Monday, November 20, 2017

University elites censor grad student for using TVO clip featuring Dr. Jordan B Peterson debating draconian bill C-16 A Wilfid Laurier Grad Student named Lindsay Shephard drew the ire of the social justice warrior university elites for showing a debate from Tv Ontario's the Agenda that featured Jordan Peterson of the University of Toronto over the draconian bill C-16 which basically if you don't use the marixst's made up gender pro-nouns you could go to jail here the Rebel media provided from global news the Audio of the meeting she had with the 2 elitist professors and let me tell you it is must listen and it will make your blood seethe with rage at the temerity and hypocrisy of the 2 bureaucrats and the way they bullied and harassed  this poor young lady was just disgusting and I listened to it and it made me sick and was the perfect example of how campuses these days despise freedom of speech

This type of crap needs to stop period

Update: The university president thanks to public shaming apologized to Ms Shepherd but according to her Twitter the task force and investigation have not gone away so this is a small victory in a long battle for free speech