Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Radical environmentalists urge government to brainwash kids into believing that having we're humans is will save earth from fictional man made climate change

https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/schools-should-teach-kids-to-have-one-fewer-child-for-the-sake-of-climate-c the radical anti-human environmentalists are at it again this time really showing themselves to be the eugenicists that they are a study published by two malthusians in  university student in BC Seth Wyne and in Sweden Kimberly Nicholas published this bogus crap that having less kids would save the earth from evil life giving gas that plants need to grow but don't tell them that and even made the leftist guardian paper in the UK but Steve Mosher of the Population Research Intstitute in this article here exposes their lies and deception for what it is and underneath it all is really to implement Chinese style one child policies here in North America and we all know how evil that was and still is over there with the sickening human rights abuses of such a barbarism but again the elite's religion is eugenics and death so it should not come as a surprise to you at all in the least

In other news Dr Michael Coffman who exposed the globalist evil that is UN Agenda 21 died recently of cancer and was a true patriot I read his book Plundered about the progressive ideology that infects us today and it was an eye opener for sure and I highly recommend if you have not read it to go get yourself a copy on Amazon or other stores https://www.infowars.com/dr-michael-coffman-patriot-who-exposed-agenda-21-passes-away/ my condolences go to his family and his friends
RIP Dr Coffman your work exposing these globalist bastards for the scum they are will never be forgotten God Bless