Tuesday, May 30, 2017

DHS Boss John Kelly:stay in your homes

http://anotherdayintheempire.com/dhs-boss-stay-homes/#comments On Fox News DHS Boss John Kelly given the recent attack in Manchester caused by US-Saudi-CIA-MI5 backed Wahabbist murdering jackasses are all around us and that we should just stay home and suck our thumbs and allow the state to take more of our rights. While I am not discounting the horrible attacks in Manchester the odds of you dying in a terror attack are about 1 in 20 million when also you are more likely to also die from heart disease as this great article from NewsBud's Kurt Nimmo talks about how the establishment neocons while using lies to sell war and can also use fear mongering like tactics in order to get the general public to accept more bombings in the Middle East thinking it will stop things like this but it will only make it worse in the long run and we will continue to see blowback until the people arming and funding these terrorists are put in jail and the war hawk neocons and establishment democrats who supported the illegal wars under Obama are prosecuted for their crimes as well see this video mr nimmo did on how the radical establishment left killed the anti war movement it is very interesting https://youtu.be/R3gsAdAkdOY