Wednesday, April 5, 2017

UN LGBT Marxist Czar targeting children by saying "the younger the better" and why this is not good

Concerned family groups were hoping the globalist corrupt bureaucracy known as the UN would stop shoving LGBT things down kids throats well it is not happening anytime soon since the UN LGBT czar thinks it is ok to shove adult things onto young kids furthering their war on religious liberty under the excuse of protecting LGBT's from discrimination and using tax payer money to do so which is even worse and even worse they invited the defunded UNFPA who has committed horrible atrocities in China under their horrible anti-family policy to push their real agenda of population control which is the entire goal of these elite scum. The LGBT movement has been highjacked by the globalist communists and are using LGBT to push their eugenics and anti family  cult onto the people by shoving this down kids throats which is not cool at all and all the more reason why people are home schooling these days because I get it now

(Note: as you know I for the most part don't hate anyone who is LGBT given I had a gay uncle like I mentioned recently but my problem here and most people's problem is who the radical left has highjacked the movement to use for their own nefarious purposes) and this agenda is also being used to shut down free speech here in Canada with Bill C-16 and Univeristy of Toronto Professor Jordan Peterson was under assault from the radical left because of his opposition to this bill which forces people to use fake gender pro-nouns with the force of the state and even trans people have come out and supported Jordan Peterson and slammed this bill as ridiculous so you know it is bad then but the good news is people are waking up to this and I certainly hope that. Bill C-16 and the other anti-free speech laws in this country get repealed