The Chinese are engaging in a massive breeding operation with the goal of creating a breed of cognitively enhanced individuals. What is more, the China-based eugenics factory recently brought up a large genome research in the US, basically given the chinese free reign over the DNA of Americans.
In an interview with Vice magazine, evolutionary psychologist Geoffrey Miller admitted to donating his DNA to this endeavor by one of the largest genetic research institutions in the world out of China's Shenzhen province. Miller, by his own words, is one of the 2000 so called brainiacs selected by IBG Shenzhen for their transhumanist project. Asking how the company plans to go after potential DNA contributors, Miller replies:
'They seen mostly interested in people of Chinese and European descent. They're basically recruiting through a scientific conference, through word of mouth. You have to be able to provide evidence that you're smart as you say you are. You have to send your complete CV, publications you've produced, standardized test scores, where you went to college... stuff like that"
and after this process, the candidates are informed via email. Miller again:
"I just got an email a couple days ago saying they'd almost finished doing the sequencing for the BGI Cognitive Genetics Project, the one I gave my genetics to, and that the results would be available soon"
According to him, the DNA samples were collected from so-called geniuses of Chinese and European descent. He also stated that the purpose of all of this was to create a smarter breed of humans for the Chinese state. In response to how the Chinese are planning to use this DNA, Miller explains:
"Any given couple could potentially have several eggs fertilized in the lab with the dad's sperm and the mom's eggs. Then you can test multiple embryos and analyze which one's going to be the smartest. That kid would belong to that couple as if they had it naturally, but it would be the smartest a couple would be able to produce if they had 100 kids. It's not genetic engineering(note: it is so genetic engineering why else would they take DNA from the mum and dad if they wanted to create their so called smarter breed of humans?? my god) or adding new genes, it's the genes that couples already have"
Miller stressed that this program is designed to be successful over a long period of time. He acknowledged that the Chinese may be motivated by economics to breed "smarter" humans. "Even if it only boosts the average kid by five IQ points, that's a huge difference in terms of economic productivity, the competitiveness of the country, how many patents they get, how their businesses are run and how innovative their economy is"
Miller also takes the freedom to speak for the Chinese people when it comes down to their transhumanist program, claiming in so many words that the Chinese people are OK WITH THESE types of interventions. Contrasting US eugenic interventions to Chinese ones, Miller is again quoted:
"We have ideological biases that say, "Well, this could be troubling, we shouldn't be meddling with nature, we shouldn't be meddling with God". I just attended a debate in New York a few weeks ago about whether or not we should outlaw genetic engineering in babies and the audience was split. in China, 95% of the audience would say, "Obviously you should make babies genetically healthier, happier and brighter! There's a big culture difference"
These words coming from a lunatic who the Chinese think is some sort of genius. If this man is some type of pre-cursor to this envisioned nonsense, then God help us all. If you think this breeding program is to be unethical but safely far away.. think again. The Chinese have expanded this program to the United States. Just a couple days ago BGI Shenzhen announced they had completed the takeover of US based Genome research institute "Complete Genomics". According to a press release, the takeover was "the first time a Chinese company has successfully acquired a US public company"
Chinese state sponsored genetic engineers are now expanding to the US. On their own website, Complete Genomics brags "Our human genome sequencing technology, which is based on our propriety DNA nanoarrays and ligation-based read technology, is superior to existing commercially available whole human genome sequencing methods in terms of quality, cost and scale"
How wonderful eh? My god, now we have this technology in the hands of sociopathic eugenicists from China hell bent on creating a "smart" breed of humans. This notion to create, through genetics, so called enhanced people(physically) is not only on the minds of the Chinese but of the globalist elite.
IN an article titled the Population Problem written last October 2012 by Herman Daly, a former World Bank luminary and professor at the University of Maryland, the suggestion is made that "climate change" should prompt the scientific community to breed smaller humans and by doing this Daly maintains "could be the simplest way of increasing metabolic efficiency(measured as number of people maintained by a given resource throughput)"
Daly:"(...) human organisms might be genetically redesigned to require less food, air and water. Indeed smaller people would the simplest way of increasing metabolic efficiency(measured as number of people maintained by a given resource throughput). To my knowledge no one has yet suggested breeding smaller people as a way to avoid limiting births, but that probably reflects my ignorance. We have, however, been busy breeding and genetically engineering larger and faster growing plants and livestock. So far, the latter dissipative structures have been complementary with populations of human bodies, but in a finite and full world, the relationship will soon become competitive"
The professor is completely wrong in his claim. You recall earlier that year lunatic professor of philosphy and bioethics at New York University S. Matthew Lia wrote a paper about human engineering to "consume less" and of his insane proposals was that parents could use genetic engineering or hormone therapy in order to birth smaller and "less resource-intensive children"
Folks the chinese may have launched this terrible eugenics operation for economic reasons, However history shows us that these breeding programs are nothing more than genocidal and exist with current population reduction methods under the guise of whatever they are pushing all thanks to 2 big frauds: Overpopulation and man made climate change
(disclaimer: this story might make you want to throw up and is incredibly disturbing and regardless of your own views on vaccines whether you are for them or not, I felt like this was something that I should share with you all)
Here is the story: American babies are being used as medical guinea pigs to test a new bioweapons anthrax vaccine(this was reported in Reuters) and the president's ethics panel (ethics is not a typo). Presumably these could be black babies as the US government has a history of testing medical experiments on Americans and seem to always target black people(will get to that later)
The purpose is for experimenting on U.S. black babies is of course so the FDA will approve a "pediatric anthrax vaccine". Never mind that anthrax is not even a threat and there has been zero outbreaks but this is an example of how corruption within the pharmaceutical industry and government are working together to develop a vaccine that is not even needed so they can give to the government under the auspices of "homeland security" and no doubt the scientists at Big Pharma are clamoring over this prospect some are not thrilled by this. According to Reuters: "[People].. say children would be guinea pigs in a study that would never help them and might harm them"
Reuters goes on:
"Vera Sharvav, founder of the Alliance for Human Research Protection, predicted that such a study would cause "moral harm for us as a nation and suffering for the children. They should have said, "thou shalt not" Now if that statement does not give you chills then there then I don't know
in 2006, the writer of the article published a timeline of medical experiments done in the United States and most of them were funded by the US government and their targets were poor people, minorities, prisoners and soliders. Soon the writer found himself defending the article by suggesting using monkeys instead of people on an online comment section and the response he got from someone was that "Poor black babies are cheaper than monkeys" after he got over the shock of the statement and realized that this is the viewpoint of some who think human life is cheap and it is true that lab monkeys cost a lot of money somewhere in the 10s of thousands but a human baby can be picked up by CPS any day of the week and some even perhaps taken for medical experiments and if you don't believe this, the article links to story that did with a former CPS worker who blew the whistle on their child trafficking but was later "suicided" ( Ms. Schaefer was exposing the CPS corruption and international child sex slave rings at the time) though not all CPS workers are criminal as there are good ones but this does happen unfortunately
This is not the first time such a thing like this has happened, between 1932-1972 Tuskegee syphilis experiments took blace on Black men for 40 years and it is described like this:
"The U.S. Public Health Service in Tuskegee,Ala. diagnoses 400, poor, black sharecroppers with syphilis but never tells them of their illness nor treats them; instead researchers use the men as human guinea pigs to follow the symptoms and progression of the disease. They eventually all die from syphilis and their families are never told that they could have been treated) Tuskegee proved that the U.S. government is willing to perform these experiments on poor black citizens which only in turn killed these poor men so that the elites at the pharmaceutical companies could make money
Of Course ethics panels were used in Nazi Germany and the people on this clearly have insiders who have roots to that with IG Farben(funded by Bush's Grandfather and others) and Bayer. Bayer was involved in horrific inhuman medical experiments on Jewish Prisoners. It was former co-Chair of Bayer Fritz ter Meer who was convicted at Nuremberg for Nazi war crimes some notable Nazis involved in medical crimes:
Kurt Blome, who admitted to killing Jews with what was described as "gruesome experiments" was hired in 1951 by the US Army Chemical Corps to work on chemical warfare
Carl Wusrster of BASF helped manufacture the powerful pesticide used to execute millions of Jews Zyklon-B gas.
The Nuremberg War Criminal Tribunal convicted 24 of the IG Farben executives for mass murder, slavery and other crimes against humanity however in less than 7 years every single one of these genocidal freaks were released and brought to the US to consult with American corporations. From 1950-1980, Bayer, BASF and Hoescht all filled their highest positions, Chairman of the Board, with convicted mass killers!!!