Rosa Koire On Agenda 21 And ICLEI Canadian Awareness this past summer did an Interview with Rosa Koire about one the greatest scams in history besides the fraud that is man made climate change: UN Agenda 21 and explains how Canada and 170 plus other nations signed on to this land grab.. it is very interesting and many large cities in Canada are members of ICLEI including Calgary, Toronto, Montreal, Regina, Kitchener EVEN THUNDER BAY, ON(where I live and long suspected it was a member this confirms my suspicions) is on this list to name a couple you can even look this up your self: I have said many times this has nothing to do with environment this is all part of the globalist takeover for their world government using the fraud that is man made climate change as the excuse to take our private property rights and to DE-populate the world...
I URGE anyone who lives in Thunder Bay, Calgary, Montreal to name a few to SPREAD THIS POST AROUND.. THIS NEEDS TO BE EXPOSED!!!!
In Thunder Bay it is under the "Green Fleet Plan" and they even admit in this document that I found through the cities website that they admit they are indeed a member of ICLEI!!! here is the proof:$126+Fleet/docs/Green+Fleet+Plan.pdf and this document is from 2009!!! If you have the stomach to read this 30 page document please do.. it is nauseating and I just found the minutes from a meeting from 2008 from the Transportation & Works through the Environment Division: it shows that The City contacted ICLEI energy services and accepted their report that was entitled "Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Local Action Plan for Emissions Reductions" which is being implemented through the Community Envrionmental Action plan planning process and that they told the Federation of Canadian Municipalities Partners for Climate Protection Program which Thunder Bay is member of. This report was done by ICLEI Steering Project Coordinator Lisa Scott.