Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Fake news idiot Brian William admits agenda to scare people about North Korea

Establisment hack Brian Williams said in one of his programs the other night regarding the tensions with North Korea and Trump exchanging fiery commentary and with the NK's having nukes thanks to neo-liberal alleged rapist Bill Clinton and the rest of the neo-liberal warmongering scum(video provided in article) but it shows just how the MSM likes to cheer for war by ramping up fears in order for the government to take away more civil liberties in the process and by the corrupt msm cheerleading the neocons thirst for warmongering and pushing pro-war propganada  only allows the deep state military industrial complex to brainwash the public into supporting another war  using their tax dollars to do so and the fact that North Korea is basically a communist third world hell hole and don;t really have the tech know and can't even maintain and electrical grid so I don't view them as threat but what this article shows is how the threat is not from North Korea itself but the Washington Neocons and Pyeonchang possibly orchestrating another Korean War and I have a feeling that the deep state neocons might try to start up a false flag al a northwoods to get it going

Update: Steve Piezcenik was on today breaking down how this whole North Korea situation is really a psy-op to distract from China/India having their own conflict and how he talked it about it before so the plot thickens and stay tuned