Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Obama may lay fraudulent carbon tax to help US deficit and a whole lot more as I continue to cover the post puppet elections the same bank that has been caught money laudering is saying globalist puppet who was re-elected president Obama is considering a tax on a life giving gas CO2 to help the US deficit when in reality this is a huge scam that has nothing to do with the environment and more to do with controlling our lives through fraud and it will only destroy the remnants of the economy which is already been damaged by the globalist banking cartel. They plan to start taxing this life giving gas that is been unfairly demonized at 20 dollars a metric TON!!! this scam has already been introduced in California, China and Brazil may get involved in this fraud... The people who voted for globalist puppet number 1 are getting what you deserve: TYRANNY!!! if your founding fathers were still alive they would be disgusted..

Senator Jim Inhofe's reign of GOP on Environment and Public works is coming to an end as the GOP limited its members to 6: (original report appeared in Greenwire) Senator Inhofe I want to thank you even though I am Canadian for fighting against the environmental marxists and their scam that is man made climate change and you were the only one who allowed dissenting scientists to speak against this pseudo-scientific piece of garbage...