Thursday, March 21, 2013

Obama Global Head of Al-Qaeda, GM salmon rejected by Whole Foods and other Food retailers

Globalist puppet US president Barack Obama is now the global head of Al-Qaeda-bankrolling, arming and equipping terrorist groups around the world to achieve his administration's geo-political goals-while using the threat of terrorism to piss on civil liberties and destroy the American constitution in the process and not just there but around the world as well

It has been established that those merely suspected of being involved in terrorism are subjected to drone strikes, under the his own furthering of the so called war on terror, Obama must order a drone strike on the White House So would he??

The administration has spent a billion dollars($365 million plus another $60 million) is now using US special forces to train militants in Syria who have pledged their alliance to Al-Qaeda and who continue to carry our mass brutal beheadings, bombings, targeting innocent people and chemical attacks on women and children

These same militants are not only backed by the United States but every other major NATO power and have repeatedly shown their hatred towards America by attacking christian churches, burning US flags and the rest of it while glorifying 9/11. The New York Times reported these same terrorists killed US troops in Iraq and yet the Western backing for this insurgency against Assad has allowed violent extremists to take control of Syria

Multiple reports show that the main Al-Qaeda group Jabhat al Nusra, are now commanding the rebels and there has been heavy fighting going on in Syria. The London Guardian reported as well that the rebels in Syria are being led by the NATO/US backed Al-Qaeda terrorists who meet with them "every day" and train them how to create bombs. The top 29 Syrian opposition groups have sworn their alliance to Al Nusra and the head of the Syrian National Coalition of the Revolutionary and Opposition Forces Sheik Moaz al Khatib has publicly shown his support for them. These same groups have vowed to finish the job on the US once done in Syria and proclaim to see an Al-Qaeda flag flying over the White House

In addition Americans who are "suspicious of centralized government authority" and support the "reverent of individual liberty" have been called terrorists by their own damn government, US citizens who openly take arms with terrorists in Libya and Syria are allowed to fly around the world without being held accountable at all

so by the Obama administration supporting the Al-Qaeda group(which was a creation of the CIA) under the guise of regime change and humanitarianism is following the same terrible policy that it used in Libya, backing the CIA backed Al-Qaeda affliate Libyan Islamic Fighting group who killed US troops in Iraq to toss out Gaddafi

It has led to the country being ruled by a bunch of criminal thugs who have tortured and executed black Libyans and led to the Benghazi attacks back that were done by the same LIFG terrorists that the US government had backed!!!! Even after Gaddafi was tossed out, NATO continued to airlift LIFG militants into Syria that are still fighting and impose Sharia law across the region.

It is clear that the Obama administration have stripped other targets of drone strikes in their supporting of terrorism and genocide around the world which is disgusting and hypocritical since they gave Obama a Nobel Peace Prize!!

American citizen Anwar AL-Awlaki was killed by a drone strike for merely producing propaganda and communicating with accused terrorists. His 16 year old son was slaughtered merely for having his father's last name for god's sake. Other Americans like John Walker Lindh were held at Guantanamo Bay and were tortured there.

Yet last week Afghan President Hamid Karzai accused the Obama administration of colluding with the Taliban while they carry our suicide bombings under the guise of serving America

So in essence by backing terrorists groups in Afghanistan, Libya and now Syra, Barack Obama has now the head leader of the Al-Qaeda. Wherever they want to dominate geo-politically, US/NATO backed Al-Qaeda will do their dirty work for them and it is all paid with YOUR TAX MONEY FOLKS!!!!

truly sickening...

Yet another blow to the GMO industry, major US Food retailers have signed on to the "Campaign for GE-Free Seafood" found here

The retailers include Whole Foods, Trader Joe's, Aldi and more. It is the latest private sector blow to the deception of the biotech industry. Consumers have overwhelmingly rejected GMOs even if the FDA is conspiring with biotech companies to shove this genetically engineered food down the throats of the consumers. Organizations like Natural News, The Organic Consumer Association and the Institute for Responsible Technology have organized grassroots efforts to pressure food retailers to either label GMOS or to completely reject them.

According to this press release: "A coalition of consumer, health, food safety and fishing groups today launched the Campaign for Genetically Engineered (GE)- Free Seafood by announcing that several major grocery store retailers representing more than 2,000 stores across the United States have already committed to not sell genetically engineered seafood it it is allowed onto the market. The FDA has stated that it will likely not label genetically engineered salmon, providing consumers no way of knowing if the fish they are feeding their families is genetically engineered. At least 35 other species of genetically engineered fish are currently under development, and the FDA's decision on this genetically engineered salmon application will set a precedent for other genetically engineered fish and animals(including cows, chickens and pigs) to enter the global food market"

Of Course the corrupt mainstream media has tried to downplay all of this by refusing to link the website for fear of readers learning more about 'Friends of The Earth" and their GE-Free Seafood petition and we all know as well that the Mainstream Media has conspired to attack GMO labeling, deny the presence of GMOs in food and spread pseudo-science and propaganda that favor the Biotech industry. But they are losing the battle over GMOs and losing their audience as well. The New York Times has done a shameful disgraceful job when it comes to reporting the truth about GMOs and it is no surprise that NYT seems on the verge of bankruptcy while being known as the "toilet paper of record" also it seems the FDA is hell bent to hide GMO ingredients in foods as a way for consumers to have no idea what they are eating and buying. This campaign of the intent to have the consumer completely in the dark with disinformation and ignorance which is the key to the underlying workings of the FDA and Biotech industry which is to lie to everybody, hide GMOs, confuse, deny, Pollute the ecosystem, poison the fields falsify science and rake in big profits which is the agenda of the biotech industry. However they are note getting away with it, This is the second huge announcement by Whole Foods as just a couple weeks ago they had announced mandatory GMO labeling across its stores by 2018

Whole Foods has realized that coming on the wrong side with the GMO issue is nothing short of corporate suicide and the other retailers have better grown wise because trust me they will be exposed by good independent investigative journalists so while it is good that Whole Foods is making this effort to label GMOs by 2018 but should it turn out to be a PR(which I hope it wasn't) stunt no doubt it will be exposed on the internet and the grassroots activists will hold them responsible