Paul and Ann Ehrlich, the eco-fascists malthusian scum who helped their fellow eco-fascist malthusian piece of shit John Holdren write the population control cookbook known as Eco-Science back in 1977 are now out it again: "the best way, in our view, to achieve(...)population shrinkage is to give full rights and opportunities to women, and make modern contraception and back-up abortion accessible to all sexually active people"
IN their horrific paper titled Food insecurity will eat away at our civilization published March 2nd, neo-eugenicist and radical ecologist Paul Ehrlich gives a condensed version of what this sick man talking about his latest "research" to prevent what his colleague Phillip Carfaro calls "interspecies genocide" and repeats the conclusions of a his study for the American Institute of Biological Sciences, which proposed mind control and increased environmental regulations.
In their summary(which I only provided a brief excerpt) is the full one where the Ehrlichs write:
"The best way in our view, to achieve(...) population shrinkage is to give full rights and opportunities to women, and make modern contraception and back up abortion accessible to all sexually active people. While the degree to which these steps would reduce total fertility rates is a matter of controversy, they would deliver significant social and economic benefits by making huge reservoirs of fresh brain power available to solve our problems, while saving hundreds of thousands of lives by reducing the number of unsafe abortions"
(Note: More People=Better Economy and High Standard of living but do not tell that to these enviro whack jobs)
Paul and his wife have been busy lately pushing their genocidal lunacy and even their study was endorsed by the Royal Society and by none other than Prince Charles.. the article goes on to expose their malthusian anti-human drivel in excellent detail
so in essence it is either genocide or give up our rights to the globalist who want world government and the truth is we are not overpopulated it is a myth and really eugenics in disguise