New study released yesterday by the Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics found strong evidence of a link between thunderstorms and solar activity in Brazil from 1951-2009. According to the authors, thunderstorm "behavior with respect to the 11 year solar cycle suggest a global mechanism probably related to a solar magnetic shielding effect acting on galactic cosmic rays as an explanation for the relationship of thunderstorm and solar activity" and backs up Svenmark's theories on cosmic rays playing a role with the weather here on Earth with the addition of solar activity and the documentary they did which is the video posted here is called the Cloud Mystery which explains this relationship very well
The Treasury Department Office of Environment and Energy has finally begun to turn over documents about how it is preparing for a carbon tax in response to Chris Horner's Freedom of Information Request. These prove that the Obama administration and their allies in Congress have every intention of ramming a carbon tax down the throats of ordinary people if they are not stopped. The Office of Environment and Energy, is housed in the Treasury Office of International Affairs and exists mainly to wait to administer this ridiculous fraudulent tax to reap the revenue from it from a cap and trade or carbon tax scheme to trick the American people into supporting this tax that has nothing to do with environment at all and is more about controlling people's lives under the guise of saving the planet from a non-harmful essential life giving trace gas carbon dioxide all this will do is redistribute the wealth from the middle class, people on fixed incomes and etc. into the hands of the globalist banking elite to fund their world corporate fascist tyrannical government using the United Nations. Getting back, there's the G-20 report that was titled "Mobilizing Climate Finance" which pegs the price tag of $2.1 trillion dollars of so called investment requirement in a so called global carbon market then there was an IMF report from Ian Parry of the Fiscal Affairs Department on Public Sources of Climate Finance" and stated the goal for the US is to "raise revenue and put it to good use" the suggests a $25 per metric ton carbon tax- which is right in the center of the range that was in the draft legislation released by US Rep. Henry Waxman, the top Democrat on the House Energy and Commerce Committee and noted that nearly $25 billion dollars could be sent for "climate finance" and he later goes after aviation and maritime fuels as "under-taxed" and has suggested taxes on fuels from or directly on aircraft and ship operators. Parry rightfully notes that this "will harm developing countries-for the simple reason that it's economically harmful"
So in a nutshell this is a huge scam based on a complete pseudo-scientific piece of nonsense known as man made climate change/man made global warming and is really UN Agenda 21 in disguise to shut down industries and further implode the economy and really screw the poor of this world who deserve so much better than these sociopathic eco-fascist tyrants Yes Another green fascist from Australia no less is advocating that helping the poor lift themselves out of poverty will KILL THE PLANET!!! is given time in the UK's Guardian to spout this anti-human garbage and to suggest that for this planet to be "sustainable" we have to let the poor live the way they are by living in shacks made of animal shit/mud, let them die of preventable diseases like diarrhea for example. How nice of this piece of trash to suggest such an awful thing and there are 2 articles including one from Steve Milloy of about these Enviro-Whack jobs worrying about how stopping poverty could undermine "sustainable development" almost reminds one of the DDT scam the eco-tyrants ran in the 1970s that was controlling malaria but thanks them it got banned and nearly 100 million Africans were infected and killed and half the victims were CHILDREN!!! under the banner that the poor are better off dead than to reproduce..
I can't wait for the day when these bastards are arrested for their horrific crimes that they have been allowed to get away with for far too long..
The Oregon House Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources heard testimony on Thursday regarding 3 bills that concern genetically modified organisms including labeling initiatives and an outright BAN on the importation of genetically engineered fish.
H.B. 2175 would require foods that contain or are produced using genetically modified materials to be labeled. Supporters of the bill point that over 80% of food in US grocery stores contain genetically modified ingredients yet have no indication of that. Those in opposition such as Monsanto of course, claim that labeling would hurt them and local economies financially and would put a STIGMA on their products(good lord)
Never mind the long term studies that came out last year that showed genetically modified foods to have negative effects on health such as sterility, hair growth in the mouth and infant deaths in hamsters and a study done by Dr. Michael Antoniou, a molecular biologist at King's College London School of Medicine that rats fed a lifetime of this crap produced large tumors by a 200-300% increase and 50% of males and 70% of females died early
Also H.B. 2530 would also stop the importation of genetically altered fish into the state as well as the farming, cultivation or incubation of such fish and releasing them into the wild will also be illegal
The genetically modified salmon, known as "AquAdvantage" is the first GM animal to be approved for human consumption in the US. Produced by Aqua Bounty Technologies INC, the salmon has been engineered with genetic material from an eel-like species called ocean poutto to produce the natural hormones and would grow in less than 250 days and etc..
Very interesting given the recent announcement by Whole Foods and others coming against GE seafood...