Friday, March 1, 2013

European Commission moves forward to implement UN AGENDA 21!!

on February 27th the European Commission published a document announcing that it will "lead the way" in world environmental tyranny through a "unified policy framework" basically aligning themselves with UN Agenda 21.

The document is 30 pages long and was titled " A Descent life for all" and these treasonous bastards at the EC says it "aspires to a "leading role" in an "overarching framework" towards global tyrannical government. These radical ecologist commies pretend to care about worldwide problems like poverty, environmental issues all handpicked by the sociopathic globalist trash preparing to use any excuse under the sun to wedge their power at and international level the expense of  the sovereignty of nations

and The document talks about how the world has changed and includes "shifts in global economic and political balance, increased global trade, climate change and depletion of resources, technological change, economic and financial crises(Note: which they orchestrated through fraud) increase consumption and price volatility of food and energy consumption, population changes and migration, violence and armed conflict and natural and man made disasters and increased inequalities"

Folks this has nothing to do with environment. It is clear the elite bastards are using it as an excuse to control our lives, impose their worldwide 2 child or one child policies all under the fraud of saving the Earth from a life giving gas Carbon Dioxide through this fake environmental movement and have their eco-fascist world tyrannical government

The article also shows how the EU is going to implement the genocidal population control aspects of this anti-human piece of garbage known as Agenda 21

These are sick people folks..