Friday, July 21, 2017

Trump ends CIA's money gravy train to Anti-Assad rebels who were linked to western backed ISIS Some good news here the Trump administration has ended the CIA's money train to the anti-Assad Syrian terrorists who were linked to the West-CIA-Saudi backed ISIS and other groups like Al-Nusra and others but on the other hand other groups are continuing to get money so we will have to wait and see but this idea that it was the other administrations fault is kind of true but not so the CIA funding terrorists and training them has been going on forever since the Afghan/Soviet war days and but only got worse as the years went on and the war on so called terror has cost America a lot of money and lives while making the military industrial complex and their elite friends richer as result of this and their 9/11 excuse to do so(in the which the official narrative is total fraud and the investigation of was a complete joke but that is for another time)

Stay tuned