On the heels of Obama being re-elected, The Congressional Budget office released a report called "Offsetting a Carbon Tax's cost on low income household's. The Associated Press reported the very liberal Brookings institute and conservative American Enterprise institute are revisiting the idea of a U.S Carbon tax. California's first cap and trade bidding took place yesterday despite a lawsuit by the state's Chamber of Commerce
and of course our favorite globalist environmental nut job Al Gore premiered another 24 hour online global warming propaganda fest(that I covered yesterday) called the 24 Hours of Reality: The Dirty Weather Report which coincides with Gore asking Obama to re-introduce the carbon tax as part of saving the economy.
It would seem this is alive and well, if this piece of trash and his globalist minions get their way it is coming to a bank account near you
Despite the fact that man made climate change is a FRAUD, that has been used to implement world government.
Remember Captain Planet?? there was 5 people called Planeteers who were charged with saving the Earth from so called villians like Duke Nukem(representing misuse of Nuclear Power), Hoggish Greedy(to represent overconsumption) Looten Plunder(who represented capitalism) and Mame Slaughter(to represent animal endangerment) I remember watching it as kid not knowing that their co-Creator Ted Turner was a EUGENICIST and has advocated for Chinese style one child policies and recently said that it was good that US soliders were killing themselves!!! So it seems this cartoon was nothing more than a propaganda tool all along..
Truly sickening indeed We have all heard Harper and former PM Paul Martin talk about world government but it is because the UNPA(United Nations Parliament Assembly) formed in 2007 and has 800 members of parliament in 100 countries including Canada. There is a list of 74 MPs(including Bruce Hyer of Thunder Bay) who have signed this appeal.. This is a truly disgusting disregard for our freedom and sovereignty here in Canada.. and it also includes eco-fascist scumbag David Suzuki...
THIS IS TREASON!!!!!!! THIS IS TREASON!!!!! and all of them who signed this should be charged with it and go on trial....