point and the video is by the Amazing Polly who is an incredible researcher and reporter and you should check out her channel

Monday, June 3, 2019

People’s Party of Canada presents refreshing environmental platform that does not promote the man made climate fraud and exposes the CO2 is pollution lie the People’s Party of Canada just put out their policy on the environment and  “global warming” and I have to say it is the most refreshing platform I have seen and it focuses on the real problems like the lack of clean drinking water in our First Nations communities  and exposes the tired climate  alarmism of the radical environmentalists on the left and promotes the facts that Co2 is not pollution but an important gas for all life but the best part is they want to get out of the fraudulent UN paris accord which I and others have said that Canada needs to get out of since it promotes world government and steals our money feel free to take a look at this platform and the other ones and also feel free to sign their petition calling out the corrupt and taxpayer funded MSM like the CBC, the Toronto Communist Red Star who have gotten 600 million dollars of OUR TAX DOLLARS to be Leftists props of the liberal communist party of Canada