Friday, June 2, 2017

Bilderberg 2017: Elites push Russia election lie but meet in secret in order to try and get control back Bilderberg is underway and in this infowars report they break down how the elite keep pushing the Russia hacked the election garbage meanwhile they are meeting illegally and in secret in order to figure out how these stupid globalists can hold on to their power and how to destroy freedom all over the world and of course Trump pulled out of the globalist anti-human and anti-freedom Paris agreement based on the lie that essential life giving gas CO2 is going to kill us all but give up your sovereignty and your rights so now they are freaking out over that some of the hysterical reaction online was pretty damn hilarious but also showed their arrogance as well  and here is another video this time from Press For Truth's Dan Dicks as he confronts Canadian finance minister Bill Morneau since he is there in attendence  so I hope you enjoy these reports stay tuned

Update: here is an article from the federalist of the hysterical reactions of trump bailing out of the Paris agreement make sure you are not drinking anything because you might spit it out laughing at the insanity of the radical environmentalists on the left enjoy