Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Omar Khadr and the government;s waste of 10 million on him As you all know the Canadian government gave 10 million dollars to Omar Khadr who way back many years ago was accused of killing a US medic in Afgahnistan and blinding another with a grenade and the reason was alleged human rights abuses in Guantonmo Bay also however Khadr had confessed not under duress to the killing of the American medica according this report from the rebel and apparently under international law he was no a child solider so therefore could be tried for his crimes the problem here is the blatant hypocrisy of our government any returning solider from here only gets 360,000 dollars but this guy gets 10 million for killing and blinding someone really it is stunning but the other thing is if Khadr's rights were violated as they say then there was another way to go about it instead of wasting 10 million dollars of taxpayer money

now you all know I was no fan of the wars in the Middle East because they were based on lies and deception and you also know I am no fan of torture either but given all these reports here and everything else that all in all this was a huge waste of money either way