Saturday, October 14, 2017

Hollywood elites exposed in massive sexual harassment and groping and wider abuse Well it has been in the news that Harvey Weisntein was caught sexually assaulting and groping numerous women in Hollywood and even male actors like Terry Crews have come forward with their own stories of sexual harassment and groping and in this world video here World alternative media and Dan Dicks of press for truth break it all down and how Weinstein was also a donor to the democrats including corrupt Hillary Clinton and here is another video by former rebel reporter Lauren Southern who also breaks this down too and covers other scandals like the CIA running drugs for example in comparison to all of this regarding the Tom cruise movie American Made where he played Barry Seal who helped the CIA do this and as I mentioned before they had been doing it since the Korean War days in another blog post

It seems the cover up of these things is falling apart and that is a good thing for sure as disgusting as all of it is