Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Hockey stick graph shows how energy has helped humanity


Shameful how we here in the west take for granted how cheap reliable energy has made our lives better even though the radical left is hell bent on keeping our resources here in Canada and elsewhere in the ground or stopping us from using them for example Ontario the green energy scam has raised electricity prices(something our politicians here ignore when they talk about this issue) based on the CO2 lie and it is also hypocritical of the radical left when it is ok to get oil from human rights abusing countries like Saudi Arabia but Alberta/Canadian oil is satan??? talk about insanity for sure and also these are the same people who are denying the poor life saving cheap reliable energy and nutrtious food that will solve nutrional issues like Vitamin A deficiency for example. I am so tired of the attacks on Canada's oil sands, our oil and gas workers it is disgusting for sure but the good news is people are growing wise to these radical environmentalist anti-human anti-freedom tyranny seeking blood sucking globalists freaks at Greenpeace, the UN and others who are seeking to control the entire world based on this CO2 myth nonsense.

this site I linked to is another great site that exposes this as well and the guy who runs is a Meteorologist and often has great guest articles and even his own so check out Wattsupwiththat.com as well

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants"-Thomas Jefferson

Monday, February 8, 2016

NARAL freaks out over Dortio's ultrasound super bowl ad for humanizing babies


(National Abortion Rights Action League is what Naral stands for-editors note)

Doritos had an ad during the Super Bowl featuring a guy and his wife and the ultrasound image of their child(btw the guy who did this the image was of his own son though it was slightly altered it still was a real image) and I seen the ad and it was great and also really funny too but the pro-abortion anti-humanists bizarre reactions to this only demonstrate how anti-human they are since they can't handle the truth and the facts that babies are HUMAN and that without life there is no liberty nor pursuit of happiness but they only see babies as parts that can be sold on the black market but then go after the messenger on bogus chargers for merely using a fake id to expose the crimes of planned parenthood and in any undercover operation whether it is investigative reporters exposing something or undercover cops using fake alias to get bad guys is something that is perfectly fine but as the link I will provide shows these charges against the center for medical progess are bogus as the day is long http://www.lifenews.com/2016/02/04/david-daleiden-posts-bail-on-bogus-charges-of... and there is petitions to get these insane charges dropped against Daleiden and his colleague Sandra Merrit which got well over thousands of signatures
Also NARAL got 6.6 million dollars from their rich oligrach friends Warren Buffet and George Soros
http://www.lifenews.com/2016/02/08/warren-buffet-and-george-soros-gave-6-6-million...  article states this money was given between the years 1989 and 2013 truly disgusting if you ask me