In something that may give Israel the perfect excuse to cross a UN buffer zone in Syria, a suspicious Syrian rebel group who have gotten arms from Saudi Arabia and Qatar has kidnapped 21 United Nations peacekeepers who are Fillipino(video provided in article) The peacekeepers were part of a force monitoring a cease fire between Israel and Syria in the Golan Heights and was occupied by Israel during the 6 day war back in 1967 so in essence Israel and Syria are technically still at each other's throats. Israel had removed Syrians from the Golan and moved a bunch of Israeli settlers in the 1970s. In 1980, the people of Israel voted to annex the Golan Heights..
According to a statement made by the United Nations at their headquarters in New York: "the UN observers were on a regular supply mission and were stopped near Observation Post 58, which had sustained damage and was evacuated this past weekend following heavy combat in close proximity, at Al Jamlah"
Thursday the group engaged in battles with the Syrian army in the Southern province of Daraa near the Golan heights said British based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights director Rami Abdul Rahman, he reported that there was fighting going on near the village of Jamlah where Martyrs of the Yarmouk Brigades kidnapped the 21 UN peacekeepers from the Phillipines
Rebel spokesman in the video and has been translated thanks to Israeli websites goes like this: "We demand a full retreat of all of [Syrian President Bashar] Assad's forces from Jamlah and the Daraa province. The Syrian military has been bombing the village relentlessly and those that are helping them are the U.N... if no withdrawal is made within 24 hours we will treat them as prisoners"
Though it remains to be seen if Israel is going to use this latest development in the Golan Heights region to go beyond the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force buffer zone which was established in 1971 according to the article. It is well known Israel violated the United Nations Security Council Resolution 1701 numerous times which was supposed to resolve the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict by entering in their airspace and breaking sound barriers over villages in Southern Lebanon. Also Israel attacked UN outposts in Lebanon on several occassions during their tiff with them and in August of that year the Israel Defense Force(IDF) shelled a UN Truce Supervision Organization patrol base in Khiyam killing 4 peackeepers..
(the Group BTW is the Martyrs of Yarmouk Brigades that is in the video which is provided in this report just to clarify and we all know these rebels have had funding from the United States as well so very interesting indeed I provided a video of Syrian Girl(as she is known) interviewing a reporter from Press TV who have been censored in parts of the world and they talk about the current Syrian situation, it is a very excellent video packed with great information)