Saturday, November 10, 2012

Is Remembrance Day in Canada being removed from our history by politicians who hate freedom and democracy??? The Men and Women who fought for this country(I had relatives on my dad's side and my mum's side who fought for Canada in World War 2) who literally fought against a tyrant and the people who backed him up(the rockefellers, IG Farben and etc.) Canada used to be a great example like the US as a beacon of light for liberty and freedom.

Not so now, this great country my great uncles fought for and the rest who served bravely has been highjacked by the mega-corporations and the private foreign banks and the families like the Rockefellers, Demarais Family etc.. who control them. They have used the fraud that is the 9/11 official story as an excuse to push illegal spying on the internet, the Patriot Act in the US and a whole host of other unconstitutional moves. They have also used the fraud that is man made climate change and the hoax that CO2 is pollutant to steal our property rights through Agenda 21 UN Land grab and to hold back third world live saving development. Here in Ontario, they have bragged how they have shut down 11 of our 19 coal plants(including the one west of Thunder Bay, where I live) and thanks to the scam that is the fraudulent Green Energy Act, this is a disrespect to November 11th.

Now provinces are agreeing to allow students to OPT OUT OF remembrance day ceremonies in schools if their parents find it "offensive".. What in god's name is so offensive about honoring the people who risked their lives for this country and some even died trying to make sure our freedoms (before they have been pissed on) were protected. I always cringe when I see our politicians thank our soldiers for their service when in reality they treat them like shit the way they do whether it is cutting their benefits, denying them services to name a couple examples. I remember when I was in high school and I was going to catch the bus to Lakehead University(where I was doing a co-op education program at the admissions office)  and given it was Remembrance Day(btw it was cold out) this Older gentleman stopped me and he said something along the lines about how people used to respect that day and etc... given everything I research in this blog and how they use our soldiers as an excuse for their political proxy wars I think he was bang on now that I think about his words.

However I would like to thank our brave men and women who serve our country and remember those who gave their lives for this once great country before it was highjacked. I am sure they would be rolling in their graves if they were to see how corrupt and tyrannical our country has become thanks to the globalist elite eugenicist bastards who despise freedom and democracy, who despise peace and love, who despise diversity, the very thing my great uncles(on both sides of my family) and our men and women fought and died to prevent this...