US Navy: Man-Made Climate Change is a Viable Threat to National Security
(This story is out of
Admiral Samuel J. Locklear is so concerned about "man made climate change" that he believes it is a security risk and threat to the United States with regards to North Korea's entanglement over nuclear war and China being a detriment to the US in general.
Locklear commented that "global warming" has the potential to "cripple the security environment, probably more likely than the other scenarios we all often talk about. You have the real potential in the not to distant future of nations being displaced by sea levels"
The US Navy Energy, Environment and Climate Change task Force(TFCC) created in 2009 in order to "address the naval implications of a changing arctic and global environment" and is "empowered to make recommendations to Navy leadership regarding policy, investment. and action. and to lead public discussion on this serious issue" and all of this other stuff
and Last June a bogus sham of a study done by Nature Climate Change blamed all the "warming" on mankind and that we can control the temperatures of the oceans despite the fact it is all fabricated bullshit and the oceans are not rising either BTW
Peter Gleckler, an eco-fascist scientist at the Lawrence Livermore National Labratory stated: "Although we have performed a series of tests to account for the impact of various uncertainties, we found no evidence that simultaneous warming of the upper layers of all seven seas can be explained by natural climate variability. Humans have played a role"
Translation: Even though there is no evidence of warming in the oceans it is still all your fault so you must give your sovereignty on an outright psuedo-scientific piece of horse-shit known as man made climate change and that a life giving natural gas which is important for all CO2 is evil so we have to make you pay fake carbon taxes so they can control every aspect of our lives through Agenda 21
and the LLNL is nothing more than a fake propaganda arm of the government that is using this fraud as an excuse for national interest which include Bio-terrorism, Energy, Defense and etc..
LLNL is also a private corporation being used by the US government to act as a "research agency" used to promote the man made climate change myth/hoax to con the public yet again that this nonsense is a threat to national security and in May of 2012 Leon Panetta made similar statements that were just as ridiculous as these ones