Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Alberta Education "unaware" of sexually crude content from taxpayer funded site

Holly Nichols of the rebel media reports how a woman named Teresa Ng of informed parents came across a website on the recommendation of Alberta Education to help schools with Gay Straight Alliance clubs no to be fair these clubs were only mandated on the basis of students and while there is nothing wrong with these clubs but the website in question was promoting very crude sexual content that was very inappropriate for kids and this was being funded by the taxpayers nevertheless and one of the people behind this once compared Christians to Nazis and all sorts of anti-Christian nonsense as ms Nichols explains in her video

Now for the record I am not against LGBT folks As I had an uncle who was a gay man and he was a great guy and unfortunately he died of AIDS when I was young and I have some followers on Twitter who are LGBT as well  but I do not like how the radical left has decided to use LGBT people to shove inappropriate sexual content onto young kids it is gross and it should not be allowed and I am sure my uncle if alive today would probably not approve of this either and the fact that they were using taxpayer money for this is even worse and something that people should be outraged over

It is high time we kick the state out of education and bring it back to the parents and the local school boards because this is what we get when government controls education