Over the last few years the political and banking elite oligarchy in Europe and the United States have put in policies, regulations and bailouts costing global taxpayers trillions of dollars under the guise of saving the economy and restoring prosperity.
What happened in Europe is further proof they have done squat to fix the underlying issues that led to the crash in 2008. People don't seem to think the government won't go after their bank accounts which include retirement accounts, cash savings even gold look no further than Cyprus, the latest recipient of bankster led bailouts. So the people of Cyprus are scrambling like mad people to withdraw funds from their bank accounts after the EU, in agreement with the Cypriot government, announced they will decimate funds held in personal bank accounts to the tune of 10%!!
The European Union has determined the people have Cyprus have to pay for the debt of the government and the banks that created it through FRAUD NO LESS are confiscating money from the bank accounts of their citizens and this seizure will be used again to bail the private banks that conspired with their government to pillage the people of their finances because of their criminal activities.. truly disgusting
This is plain theft folks and no matter where you are in this world, the government is already making preparations for this engineered economic collapse and will take EVERYTHING YOU HAVE
This is also UN Agenda 21, the planned destruction of wealth and prosperity!! under the guise of saving the world from a life giving natural gas CO2... these are sick people