Thursday, March 14, 2013

New Pope Tied to Argentina's Dirty War

Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who was appointed to Pope yesterday and was the former Archbishop of Buenos Aires, was involved in Operation Condor's "Dirty War" in South America.

This was a product of Chile's secret police known as DINA and 5 other security states in Latin America-Argentina, Bolivia,Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay-Operation Condor was an intelligence operation that was to "monitor, assassinate and disappear leftist dissidents who threatened the bankster economic operation underway in South America"

In Chile, their brutal dictator Augusto Pinochet exported his murder operation to the US. Back in September 21st 1976, a former minister of the Chilean Allende government- was overthrown all thanks to a CIA coup d'Etat was murdered in Washington DC along with his aide from America Ronni Moffit

Business Insider reported an article written by Hugh O' Shaughnessy that was posted on the London Guardian website in January 4, 2011. He ripped into the Catholic Church for the role they played in Operation Condor and the disappearance of 30,000 South Americans. He cited an Argentine author Horacio Verbitsky who documented the execution of thousands of political dissidents. The method used was to push dissidents off Argentine Military planes and dump them from the air ton the waters of Rio de la Plata or Atlantic Ocean

"Verbitsky recounts how the Argentine navy with the connivance of Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, now the Jesuit archbishop of Buenos Aires, hid from a visiting delegation of the Inter-American Human Rights Commission the dictatorship's political prisoners. Bergoglio was hiding them in nothing less than his holiday home in an island called El Silencio in the River Plate. The Most shaming thing for the church is that in such circumstances Bergoglio's name was allowed to go forward in the ballot to chose the successor of John Paul II. What scandal would not have ensued if the fist pope ever to be elected from the continent of America had been revealed as an accessory to murder and false imprisonment"

Sergio Rubin who is a biographer described Bergoglio's behavior not so much as being complicit as pragmatism. "Rubin said failing to challenge the dictators was simply pragmatic at a time when so many people were getting killed, and attributed Bergoglio's later reluctance to share is side of the story as a reflection of his humility"reported the Associated Press yesterday after the 76 year old "austere Jesuit intellectual" was elected pontiff more over a human rights lawyer Myriam Bregman actually tried to get Bergoglio to court for the alleged role he played into 2 kidnapped Jesuit priests and handed over to an Argentine death sqaud. The priests had instructions to "leave their pastoral work" following divisions in the Society of Jesus, a catholic order from the elites of Argentina. The Jesuit mistake was criticizing the Catholic Church and their relationship to the Military Junta. Michel Chossudovsky of Global Research has an article regarding Operation Condor and the Catholic Church(

The Military Junta(as the article from Global Research reports) was led by General Jorge Videla who was responsible for killing priests and nuns who opposed the military rule following the CIA takeover and overthrew Isabel Peron's government:
"Videla was among the generals convicted of human rights crimes, including "disappearances, torture,murders,kidnappings. In 1985, Videla was sentenced to life in prison of Magdalena"(note: this has all been de-classified and there is a document shot showing how Operation Condor was to "find and kill terrorists of the "Revolutionary Coordinating Committee" in their own countries and in Europe. Brazil is cooperating short of murder operations" basically anyone who opposed their regimes were considered "terrorists" and therefore needed to be assassinated!!)

getting back here, It turns out that Bergoglio was heading up the Catholic Church when the globalist elite were destroying Argentina's Economy. The country's military dictatorship was supported by the Wall Street fascist bankers and David Rockefeller. Michel Chossudovksy writes: One of the key appointments of the military junta(on the instructions of Wall Street) was the Minister of the Economy Jose Alfredo Martinez, a member of Argentina's business establishment  and a close friend of David Rockefeller. The neoliberal macro-economic policy adopted under Martinez was a "carbon copy" of that imposed in October 1973 in Chile by the Pinochet dictatorship under advice from the "Chicago Boys", following the September 11, 1973 coup d'Etat and the assassination of president Salvador Allende"

"Under the helm of the Minister of Economy Jose Alfredo Martinez de Hoz, central bank monetary policy was largely determined by Wall Street and the IMF. The currency market was manipulated. The Peso was deliberately overvalued leading to an insurmountable external debt. The entire national economy was precipitated into bankruptcy"

So in essence here folks is the globalist IMF and the World Bank accomplished their task in South America which was to impose malnutrition, misery, poverty and death

Greg Palast wrote before his "suicide" that "Pinochet did not destroy Chile's economy all alone. It took nine years of hard work by the most brilliant minds in world academia, a gaggle of Milton Friedman's trainees, the Chicago Boys. Under the Spell of their theories, the General abolished minimum wage, outlawed  trade union bargaining rights, privatized the pension system, abolished all taxes on wealth and on business profits, slashed public employment, privatized 212 state industries and 66 banks and ran a fiscal suprlus"

Very interesting indeed and the same thing is happening now here in the West through the deliberate destruction of our economy from the same group of mega-corporations, private foreign and domestic banks and the families who control them!!