Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Trudeau thinks if you are a small business owner or a farmer you are a tax cheat and Ontario's attack on independent marijuana shops

https://youtu.be/X_IfOGcjPtY in this video by world alternative media they break down the globalist puppet Trudeau's latest assault on small business, farmers, doctors etc.. by making them pay more taxes because he thinks that they use them to cheat on their taxes and also exposes how taxation is merely theft and how Canada is literally becoming Venezuala where if you speak out against something you are racist and etc.. Also Sheila Gunn Reid of the Rebel in her latest exposes how the establishment left preach so called tax fairness though they gave 200,000 dollars of taxpayer money to this yacht club in NOVA SCOTIA!!!!!!!!! https://www.therebel.media/trudeau_liberals_preach_tax_fairness_while_giving_yacht_club_200k so really this attack on our farmers and etc.. Is really just a another cash grab as she explains in the video so they can feed their deficits they can't manage at all

To me this really shows the hypocrisy of these elitists in our government who never worked a damn day in their life but punish the people who are working hard with even more draconian taxes like the carbon tax for example which is basically the tax on everything you do based on the lies that evil life giving gas is going to burn the planet unless you pay these nitwits money

And on top of this you have the Ontario government and the big Union bureaucrats in control of Marijuana by selling it in the LCBO http://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/egan-sell-pot-just-like-lcbo-where-boss-earns-500k-and-clerks-27-an-hour in order for more state control and thus this will kill the mum and pop independent stores who were selling marijuana for medical purposes who were doing a fine job but that is not not good enough for the state is it and this will only cost the taxpayers even more money and here is a video by press for truth's Dan Dicks breaking down this monoply of the provincial government the LCBO(Liquor Control Board of Ontario) and even the RCMP https://youtu.be/gBh4hlj665M It is truly appalling in both examples of how the state is attacking ordinary people and small businesses in order to kill the enterpernuerial spirit and get rid of the free market once and for all